A good day for equal rights and the rule of law in California (sorry, gays in other states), but I’m concerned about how my favorite celebrities are handling the news. Let me go look at this slideshow of tweets from Ellen Degeneres and the guy from Modern Family. How are they reacting? How does their reaction impact me and how I should react? I don’t know how to react. I don’t know what to think anymore. How is Adam Bouska doing today? What will he do now? What will everyone do now that everyone (in California) can do what everyone else has been doing and failing at and being trapped and constrained by for thousands of dumb and boring years? What is your reaction to other people’s reactions?
I think the better question is, how much did Adam Bouska profit from the NOH8 campaign and what did it actually accomplish? For years they said the hard earned money people were spending on photos was being donated to charity, but never mentioned one specifically (and of course they weren’t obligated to share tax records). Only recently did they register as a charitable organization and changed their statement to, “funds raised by the NOH8 Campaign are used to promote and raise awareness for Marriage Equality and anti-discrimination.”
Public tax records show that no charity has benefited from the hundreds of thousands of dollars people have donated to the cause, and all profits went to Adam and Jeff (not to mention all of the cash transactions that were likely never claimed). So you have to ask, couldn’t that money have been better utilized elsewhere? There are countless charities (Human Rights Campaign, Mass Equality, etc.) that could have used that money to do something that would make an actual difference. It sounds to me like Mr. Bouska found a clever way to exploit people and has been laughing all the way to the bank ever since.
I’m more interested in the two guys in the photo.
haha same here! Why does the one on the right look so familiar???
You did. I just like to shill for Lambda Legal. Don’t think they get enough attention. :-)
It’s wonderful news! I hope the Alliance Defense Fund doesn’t appeal, but I’m sure they most likely will.
You’re fighting a losing battle. The reactions of the famous are going count for more than the people who are working for marriage. Would be nice to hear from someone at Lambda Legal explaining how the ruling is narrow.
i linked to a pretty good explanation above