Chris Crocker’s Maverick Men bareback porn debut went live today, and here’s his ass about to get plowed. Go watch it, if you dare. But first: Thoughts on the above photo?
Chris Crocker’s Maverick Men bareback porn debut went live today, and here’s his ass about to get plowed. Go watch it, if you dare. But first: Thoughts on the above photo?
Miss my Jake !!
While Chris seems to be promoting the video all over the social media scene, Justin seems to have fallen off the radar with nothing to say at all about it. Makes me think that this is going to be Justin’s only video …. and that he already regrets it.
Unfortunately honey, that porn video is NEVER going away. Justin’s gonna be famous long after he’s old and feeble. The Internet doesn’t forgive or forget.
So after seeing the video… truth be told, I think the hype sort of overshined the actual video. I mean, yes; it was hot and all, but it just wasn’t as grand as I thought it was going to be (although I did enjoy finally see them both cum, for some reason).
I think you could tell they were both pretty nervous… and Chris’ “ending”… let’s just say the video was decent (trying to keep it polite here).
Justin has the real talent. Let’s hope we see more of him and what’s to cum?! Falcon or Next Door STUDios would be smart to snap him right up! They could market him much better than Grandpa Maverick ever could.
“Feed me Seymour!”
And I would still be making hateful comments about this regardless of what Chris Crocker has done in the past because he is simply not at all attractive in my opinion. He should stick to lolipop twink porn so that I can gladly ignore him.
Crocker’s crapper will NEVER be able to compete with the king twink of lolipop porn…Jake Lyons. Hmmmm…I wonder how Jake’s new webcam site is doing?
Eww that’s just as gross too. Hence why I said he should go stick to lollipop twink porn so I can totally ignore him. I am not a huge fan of twink porn, especially extreme twinklike guys like the 2 of them. But every now and then one does catch my eye, such as Brent Everett and Jesse Santana when they both first came out.
Jesse Santana, he NASTY now!!! Was hot at over at Corbin Fisher in the early years but grew up to be a mess. Crocker’s crapper is headed that way.
I disagree. He’s hotter than ever! He’s definitely come along way from being a twink to a daddy pig in the making.
….Tanning cream anyone anyone?!!!!!
Makes for a good scratch-n-sniff card.
Did anyone else notice Perez Hilton and TMZ totally IGNORING this story?! I guess fame really does have a shelf-life. Your 15 minutes are up honey. Give Justin a turn at fame.
What ever happened to “I’m a top”? It didn’t take much for Mr. Crocker to bend over and take a dick.
Maybe the seductive powers of the ghoulish gray-haired Grandpa Maverick were too much to resist. Chris’s hole simply said “open sesame”.
Is it just me or did it look like Justin was MUCH more into getting fucked by, taking a load from and making out with the tubby AARP member than when he and Crocker were intimate on camera???
You guys are a bunch of old stupid talentless wankers – get a life .
Chris is an amazing guy, very creative who has done everything under the sun and has managed to stay true to himself despite the HUGE adversity he faces.
Just shut the fuck up if you have nothing nice to say. You wouldn’t be saying anything bad about this movie or this picture if he was not who he is .
Fucking losers.
No matter how harsh the comments are, people have a right to say what they want. This is a blog, and we all are adults here, so we can say what we please, even if other people don’t agree. You can’t get mad at us, because most of us don’t like him. There’s are obvious reasons why people don’t like him or his personality. No matter what you say or think, this kid is not as special as you might think he is. He’s done nothing but try to “attention whore” his way to fame, ever since day one. No one’s giving him the attention he wants anymore. Chris Crocker needs to grow up and learn how to be a real human being. People might respect him if he actually did something that deserved respect. Until then, don’t expect anyone to buy into his foolishness. Enough is enough!
And by the way, you call us losers, yet you’re the one with your head stuck up his ass, kissing it. Now who’s the real loser???
I really don’t like the idea of people going on blogs and trashing others for no reason. Chris on the other hand puts himself out there and begs for the attention. The kid has no talent (I’ve seen him sing live so trust me) and he’s “youtube famous” which means absolutely nothing. If he were a good guy with talent and not a despicable person (which he is) then all these people wouldn’t hate on him. He’s awful inside and out. I’ve met him twice and I know people who’ve had to Serve him during his club appearances.
Caption choice 1: From this angle, she still looks like Britney; Caption choice 2: Chris may not look like Britney anymore, but he has her scent down
His hole is the same color as his balls and his calf on the right side of the picture, so your shitty accusations are just that.
Maybe Chris’s fag hag Chelsea can bleach his asshole for him and get rid of that fudge-stained stink-eye that’s been winking at me.
If Chelsea’s not available, I hear Sebastian Young is looking for a new job now that he can’t milk the gays anymore and the gravy train has run dry.
Looks good to me!
Someone got chili dogged!
Nice stink eye. If you stare at the picture long enough, it will “follow you” around the room.
“Leave The Anal Bleach Alone!!!!
“Leave my asshole alone !”
I’ve heard of ‘ring around the collar’, but not ‘ring around the colon’. Shoulda used Tide.
LOL! Good one!
Chocolate Donuts are sweet!
“Please, wash me!!!”
“All anonymous loads welcome as long as you shoot deep inside me”
-my caption submission
His asshole is nothing special. And now, due to his association with the sleazeball Maverick Men, he himself is less than nothing special.
I heard that Crocker was a shitty kitty. Ever hear of a douche you douche?
For the record, I was PRISTINE in terms of cleanliness. I just don’t have a bleached asshole. #NotSorryAboutIt
Hey Miss Crocker, why are you trying to #hashtag the comments. This isn’t Twitter, you douche. People here don’t give a shit about you nor do we hang on your every word. We just like watching the train wreck. Nice fudge-colored hole btw. Barf.
Justin was smart to escape your grasp and get far away from your mental instability. You and the Maverick Men pushed him practically out of the film. We know the REAL story here…Justin was simply a sideline in your “porn debut” and you only made the porn as an excuse so you could cheat on him right in front of his face. No wonder you broke up! Once again, you had to steal the spotlight, you fame whore.
Justin’s the real star here. He has more charm in his smile than you have in your whole nasty, scrawny E.T. body.
You obviously care enough to click on this story and bother writing a long nonsensical rant.
You must have a very miserable life , my prayers go to you.
#jealousbitch or #justintheexboyfriend?
I think he could have wiped better
Maybe he ate corn.
Take a power washer (or maybe a sandblaster) to that thing. You are witnessing the death of gay porn.