CBS Interviews Montgomery About Church Schism
If you’ve got a question about religion, ask the man who produced Heaven to Hell. When CBS News covered the decision of The Diocese of San Joaquin in California’s Central Valley to break away from the larger Episcopal Church for its ordination of women and support of gays (calling it “morally and spiritually bankrupt), they asked Falcon Studios prexy Todd Montgomery to set the record straight. “Jesus wasn’t exclusive,” Montgomery told the unsuspecting film crew outside San Francisco’s tony Grace Cathedral. Not a Falcon exclusive, maybe, but we suspect Dark Alley would have signed him.
CBS Interviews Montgomery About Church Schism Read More »
If you’ve got a question about religion, ask the man who produced Heaven to Hell. When CBS News covered the decision of The Diocese of San Joaquin in California’s Central Valley to break away from the larger Episcopal Church for its ordination of women and support of gays (calling it “morally and spiritually bankrupt), they asked Falcon Studios prexy Todd Montgomery to set the record straight. “Jesus wasn’t exclusive,” Montgomery told the unsuspecting film crew outside San Francisco’s tony Grace Cathedral. Not a Falcon exclusive, maybe, but we suspect Dark Alley would have signed him.