I guess incest is a thing now, as Chi Chi LaRue’s latest, Daddy It Hurts, explores the beloved family tradition of biological dads and sons having sex with each other.
This follows last month’s delightful dad-on-son action in Dad Goes To College, the Joe Gage-directed feature wherein Conner Habib fucks his dad. And so it begs the question: Which legendary director does a better job depicting how fun and sexy incest is? (It also begs the question: Where are all these kids’ mothers?)
If you missed the Gage trailer, it’s here. And here’s Daddy It Hurts (watch in full here), which looks like it eventually becomes one giant orgy scene. Do you take your incest subtle and slow-building, as with Dad Goes To College, or do you like it more to the point (“I wanna fuckin’ lick my son’s ass!”), as with Daddy It Hurts?
If the trailer isn’t playing–it’s been giving me attitude–it should load here.
I have been practicing incest for years with my father and I can only that this film is not remotely exciting as it is in reality…
I totally agree with you
I think as long as two adults consent to Daddy and son sex that it’s a natural bonding experience for them
Gay incest is definitely hot.. Chi Chi is on to something here.
I’m sorry it’s just creepy…. reminds me of the time Devine fucked himself on a dirty mattress on the side of a road in Baltimore…..
Errr is it herself…
Chi Chi is still around? Who knew?
Should be titled Spencer Fox and the B Team, gross cover.
When it’s someone elses family members, dad/son, brothers, twins, it’s hot. But it’s a real boner killer if I even TRY to think of my dad and brothers that way! A real bonafide YUCK factor!
Sure why not
I guess they are running out of plots.
does anyone watch the storyline anyway?
It seems like everywhere I look Spencer Reed is there. For me, that’s not a good thing.
Spencer Reed is most DEF overexposed. He is becoming another Nick Moretti. That’s why he moved to Berlin and is doing a lot of live shows there. He used to drive me nutz.. so sexy.. until I met him. Very arrogant and not the brightest bulb at all.
Is this real incest or … scripted incest? In either case; yuck :(
I think it’s hard to find real incest on the internet
Wow, this is the first time I have seen Chi Chi LaRue’s name in headlines in months…maybe a year or so. Wow, wow, wow…
Yes, I’m told that Chi Chi and Channel 1 now have a kick-ass PR person. The previous ones had their own agenda. You should be seeing more of Chi Chi in the news soon.
Other than Spencer.. WHO are these guys? Not in the best shape. You get what you pay for I assume..
Please bring back the hot guys.. please
The black guy is Aaron Ridge, he’s been doing porn for a long time now. The hairy hispanic guy is Alessio Romero, I can’t believe that you don’t recognize him. And one of the guys I believe is the rock (I think that’s his name). I don’t think any of them are really out of shape except for the baldheaded one, but he’s still real sexy.