Well, she’s still got it! Last night on Twitter, former gay porn star turned mainstream Hollywood independent gay film actor turned transexual drag queen enchantress turned gay porn awards show co-host Brent Corrigan a.k.a. Sean Paul Lockhart showed off his bangin’ rock hard bubble butt ass, his bangin’ new gym body and half-peen (via Will Wikle), and what many are speculating is an audition photo for GuysInSweatpants. Is Brent Corrigan about to mount a gay porn comeback??
Probably not.
Here’s BC/SPL on the set of the new movie he’s directing (did you know he is a film director now?), Double Penetrated. Just kidding, it’s called Triple Penetrated. Just kidding, it’s called Triple Crossed.
Triple Crossed (Day 3, Canyon)
He has totally buffed up….very nice! For all the crap he says and does there is no denying he always did look good and now um totally better.
He is sexy as Fuck!!! But what is it with you people calling little asses
Bubble butts?
If you have to pop out your booty it is not a bubble butt.
Eh eh the irony in that title “Triple Crossed” … LOL Anywayyy, his body looks amazing ! Better than ever, actually, but I doubt that it’s really possible to grow all those muscles naturally (I’m not an expert so I hope I’m wrong). I wish him good luck for his new projects.
I hope he is getting back into porn.He is hotter than ever now.I would love to see him in a scene with Austin.
Brent is gorgeous… That boy has it all.. he is so effing hot… from his twink days to now… .. what I wouldn’t give to get a crack at that ass…. though that arm size seems to indicate a modicum (or more?) of steroid use??
And Zach (despite his avowed love for the “model” Mick Phillips), I am sure, harbors his own hankering for BC. Little wonder then that BC keeps cropping up in his blog.
Sean/Brent or Brent/Sean is absolutely gorgeous there days as he was juts before he decided to change.
I like you splendid Man! You are so correct to make the changes in your life, even the frustration to no see u naked! But I like you and the freedom you are managing so well.
damn hotter than he’s ever been! never cared for him. but now that he has that body it sucks he won’t record it getting fucked. is he an escort lol?
That’s Fox Ryder !
He’s so cute.
Imma eat him.
Seriously, I am going to eat him.
I for one am extremely glad to say goodbye to twink Brent Corrigan. Never found him that attractive and what made me love his scene with Erik Rhodes was of course Erik Rhodes.
He is definitely looking smoking hot these days. And of course he’ll be back in porn. This acting career will take him nowhere, especially if he’s still posting stuff like this. But it will take him longer than we anticipate to realize that all he was good for was getting fucked on camera.
DAMN he’s looking fantastic, but it’s so sad to say goodbye to twink Brent Corrigan.
Love that booty. Want to give it a big kiss.
that’s not brent courigan
Brent Corrigan < Brent Everett < Brent from Corbin Fisher
I wish. BC was a huge diva, but he was just so hot it didn’t bother me.