At first it looked like a prop when he posed with Kyler Ash (on the right) several weeks ago, but today Jake Cruise was back in that wheelchair again while filming a new scene (on the left). Is this what it’s come to for Topher DiMaggio’s ex-boyfriend? Wheelchair sex? Stay strong, Jake! []
Above, it says “just don’t be a dick”. Did any of you read that before typing your bitchy comments below? Gay community? What a joke…..
Can I just say, I don’t think Jake Cruise is repugnant. I’m 25 and, granted, the oldest man I’ve ever been with is 45, but you know something, some people will find him attractive, me included. I wouldn’t shag him bareback and he’d get nowhere near my arse with his dick, but you bet I’d lay out on his bed and be serviced in all my youthful glory by that bloke. It’s really not a crime to like his vids. I love them myself and will continue to watch. Besides, if you want truly horrific scenes of boy abuse by old trolls, then those who haven’t already must check out – that shit is real nasty – and far too much even for me.
I’m jealous. I want John Magnum and Kyler Ash to be sitting on my lap.
That’s John Magnum with the hat on. He’s done a lot of stuff with Jake. And I love John. I wouldn’t have sex with Jake if my life depended on it. But these guys are performers. Period. They go where the money is. Do you think when they escort they say, “um no, you’re 60 gross and fat, I’m not taking your $300 to fuck your flabby loose hole.” Nope. They take it
I’ve met Jake Cruise in person at a few of the industry gatherings and he’s a really nice guy. It’s so easy to judge someone in gay porn using stereotypes and cliches but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s still a regular guy like the rest of us.
His brand in this industry has its own strong following and using a wheelchair as a prop isn’t a gimmick that he would resort to in order to squeeze out a couple new subscribers or sales.
If the precious Brent Corrigan got a scrape on his knee, half of this site would crawl over each other to offer to lick it clean and nurse him back to health but since Jake isn’t the 20-something gossip magnet, it’s easy to write him off as pulling a stunt or faking it. Shame on you guys for not actually considering the idea that not only has something potentially tragic happened to one of the more well known figures in the gay industry currently, but at least he hasn’t let it stop him from doing what he does and continuing his business – which isn’t going to run itself.
Speedy recovery Jake and keep doing your thing!
Is this some kind of parody? Honey if his brand was so strong he wouldn’t have shut one of his sites down and pared his output down from 5 updates a week to 2. He puts out these stupid stunts/gimmicks frequently.
At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t the one that “leaked” the Miss California beauty queen story for attention.
This is why HBO hired 42 year old Matt Daman to play Liberace’s lover. People don’t like seeing men having sex who are more than 40 years apart in age – or maybe the secret is that we do? – somebody is watching that stuff.
I’m so glad that I am not you.
After Meals on Wheels, now there’s Dick on Wheels … Yay!
Next On Jake Cruise: “Hot and Horny Hospice Buds.” They’re fucking raw cause they ain’t got nothin’ to lose.
Omg this just SLAYED me! I’m coughing & laughing and they both hurt. LMFAO!
Lol omg I just laughed till I was choking! Jake cruise, god that name even leaves a bad taste in my mouth, is disgusting.
Is the porn industry so hard to get into that models have to trick with Jake Cruise? I do not know who I find less appealing: Jake Cruise or pay-for-gay Cody Cummings. Both are totally discusting to me. Both love to look at the camera with that “You stupid idiots actualy pay to see us on camera and pictures.” I don’t know if they are more stupid, or the public who buys their stuff. How old IS Jake Cruise? How is his health? Rhetorical quetions.
This guy will do anything for publicity. eww
Well, for whatever it’s worth, the two wheelchairs above are different. You can tell by the wheel spokes. So, probably just a loaner from the local seniors home.
This would be a great scene for jake cruise. Btw does anyone see the resemblance between jake and Mac?
And yet, everyone that works with Jake Cruise will adamantly defend him like he’s their own father. It’s bizarre. It’s weird talking about how gross he is to someone and having them be like *gay gasp* “I worked with him and he’s a very good man, don’t talk about him that way!!!”. No. He’s gross.
He may be lots of things, but he could also be someone who treats models ethically and with respect. In this profession, that is hard to come by. That is the only reason I think anyone of them would come back to work with him at all.
Sometimes, being treated like a human being, rather than being treated like a sex object, is what entices them to spend time with you at all.
I think the market is growing for this kind of porn! I don’t find it attractive either but I think this situation is not unknown territory for gay porn models (even A list gay porn models) who do escorting. Or do you think that escorting gay porn models have only sex with goodlooking hot guys?
No, they stomach the ones who don’t get laid.
Although, a few hot ones do manage to buy sex too! Some don’t have the time of day to date, and others are closeted. So it isn’t exactly a select few ugly ones who hire.
Ask around, escorts talk.
Dude in the hat just looks…troubled to be there. To be honest, the twink doesn’t look so crazy about things either.
The things kids do for $800 nowadays….
The “dude” in the hat is John Magnum. Since he’s already shot with Jake, Kink, and transexual porn, I don’t think that much would phase him.
He escorts too. He is def’s a professional CS!
It’s already creepy as fuck seeing Jake Cruise in front of the camera in general, but to throw him into a wheelchair, I just can’t.
The only other times I’ve seen a wheelchair-themed scene was one at Titan that Joe Gage was directing. I didn’t find that all that appealing. Also the movie Stump or Stumped by Dick Wadd.
Just when you thought he couldn’t look more pathetic. Both the model and Jake have stooped to a new low. Please tell me who thinks this is sexy. lecherous old trolls covered in liver spots who still fantasize about having a chance with a hot guy? Please enlighten me.
lol im no jake cruise fan but cmon…. should he stop enjoying his life merely because he has been around the sun more times than you and has longer been exposed to oxidization as a result of the mortal coil in which we exist and are bound by time? lmfao we ALL grow old. i’m 24, i don’t find him attractive but if I get to be his age and have the money why the fuck would I NOT be surrounding myself with hot guys?
i think the age card is seriously the biggest load of crap. this ain’t logan’s run. We can still have fun and be young at heart in our older years. i have those thoughts too sometimes when i see someone clearly older acting or doing something that would seem ‘not typical for his/her age’ but then i catch myself and say “i will probably do stupid shit when i’m older too’
remember that age is a fluid thing.