Yes Father

Catholic Priest Caught Stealing Over $100,000 For Gay Sex Parties

An Italian priest was just placed under house arrest for allegedly stealing over one hundred thousand dollars from his parish and its attendants for drugs and elaborate gay sex parties. (No, this isn’t an incredibly fucked up plotline from that Catholic-themed gay porn site Yes Father. This is an actual event that’s happening in our real world.)

According to The Times, 40-year-old Father Francesco Spagnesi withdrew over $117,000 from his parish’s bank account. After a parish accountant discovered the transaction, Father Francesco was cut off from the account. This led him to steal from the church’s collection plate and directly collect money by claiming that the funds was goings towards members of the parish that were in need. The police now believe that the stolen money was used to purchase drugs.

The religious figure was only caught for any of his wrongdoings after the police were tipped off about his roommate importing a liter of the date rape drug GHB from the Netherlands. During their raid of Francesco’s place, the police reportedly later discovered makeshift crack pipes made from bottles around their home.

The Times also reports that the Italian police are now interviewing over 200 people who claim to have attended Father Francesco’s house parties. The 40-year-old preist and his roommate reportedly used dating sites to invite people over to their parties where they would buy and sell drugs.

According to his representation, Father Francesco has already admitted to supplying drugs at his parties and will soon confess to mishandling church funds.


3 thoughts on “Catholic Priest Caught Stealing Over $100,000 For Gay Sex Parties”

  1. Nice. Let’s add this to the most recent story that cited 70 YEARS (yes, you read the right: 70) of the French Catholic Church abusing 300,000 children (yes, you read that right as well: 300,000). That’s approx. 11.75 ten-to-thirteen-year olds PER DAY! It’s high time the Catholic Church was dismantled. Imagine how much its collective worth could benefit the poor and the needy! That’s what they’re all about anyway, right?

  2. Well, I suppose its better than the millions fleeced by the Catholic Church from its congregation to pay for child molestation settlements. At least this dude was engaging with consenting adults.

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