Just when I was about to fall asleep reading this Queerty interview with Brent Corrigan, I see this?
What’s the story behind your appearance in Milk?
I actually read for a much bigger part in that film, but looking back there was no way I was every [sic] going to be seriously considered for it. It was an embarrassment walking into that casting room and reading the way I did. I was set up to fail. The disappointment is rooted more in that this group of filmmakers and filmmakers’ friends that were courting me for the role were basically playing me. I was smart enough not to fall prey to any of it. I suspected what was going on. Though, admittedly I was hopeful. I managed to get the tiniest credited featured “extras” role by chance while on vacation in San Francisco. The set was magical and I was there in hair and makeup right next to Emile Hirsch. I’ve met Gus a few times since and he’s always been polite. He wasn’t involved in the failed casting process. People always like to mention I’m in Milk [but] It’s embarrassing for me because it’s literally a flash on screen. The lines I had were cut.
So, he’s talking about Dustin Lance Black, right?
Or, that’s who he wants us to think he’s talking about, since he went out of his way to tell us that it wasn’t Gus Van Sant who screwed him, so to speak.
[ADDED: Brent’s talked openly about Dustin Lance Black’s role in not getting him a role in Milk before.]
If Dustin Lance Black “played” Brent Corrigan, does that make him any less of an amazeballs screenwriter?
Can you sleep with porn stars and still be an Important Artist/Gay Rights Hero?
How would Hollywood react if they found out that a filmmaker slept with a porn star?
Is having some of his lines cut the most “embarrassing” thing to ever happen to Brent Corrigan?
Should the Academy revoke Dustin Lance Black’s Oscar and give it to the writers of WALL-E?
Is Harvey Milk’s legacy ruined because Dustin Lance Black tricked Brent Corrigan?
Sweetbread #Professional Victim you hit THAT on the head. Brent shoots more holes in his Converse than Rick Perry’s slug filled cowboy boots. They may not have a Blacklist in Porn they SURE AS HELL do in Hollywood.
Good Luck on HollyWOOD Brent you are done stick a fork in that career!
If you think Lance Black fucked you over wait for his corn holing.
the article should read “I was edited”. Not played.
There’s nothing here he didn’t say on his blog three years ago, and he even went so far to name Dustin Lance Black then. It’s typical Brent actually–be so desperate for affirmation that you let yourself fall into an obvious sexual exploitation trap and then feel awful because despite knowing all along that it was a scam (or a freaking felony even) you let yourself be used just for that small hope that this time things might be different. Oh, and blogging about it all afterwards in a shameless ploy for more love.
FWIW, every time he fucks on camera he really does give the illusion that he’s finally found Mr. Right and is now convinced all his problems will be solved. It’s what sets him apart from the gazillion and one pretty boys dropping their pants for a quick buck, if you ask me.
Now that that’s settled bring on the porn stars :)
‘Milk’ sucked balls anyway, though I loved Diego Luna’s Linda Richman hairstyle performance. Brent has worked hard, openly, at times brilliantly, to reinvent himself and create new opportunities for himself. But he didn’t make the cut in this film, for whatever reason. No big loss.
But he will need to be at his most ingenious to take this acting career to the next level, hopefully by avoiding any more hacked up bullshit like Another Gay Sequel. Think George Romero’s ‘Martin.’ Or sell his steaming flesh in some ‘White Squall’ miasma. Or demand a part in the next John Waters flick. Or write his own damn movie where he pisses off a mob of Ft. Lauderdale tweaker faggots and they publicly burn him at the stake.
Fuck a woman in his next porn. Hard.
Gay Porn’s #1 Professional Victim speaks again. if it is so tough, maybe Brent needs to just go away.
Personally, that’d make me very happy.
Lots of bitchy queens out tonight….
If Dustin Lance Black “played” Brent Corrigan, does that make him any less of an amazeballs screenwriter?
–we can not really say he was ‘played’ since according to Brent, he wasn’t surprised by not getting any film time. It sounds like his lines were cut, because his reading was bad to begin with–and maybe Dustin was trying to do Brent a favor and keep him an extra…hey, we all can not be actors–It takes practice and some talent.
Can you sleep with porn stars and still be an Important Artist/Gay Rights Hero?
–Artists have ‘slept’ with, and used prostitutes in artworks. Although, I would have trouble defining a filmmaker as an ‘artist,’ since making movies is a popular format, and geared towards wider audiences, it is a consumer based rather than select clientele. It is commercialism, and capitalism focused(nothing inherently wrong with that)…. but I digress
How would Hollywood react if they found out that a filmmaker slept with a porn star?
–It would just be another [insert day of week here].
Is having some of his lines cut the most “embarrassing” thing to ever happen to Brent Corrigan?
–I think you have a good point here, Zack. Being in porn, could be a embarrassing in certain situations or even being associated with a murder…. I mean that isn’t a walk in the park either.
Should the Academy revoke Dustin Lance Black’s Oscar and give it to the writers of WALL-E?
–I have yet to hear of one instance an oscar was ‘revoked’, but I get the point. It would be interesting to find out if this ever happened.
Is Harvey Milk’s legacy ruined because Dustin Lance Black tricked Brent Corrigan?
No, but Brent antics will ruin his legacy–if you wanna call it that. ;)
Re: Second to last answer
Please tell– what point do you get?
As far as your Oscar inquiry goes, no one has had their Oscar taken away from them so far. There were talks about having Natalie Portman’s taken away because it was discovered that the majority of the choreography shown in the film was done by a professional ballerina, and Natalie’s face was digitally placed on top of the professional.
I don’t see why ppl get their pants all wet over Brent. Not a huge fan of the more feminine guys, and he’s about as nelly as they get. This whining of his makes him even less appealing for me. He should be grateful that he was even given a chance in mainstream media since opportunities like these are rarely offered for current or former porn stars.
And that’s show-biz Kid.
Oh Zach, I just love it when you’re snarky and on a Friday too!
Your successful and good looking, young, have money, fans, and don’t seem to have any trouble getting dates, or laid even when someone is not yelling cut and you still make porn and star in low budget movies.
So how many more times do we have to have to have the woe is me card played by this guy. Someone out there is going to say he wasn’t feeling sorry for himself but…”People always like to mention I’m in Milk [but] It’s embarrassing for me because it’s literally a flash on screen. The lines I had were cut.”
You have a rough life your scenes were cut. Ouch! The Bastards! That happens every day to actors in Hollywood who film movies, its a part of the business. There is not enough time in the film, or the scenes do not work for the movie etc. You were still in an acclaimed movie that received praise and notice and you can put that in your resume. It will probably be better looking then “Cream BBoys” from 2005 but who knows for sure.
He wasn’t feeling sorry for himself (you just projected it)
I think you’re reading into his answer way too much. He was asked a question, and he answered it.
I’m a fan of Brents,I hope he makes a billion dollars and finds the love of his life someday, but he dose use the woe is me card in his interviews