Though stress alone can’t cause an appendicitis, it’s good he’s at the ER. An appendicitis left untreated can be deadly. I’ll update this post as details become available…
UPDATE: No appendicitis. Just stress.
Though stress alone can’t cause an appendicitis, it’s good he’s at the ER. An appendicitis left untreated can be deadly. I’ll update this post as details become available…
UPDATE: No appendicitis. Just stress.
Brent Corrigan Kisses A Woman In A Music Video
Sean directing “Tripple Crossed”, the film he raised money for on Indiegogo.
Just stress? Really? Man, white folks be overreactin’ to everything.
Zach, you need an update to your update …
His award winning acting career finally pushed him over the edge.
maybe he caught it at luna park?
I know you only write about Brent so much because he generates a lot of traffic for your site, but this is a little thin. He didn’t feel well, he went to the hospital, everything was mostly ok, and he went home. That’s it. Furthermore, I can’t understand the vitriol towards this guy. I honestly don’t get it.
excuse me, but Brent was the one who publicly dramatized this to his 22k+ followers not Zach. Slow news day, perhaps. But if Miss thang wanted her privacy she would have just gone to the ER and fainted with distressful abdominal pains privately. I’ll bet his “scene” in the ER also allowed him to cut in front of everyone else in the waiting line. Hell, she even used it as a photo-op.
If anything is a “little thin” it’s Brent Corrigan’s character, not this Monday afternoon, slap-happy blog post.
SoftKitty… Your litter box stinks… Drama, drama, drama!
That 2 seconds on RuPaul’s DR must’ve done it!
Stress from doing too much ?? Huh, didn’t seem to be ‘too much’ when he was being double penetrated … again ….and again …. and again.
Maybe his mainstream career success has become too overwhelming for the poor thing. Rest up.
… is now a good time to send flowers? At Hillcrest?
Oh hell… Never mind… B/S reported on Twitter it was not appendicitis but rather general stress & dehydration… from doing too much. Too much of what!?
The most common cause of appendicitis is being full of shit.
From wikipedia “The causative agents include… most commonly, calcified fecal deposits”.
Or, it could simply be a case of inflamed PMS. Hard to decipher without a lab workup. :-)
OMG lol she’s prone to those
I’m truly glad he has health insurance… I hope….
Or we will be seeing a kick starter called, “Help Brent explore his appendix” or “Get To the inner bowels of Brent”
Trevor Knight – !! LOVE YOU !!
I wonder where all his other kickstarter money went? I’m still waiting for that wonderful film he was going to make with it. Hmmmmmm……. Can we get a refund please?!
Yes, I do hope people realize he’s a thief with the Kickstarter campaigns. But then…all those poor idiots salivate when he films himself eating an apple like it’s their cherry.