There is apparently a separate scene in which, on a hunting trip, he climbs naked into the tent of some unsuspecting straight boys.
According to Defamer, “the notoriously homo and dick-phobic” MPAA ratings board can’t deal with the mockumentary as-is, and it will proabably have to be re-edited — as Borat previously had to be — in order to earn the coveted R rating that the movie needs to make any money.
We’re sure the movie will still be funny, but really guys? While I Love You Philip Morris still struggles to find a distributor all because of a little prison sex, we really wish the American people (and straight men in particular) would just suck it up and deal with the fact that their asses are sex organs and that GAY SEX EXISTS. Anyway. Thus ends our politico-sexual rage for the day.
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Gay Panic: Bruno Too Gay for MPAA (Defamer)