Great concept, great message, and all my favorite porn stars in one clip.
It’s Chi Chi LaRue’s new safe sex PSA, “Shut Your Hole”:
Great concept, great message, and all my favorite porn stars in one clip.
It’s Chi Chi LaRue’s new safe sex PSA, “Shut Your Hole”:
i love love looooooooooove it …….. dozens of random whitebois telling my black ass to shut my hole …. DELIGHTFUL… mostly cause im a slut any ( no really I AM) but i get this ….. HOWEVER, theres like MILLIONS of gay blkack men … who have never seen any or tthese guys…so who cares wht they say? PReachy larue should realllly explore how the other side lives im sure that if she looked around theres a jungle bunny or two that would have danced in the vid for her
Since when has pushing celibacy ever been effective? And coming from these guys? It is highly hypocritical! What ever happened to regular testing?
A test is not a condom.
I liked chi chi better when she was FAT and HAPPY not skinny and crazy
Don’t understand the execution for the reasons Estelle outlined.
However, Chris Porter is really cute when he’s angry.
Shut your hole? What does that mean? This is ineffective and completely low rent – the beginning had a better production value, but the end where Chi Chi switches the wig for the hat was totally self-absorbed. Was this her way of showing us she lost weight from when the previous PSA was shot and released? I feel very let down today with all the Chi Chi news she’s putting out today on your site. Sad.
tommy you got that right. so i guess you shut your hole when you feel like it. i think this video needs some editing why didn’t they get more random unnamed porn stars and make a hour video…she goes from old big face to skinny new face is this a video for plastic surgery also? im confused!
isnt there models in that video who didnt “play safe” and “didnt shut their hole?” why so much old footage and some of the models who are they? its a great message but needs some work looks a bit lazy but still play safe and get tested.
I’m wondering if the HIV+ porn stars in this clip feel retarded for being in this.
“OK so when I hit record you look mad for no apparent reason and scream shut your hole at the camera.” “Huh?” “Trust me it’ll be faaaaabulous!”
well “shut your hole” in most of their cases is not really hypocrite or sarcastic but it’s like saying “you don’t have to necessarely imitate us,play it safe”…and doing this is better then doing nothing,if you have better ideas you can promote safe sex too you know…
“Shut your hole”… unless the money is good enough. Porn.
I’m sure a lot of these guys have their hearts in the right place, but this is ridiculous and ineffective. It’s the equivalent of Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” bullshit.
Uh how many of these guys have done bareback gay porn or condomless straight porn (Moobs Bilding), oh wait a minute that is no big deal because no one in straight porn has an STD’s and guys in gay porn do right? Parker London and Vince Ferrelli have done condomless straight porn and Rusty Stevens got his start at SX Video.
Try again Larry.