bryan hawn accuses topher dimaggio sexual assault

Bryan Hawn Becomes Topher’s 4th Accuser

“If you don’t have self-control, you shouldn’t be allowed in the club, and alcohol and drugs do not make it excusable or acceptable.” ~Bryan Hawn

On January 21, Tegan Zayne brought #MeToo to the land of gay porn when he accused fellow gay porn star Topher DiMaggio of rape.

By the 26th, Topher released his statement on the allegation but undercut himself when it was revealed that some of his reply was pasted out of context and several sentences were directly plagiarized by the statement Russell Simmons gave to the New York Times on his own assault allegations.

Later that day, another shoe dropped when a man calling himself “Dan” came forward to Hornet App with his allegations against Topher. The next day, the thud of the next shoe was heard when “Bryan” shared his story with Str8UpGayPorn.

Bryan HawnThat sound heard this morning came from Instinct where You Tuber Bryan Hawn becomes the 4th man to level sexual assault allegations:

“Last year, I was at Mickey’s in Los Angeles where he was hosting for the night, and he came up to me, grabbed me by the legs trying to pick me up and put his hands on my ass,” Bryan alleged. “I yelled for him to stop several times in the middle of the club and he persisted. The club went silent as everyone was staring at me. I had to wrestle with all my strength to get him off of me, he was so incredibly aggressive.”

Micky’s in West Hollywood, CA
“When he finally stopped, he proceeded to call me a pussy and tell me that I need to learn how to be more of a man. He continued calling me names as we walked back to his friends who were completely embarrassed for him.”

“To put your hands on somebody that you do not know in such an incredibly aggressive manner. It was wrong on every level. I am certain I am not the first guy that has experienced this unwanted attention and probably not the last. I can only imagine in a bedroom setting. That is scary to think about,” Bryan exclaimed. “Just because somebody works in an industry promoting their physique does not grant anyone permission to put their hands on someone’s body. This is not a petting zoo!”

“Topher is not the only one in the community that has crossed that boundary. If you don’t have self-control, you shouldn’t be allowed in the club, and alcohol and drugs do not make it excusable or acceptable.”

“People have said before, ‘well, it’s a gay club… what do u expect’.” Bullshit! Take pride in your community, we aren’t a bunch of wild animals, we are humans. And if we want the rest of the world to treat us with the decent respect of a human being, it’s time we start acting like ones.”

Sexual assault is about a power, not sex. Bryan is alleging assault, not rape. And while there is a big distinction between those two things, sexually predatory behavior is not in anyway acceptable under any circumstances.

The bottom line, no matter what you do for a living, your gender, where you come from, or where you want to go in your life …

No means no. Period.

If you or someone you know has been the victim of rape or sexual assault, there are many resources available for help, including RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), the National Domestic Violence Hotline for LGBTQ Abuse, EMERGE (an organization set up to offer help to LGBTQ batterers) and The Anti-Violence Project for LGBTQ people.


12 thoughts on “Bryan Hawn Becomes Topher’s 4th Accuser”

  1. Who believes an illiterate whore desperate for attention? Especially when said whore plagiarizes the statement of record executive Russell Simmons? NO ONE! Pathetic!

  2. I know Bryan personally. He’s slightly psychotic and thrives on being a tease.
    I’ve seen him recount events on a VERY hypersensitive way, especially sexual events. He simply cannot be trusted.
    However, if he thinks something will bring him sympathy (aka money), he’ll jump on it.
    He wasn’t this bad 10 years ago but recently something has changed in him, like a slow moving cynicism. He just hates honest communication these days.
    This is really the last straw accusing Topher of literally nothing at all.
    “OMG! He picked me up in a club!”
    Calm your tits, Bryan.

  3. Let’s face it. Topher is so hot any man is simply his for the asking . . . . or the taking. Get over it and submit. Resistance is futile

  4. I see Toper in my neighborhood all the time. He’s short, on the skinny side, has the worst skin on the west coast, and a face I just don’t understand.

    Where did this douche get the idea he was something to look at and entitled to his sexual assholery?

    I just don’t get this dude and never have. He should be working the perfume counter at Macy’s.

    1. The porn Studios must have some great make up artists and muscle enhancers because the Topher that I see in porn is smokin hot sexy and muscular. I’m not excusing his alleged bad behavior. I’m just sayin he’s hot.

    2. I met him once and I agree: he’s short, worst skin in California ever, pretty muscled though. Douchebag attitude. None of this surprises me.

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