Limits are being pushed, lines are being crossed, and boundaries are being explored as Cody Cummings raises the stakes and changes the game again by placing his knee on top of Donny Wright’s buttock.
If you thought Shadowkiss took gay porn to another level, prepare to have your mind blown with the breathtaking new film Master Masseur. In it, Cody Cummings breaks yet another taboo when he agrees to touch another man with his bare hands during a massage.
Shockingly, Cody Cummings plays the masseur and not the masseur client, meaning that Cody is the one initiating the explicit physical contact with another male. While there are many ways Cody Cummings could have avoided actually touching his male co-star (he could have worn gloves or he could have used a hand stunt double), our king of gay porn challenges his own moral compass by engaging in man-on-man, skin-to-skin contact, going so far at one point to even use his knee to apply pressure upon another man’s butt cheek.
Has Cody Cummings finally gone too far?
Is there anything left for Cody Cummings to do that could finally push him over the edge?
#prayforCodysknees (via Bengay)
[Cody Cummings: Master Masseur]
wow…I’m surprised he did it with that much lighting…
You must have a really small dick. Do you drive a big truck? I bet you do? I bet you are 5’7″ tall and your dick when hard is just barely 4″ Oh, i know you didnt make it as a journalist so ” means inches. You need to change your picture on this blog, you are one ugly dude.
If you dont like his scenes why do you watch them? You failed as a journalist so you blog and call yourself a journalist. Couldnt cut it in NY so you decided to bring your line of bullshit to the only place people might listen. SF. I know you wont post this because you are afraid others might see you for the ugly loser you are. I know a good plastic surgeon, but hes not a miracle worker, but seriously, give it a try. You are NOT a journalist.
Maybe, cody thought he was playing twister. You know right knee on butt. Cody cummings is a fucking joke. He is about as sexual as paint, it starts out wet and then finishes dry.
So Cody Jerks off Donny at the end cum flys everywhere. Cody doesnt cum just uses a towel to wipe hands. Cody looks like SHIT in this video.
I thought he was retiring after Shadowshit. If a masseur ever did that to me I would haul off and beat his ass.
He has a face like a blown up gorilla
this was a fucking waste of time!
people have different needs!!
Sorry, too explicit for my taste.
Amazing to think they were paid to basically do nothing. Nice work if you can get it.
Sorry guys, I can`t agree with you. O.K., this scene is different to other gay porn scenes, but very much erotic. And the happy ending is sooo sexy. There are really a lot of people loving his work, even the man to man scenes. And Cody`s beautiful “soft penis” is hot hot hot !!! Keep cool guys, we say: live and let live !! If you don`t like Cody o.k., but don`t hate him. Sorry about my bad english, I`m from germany. Greetings to all of you.
Does Jeanne Marie have a cousin?
“Cody’s beautiful soft penis”?!?! ROTFLMFAOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!
Your English is just fine, Dagmar. It’s much more impressive than Cody. Viele Gruesse.
Thank you so much Say What. You are very welcome and Viele Gruesse back to you. Dagmar
Personally, I just love Cody. He gives me the hardest boners ever and yes, his soft dick is HOT! Which comes to prove that there is room for every taste in this business.
Cody needs to resist the uge to speak and chit chat. He sounds like an idiot, just like his neck tattoo (family???) would suggest. “Just doin’ it for the fans!” How kind. He’s such a giver!
CC this is insulting. There are gorgeous men out there that would enjoy an Ass that perfect. How did this homophobe get his own site. They said you can’t make real money in porn and he doesn’t escort so why doesn’t he just open a bore me to death health club or something. Really if you pay for this with the fantastic hot porn that is out there you need your head examined!
And naturally Cody’s dick is as soft as ever.
Who needs sleep aids when you have this and Dylan Mucus…..
I wonder if Stephan Sirard’s neighbors in Sonoma know that he is shooting gay porn in that house? The interior of the home reflects Stephan’s taste in men, tacky and tasteless.
I’m disappointed. Thought CC would certainly wear a surgical mask in this scene. Must be careful!! What we can’t see in this photo/video is the custom-designed Men Of Certain Stature step ladder he used to attain such great heights.
Poor Donny, easiest money he’ll ever make doing absolute fuck all and even that couldn’t keep him awake and interested.
Ummmmmm. What the…! I think Donny Wright is absolutely gorgeous, but even he doesn’t know what the…is going on either! Wow, let me get a membership to this. Stat!
Anything attractive about Donnie Wright was lost to me when he joined up with this shitty site and seeing him in these pix ugh, ya donnie you just lost all credibility.
This is fucking hilarious! Cody is a comic genius!
I can’t figure out what Cody’s supposed to be doing to Donny’s ass here. It makes less sense than Logo promoting it’s Teen Mom Marathon.
This guys is becoming a total joke. He is massaging the ass of the other guy with this knee while his penis is soft and then gay guys PAY a subscription to see this…!!!! Are you kidding me!!
Donny’s in a video with someone else and no one sucks his delectable uncut dick of his?! How utterly pointless!
*that delectable uncut dick of his
Ugh… Cody -_-
Donny Wright is HOT HOT HOT, he should have his own site. CC is so fukn boring, LOL.
Agree 100%! Just don’t want to be a NDS site,they can turn the most hot guys into boring performers,ugh!
Soft Soap Aquarium Series Antibacterial and Vaseline Intesive Care. Someone should contact Lever to see about product placement.
Cody Cummings is a WHORE
Won’t this dull of a porn performer ever go away.
Oh Donny I adore you,but this is too much for me! And by the way,should be #prayforDonny,because personally I feel no one cares about Cody Cummings(or his knees) whatsoever.
Cody Cummings’ body of work, brings to mind the phrase, “Feasting on Scraps”. One can easily empathize with Wright….Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
What’s that big wooden round thing behind them?
A chopping board? I’m not sure. Cody’s got his big, stupid foot in the way.
I think a chopping board stand’s quite a good idea if you lack for surface space.
They seem to have an impressive range of liquid soaps too. Is that some Palmolive and Sanex I spy?
That’s a really big chopping board but if that’s what it truly is, its nice.
It’s a Designer Pizza Stone from TJ Maxx that was on clearance for $10 because there was a chip in it…..I dunno, I’m makin this S#@* up…….
It’s a big terracota plate.
* terracotta *
Thank you!
this is the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen. new low for donny wright