There was to be no butt sex involved, only oral, so we’re not sure what kind of equally desperate but wealthy schlubs were gonna go for this trick when there are so many cheaper, more skilled rentboys out there. But unfortunately for the only two $20K+ bidders, the self-professed very good looking 27-year-old (who wisely, though sadly, never posted any sort of picture) has cancelled the auction as of today having garnered himself just enough attention to get a job offer and a paying gig to write an essay about his experience.
Basically, if the Depression hits like it looks it’s gonna, we’re all going to end up whoring ourselves however we can. But we’re not exactly looking forward to this ‘essay,’ which is only going to provide the non-fiction equivalent of blueballs given the fact that there was no prize in this auction and ultimately no awkward, unskilled blowjob from a mostly unwilling manwhore who gagged his way through the process. But we are a tiny bit curious to know who bid.
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Site to Auction Fat Hookers, Morals
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