Treasure Island Media’s Paul Morris has some statistics for you.
Cal/OSHA workers may soon be treated to a screening of Breeding Season 2 thanks to AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s worthless complaint last week over internationally-produced bareback porn. That complaint and the impending investigation has prompted Treasure Island Media’s Paul Morris to cleverly and rightfully remind everyone that people in California workplaces die from being burned alive or sliced in half, not from being in bareback porn. (Although some Cal/OSHA investigators might want to die if they have to watch Slammed.)
Paul Morris via Treasure Island Blog:
In California in 2012 human beings have been literally cooked to death on the job, they have had their scalps torn off by machines on the job, they have had legs severed on the job, been crushed to death on the job, burned to death on the job, fallen to their death, been sliced in half by industrial die-cutting machines
But at Cal-osha, their staff and legal teams are watching porn.
Horrific deaths and maimings occur in growing numbers, while on-site deaths in confined workspaces–including those in Silicon Valley–due to asphyxiation and poisoning are occurring in higher and higher numbers.
But Cal-osha is watching porn. Not just my porn, mind you. They’re watching a lot of porn. That takes a lot of time, a lot of money, a lot of resources. A lot of kleenex.
An estimated 6,500 workers in California die each year from chemical exposure.
No, I didn’t get that number wrong. My finger didn’t slip on the keyboard: 6,500 workers a year in California. Trust me: I got the stat from Cal-osha. At least they’re counting. (appendix A, page 3)
6,500 worker deaths a year from chemical exposure alone.
In porn, 0 worker deaths. That’s zero. As in, not a single one.
I guess I can’t blame Cal-osha. Watching porn is a fun way to spend time. Devoting yourself to watching porn is a great way to pretend you’re monitoring an industry that has a record of zero fatalities, nearly no accidents, very little danger at all. It’s like monitoring skateboarding. Or surfing. Much more fun than dealing with actual tragedies.
All over California, workplace violence and killings are radically rising in numbers. As of 2010, on-site violence accounted for 26% of work-related fatalities. Again, the numbers are from osha. Trust them: they can count deaths once they’ve happened.
On-site violence in porn: 0%. Fatalities from porn violence, 0. (appendix A, page 20)
Watching porn is, I’m sure, far more relaxing than figuring out how to keep men in tuna packing plants from being slowly and horrifyingly cooked alive. Watching porn is easier than making sure that non-English speaking employees in factories don’t have their scalps ripped off because they can’t read the warning signs. There’s no blood or gore or horror or human tragedy in porn. Porn has no sliced tendons, no maimings, no broken necks. No widows. No orphans.
Straw man argument. Hospitals are required to provide all manner of protections for their employees to minimize risk of foreseeable exposure to deadly pathogens.
Just sayin’.
I wanna get paid to watch TIM Porn all day! How do I get this job??? I basically already do it… except I’m paying them for their DVD’s. Who even buys DVD’s anymore? Oh yea… me. Wah Wah (Debbie Downer).
It amazes me how many people will on one hand rail against Pat Robertson, NOM, and Focus on the Family for trying to force their beliefs on others. Then on the other hand try to use the same rhetoric and logic as those groups to tell another group of adults how to live and what they know and how to act. You can claim that one is a right and the other is for “safety” but lets be honest. In both cases and in both ways a group of adults thinks that for the safety (here and/or in the afterlife) of others they must force them to stop doing something.
I am an adult (@Marvell – a college educated and very successful professional one none the less) who chooses to watch TIM, who understands the risks involved, and who makes the calculations and determines my own level of acceptance. I then prepare and plan for the possible negative outcomes.
What right does anyone have to force me to live under their rules of religion or perceived “clean healthy living”. If you want others to stay out of your life, your relationship, your love life, then I recommend you stay out of their workplace, their livelihood, and their life decisions.
In all of the other examples given on this page thus far the outcry of the unfairness and the lack of safety was made by the workers. Not outside people pushing a pseudo-medical/ ethical/ “right way of life” agenda. If the porn actors or producers or directors or camera people felt they were in harms way then let them lead the charge. If then you want to join their cause and support their call for help more to you. It is the height of arrogance for ANYONE to think they know better and more for others than those who live it every day. An arrogance and piety I would rather see left in the minds and actions of Focus on the Family and not our own community.
PS: To the rest yes I know I have committed the ultimate sin of feeding the trolls… Sometimes it must be said. *sigh*
I stopped reading your post in the firs paragraph. Long-winded and boring.
Being ‘college educated’ doesn’t mean one is not an idiot nor does it mean that one who might not find the most low-brow form of erotica appealing. To compare Focus on the Family with safety concerns is such a reach that it’s laughable. Does that also equate to the argument for gun control? DUI’s? Where does safety and too much morality preaching overlap in your mind? Nonsense!
My take on the trash from TIM is this. If they want to make that garbage, go ahead but do so in a manner that is more transparent. The viewers should know the testing procedures (I hear that there aren’t any). The scenes should have a scroll on each one stating the HIV status of those performers (so that impressionable people will understand that this is a pos/pos or neg/neg pairing etc thus realizing the risk); and the marketing rhetoric and BS should come to an end with langauge like “X is putting his living seed in Y” and all the Up with HIV insanity/conspiracy talk. Besides, if their audience is as educated as TIM claims it to be, then really they don’t need this marketing langauge to rope their audience to their product.
YES, those industries are accountable and each and every one of those deaths, have:
a. workplace comp, b. insurance, c. families have the right to sue for hazardous and reckless care.
a. doesn’t have workplace comp, b. insurance, c. families can’t sue, because the modeling waiver removes liability from the production.
And Porn wants to be considered a legitimate business like everyone else, INCLUDING MAINSTREAM! Yes, they pay taxes like everyone else, but they seem to have an attitude of exemption from the rules that are placed for protection of the staff and workers.
Yes, Mainstream has Unions to protect the: actors, producers, writers, directors. Studios are held accountable for bad business practices and greed.
Porn has to be vetted like everyone else. It may be protected First Amendment, but first amendment doesn’t preclude those studios from actually functioning as a legit business.
The problem isn’t the actors, or the sex, it is the production. As always, it is the production.
How about showing up to Cal-osha with the records of your insurance and every method you use to protect workers. Then keep those records for use, anytime people are grumbling about your lack of care and thoughts for the well being of your workers. Don’t play into the hands of people using stereotypes.
That is all!
Do porn companies even withhold payroll taxes for the talent, or are the performers considered independent contractors, meaning they’re basically on their own with things like insurance and everything else?
Actually, workplace safety is workplace safety, whether it’s for contractors or regular employees, so I guess it doesn’t matter.
I haven’t read this much propaganda since The Communist Manifesto. Morris is the Jerry Springer of porn “0 deaths” only because it is too difficult to legally correlate it. Not to mention the impact TIM’s trash has on the viewing audience whom TIM likes to pretend is “educated” adults but in reality is often “unintelligent adults” & young people lacking proper parental guidance.
“Watching porn is more easier than making sure that non-English speaking employees…”
Had to laugh at this…”more easier” in the same sentence as “non-English speaking.” Too funny.
Taggart, you asked these questions like pornstars are stupid and have no clue what they might get from barebacking. No! they are not! It’s their choice. They are not promoting STD and it’s just porn for adult, who can make up their mind what to do, not just doing things the same way they watch fron porn.
Freedom of choice is not the same as freedom from being held accountable for them!
I do not support Laissez-faire business ethics! You should be able to show up to your job and expect the employer to meet the bar for workplace conditions and practices.
Why don’t you tell us Paul Morris how many STIs are transmitted during the making of just one average bareback scene in a Treasure Island video? How many individual cases of herpes, hep C, HPV, or other incurable diseases do you usually get while after filming? It would be interesting to know what sort of infections these bareback performers have.
The more diseases the better!! Remember that sexy biohazard tattoos these TIM guys rock!!