2012 has been an unpredictable roller coaster ride of a year, with high drama and even higher gay porn stars getting arrested, retiring, fighting with each other on Twitter, un-retiring, and sometimes even making movies. But through the ups and the downs and the highs and the lows, these 6 gay porn couples have endured.
Which one deserves the Swordie award for Gay Porn Couple of the Year? Only you can decide.
In a rare first, The Swordies are being opened up to you, the fans. This is the ONE and ONLY Swordie award that your votes will determine, so choose wisely! And more importantly, vote with your heart!
Which gay porn couple had the most romantic love story of the year?
Jason Adonis and David Forest
Given their long history of public feuds, this on-again/off-again duo might be more suited to win an award for Gay Porn Couple of the Decade. And while they’re currently on the outs, they’ve always managed to kiss and make up in the past. Could your vote help unite the most star-crossed gay porn lovers of all time?
Cody Cummings and “Cody’s Girls”
The all-female fan base that is as loyal as it is mentally unstable, “Cody’s Girls,” has been literally worshiping at the feet of gay porn mega sensation superstar Cody Cummings all year long, but did they worship hard enough to earn your vote and/or a restraining order?
Mick Lovell and The Sword
It was touch-and-go for a while there, but when Mick Lovell professed his love for me on June 27th, everything became clear. We were meant to be, and no award–win or lose–will change that. Still, vote for us if you believe in destiny.
Topher DiMaggio and Topher DiMaggio’s Eyebrow
Topher may have moved on with a new boyfriend, but at the end of the day, his heart will always belong to his eyebrow.
Chelsea and Garrett Michaels
The love story of the year began in April with a one night stand, and now with an unexpected baby on the way, things are just getting started for Garrett, already an award winner after being named The Sword’s Sexiest Man of the Year, and Chelsea, a disgraced former intern turned Red Lobster waitress.
Johnny Rapid and The Nightstick
Next to humiliation, The Nightstick is the love of Johnny Rapid’s life. Already a Swordie winner for Best Face of 2012, Johnny Rapid could take home a second award for his romance with The Nightstick, whom he did two scenes with for Men.com in 2012. And, rumor has it Johnny and The Nightstick are getting married in California once Prop. 8 is overturned (since man-nightstick marriage is the next logical step and an inevitable result of gay marriage).
OMFuck. I would fuck the ass off of Johnny Rapid.
I’d vote for either Sebastian Young and Twitter or Michael Lucas and Mitt Romney.
What, too soon?
For as leftist as I am, even I wouldn’t wish that on Mitt Romney.
Hands down! Mrs. Zax Enron & Beverly Leslie & Crystal.
Wait…is this not Us Weekly???!!! or AZT…er…TMZ? WTF! Gay shit!