It’s time for you to put your knowledge to the ultimate test once again! We’ve got our hands on six throwback photos from some of your favorite performers and it’s your job to tell us who each photo belongs to.
We had you take this challenge two weeks ago and last week we revealed all the answers. Now we have six brand new models for you to figure out. All six are recognizable names, have all worked for major studios, and you’ve definitely seen their work before. All of these pictures are numbered, so be sure to assign a name to each number when you comment your guesses down below.
We will reveal the answers to this guessing game next Thursday, so you have all week to figure out who is in each picture. I mean… what else are you going to do? Sit at home? Might at well channel your inner Hardy Boy and figure out this mystery. Take a look at the pictures and be sure to comment your best guesses down below!
1. Don’t be mad, be plaid
2. Denim diva
3. He’s king of the world
4. Blurry birthday boy
5. Serving looks
6. Life’s a beach
1: Michael DelRey ??
2: Justin Matthews
3: Gabriel Cross
4: ??
5: Beaux Banks ??
6: Angel Rivera