“Show me the money!”
It’s hard to actually call this an interview considering the only audible and complete sentence spoken by the person being interviewed is “Show me the money!” but here it is, the Jeff Stryker video interview from his Boardwalk Bar appearance last week.
I wouldn’t watch this right before you plan on going to sleep.
[via GaySexAfterDark]
Dear GOD!
“Speaking tours??”
Really though?? lol
He has a beautiful dick though. Always has. Still does. He was b4 my time, but I’ve watched some of his vintage stuff and my favorite is the scene he did in jail. I think he was a police guard.
wwant his dick
sorry i meant wasnt his dick
Does seem high or really drunk. No sign of intelligence but he is the gold standard of porn
For Some reason Patsy Stone’s ‘but Eddie, is it art?’ line from AbFab’s Death episode comes to mind.
Am I on uglypeople.com?
I always thought he looked like an elf back in the day and never understood why people thought he was hot. I don’t think he has aged badly but he needs a spot on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew.
He’s like a male version of Teresa Guidice with a normal forehead.
Legend my ass, apparently not much depth there at all.
He should of cleaned up @ the Boardwalk…after all Ft Lauderdale is home of the TROLLS..:-)
…I wouldn’t click on to that link even if it wasn’t bed time!…
Why when he’s interviewing a guy jerking his dick for a porn site can he not show the dick??? Strange. And Jeff looks way better on video.
Alright I take back some of what I said. Those pics were completely terrible, and he looks way better in this video. He’s definitely aged decently. That being said, I still wouldn’t want to have anything to do with him. I never thought he was all that back in the day, and I sure as hell don’t think that now.
And my god was he just completely lucid! Kind of reminds me of the trainwreck that was Jimmy Clay’s interview for So You Think You Can Fuck 2. But I can’t hate on Jimmy because he’s such a hottie that is so into his scenes, whether he’s topping or bottoming. I always felt Stryker to be so detached and unaware in his.
There’s a train-wreck reality show in here somewhere
Old whore.
That really wasn’t an interview! Just Stryker repeating the same phrase… creepily. He must have been stoned or some shit.
Plus, the guy doing the interview wouldn’t shut the fuck up.
Anyone who pays admission for that show is an idiot.
This guy is creepy.
“Show Me The Money” ………that’s all it’s ever really been about. No surprises there.
Finally some Vid from the Fabscout family….
In this Vid, I found that Jeff did age well…
I have performed at Boardwalk and cameraphone pics do no justice due to the “Mood lighting” in there. I still think Jeff STILL has that Dirty Talking undertone in this interview, Dick is amazing!! and he is an older gentlemen that still has “It”. Shit I have seen some models in good lighting with pro photographers and photoshop who still look like shit that could be half Jeff’s age…
You guys really need to stop with the Ageism because Mister Jeff Stryker will be laughing all the way to the bank. Haters can only pull the age card, try to diss an older gentlemen because of some wrinkles.
When some of you trolls reach his age(and most of you are his age)lets see your body and face and dick.
So what I’m Dick Riding…..I watched alot of Mister Stryker back in the day.
I will always be a Fan..
Thank You for paving the way for models like myself..
You haven’t done shit, you are legend in your own mind, and you’ve become more of a porn personality that bitches a lot. Aka, you are the NEW Tré Xavier
Diesel is absolutely correct in defending this porn legend again. Stryker honestly looks great for his age. I mean, compare him to those recent webcam shots of Jeremy Jordan? Yikes. Or Ryan Idol. So what if he was a little drunk for this interview? He was paid a few grand to drop trou in front of some shrill Florida queens who reek of Smirnoff Fluffed and Axe Body Spray. And that takes booze. Lots of booze.
The pictures were awful. No question. But Stryker does look better in the video. As for his lack of coherency he wasn’t exactly easy to understand or as talkative in his heyday either.
Chewing gum during an interview. Real fucking classy!