GLAAD recently issued a statement calling Bruno “problematic” and “outright offensive,” saying that “some people in our community may like this movie, but many are not going to be OK with it.”
Um, GLAAD? You awarded top gay honors to Tyra Banks this year, so you can shut the fuck up please thank you. Most gays can’t wait until Bruno comes out, and luckily we have interviews like this one to read in the meantime. Full article here; excerpt below.
Dear Brüno, is it okay to “manscape” down there?
It’s more zan okay; it is most essential. Be careful if you do it yourself, though—yesterday ich tried to self-wax mein arschenhaller und glued meinself to ze bed. Manscaping ist important, but not as crucial as getting regular anal bleaching. If Brüno didn’t get his schmutziger arschenhaller bleached twice a month, his shtinker vould resemble Dizzy Gillespie during a trumpet solo. In Austria anal bleaching ist considered so important zat it’s paid for by ze state. In fact, you cannot run for office if you don’t have a vhite arschwitz. Indeed, ex-chancellor Kurt Waldheim vas elected on ze back of a prishtine anus. Zere are added benefits to getting ze bleaching—on my last session, mein beautician, Klaus, found ze long-lost head of a David Beckham action figure up zere.Dear Brüno, lately I’ve been digging this French guy Sarkozy’s look; who’s on your list of the best-dressed world leaders of all time?
Zere is one thing wrong mit ze way Sarkozy looks—it’s zat accessory beard called Bruni who follows him around everyvhere he goes. She’s about three feet taller zan him! It looks like he’s dating a post-op trannie! He either needs to start vearing platform shoes or push her round in a vheelchair or send her back to ze agency. Vhile I’m on ze subject of badly dressed leaders, please someone lock Nelson Mandela up again so ve don’t have to keep looking at zose hideous flowery shirts!
‘Most Awesomely Offensive Bruno Moments’; Also, Paula Abdul Totally Got Punk’d, Appears in Film
For ‘Brüno,’ Sacha Bleached His Asshole
Sacha Baron Cohen’s ‘Bruno’ Interviews Righteous Wing-nut