Christian Wilde: “One Day, I Escorted For The Owner Of A Much Disliked Studio…”

Christian Wilde reveals all.

When it comes to gay-for-pay porn stars trying to explain their sexuality, I’ve heard it all. And I’ve believed very little of it. But this, from Christian Wilde, rings true. I believe him. (And I’m not just saying that because I love him.) If only everyone could be this honest, not just with all of us, but more importantly–with themselves.

And: I’ll leave it up to you guys to wonder which studio owner he’s talking about. Leave your guesses in the comments!

So, many people out there have wondered and accused and guessed and made assumptions about what my sexuality is. And thanks to a wonderful fan named Royce, I decided to tell. So here’s the big reveal…

I like people.

It’s really that simple. I’m not gay. I’m not straight. I’m not bi. I LOVE FUCKING.

Sometimes it gets on my nerves a little about how black and white some people look at the nature of sex. “Oh he likes girls so he’s straight” “He sucks dick sometimes so he’s 100% gay” “He likes transexuals so that makes him weird.”

I’ve heard it all. Frankly, I gave up trying to explain myself a while ago, but I figured I could try to explain from my point of view.

My first homosexual experience was when I was about 5 or 6 years old. I used to play with the boy down the street. We’d kiss, blow each other, lick each others nipples… Its actually kind of funny to think about now. But there was no harm in it. No biggie to us as kids.

So fast forward, I then lost my virginity to a girl when I was thirteen. We were FAR too young to know what we were doing and I really wished I would’ve waited but hey, such is life. At this point in my life, I viewed myself as straight, never really having any ideas sexually about men (or rather boys around that time).

Fast forward even more, I had a friend when I was about 16 or so who was gay. He never really flirted with me or anything, until one day when we were at his house he asked if I wanted to watch some porn. Sure? Yeah? I like watching sex. So naturally being 16, my dick got hard as a rock. He noticed. And casually asked if I would like a blow job. Not having any experience like this I was wildly uncomfortable… But I really wanted a blow job. Hahaha. So he reassured me and said it would just be helping out a buddy, so I agreed. And it was amazing. Needless to say I went back a few more times.

After that, I had no more gay experiences for a while. Just straight ones. UNTIL…… My wonderful journey into gay porn. I actually started escorting for men first. Which was pretty exciting, and the money was great. One day, I escorted for the owner of a much disliked studio. I asked what he did for work, he showed me the site. I thought to myself, “I could do this.” And so I did. I began with that studio, which I’m grateful for because it introduced me to the amazing line of work I still have today.

So back to my point. In the beginning of my career, I had a very difficult time with telling friends and other people in my life what I was doing because these people had always known me as a “straight” guy and I was terrified of judgement. However to my relief, all my close friends told me they didn’t care and as long as I was happy, to go for it.

Some of my family still doesn’t know what I do but the important ones do. My mom, step dad, friends (who are like family) all love me because of who I am, not what I do. Not to say that porn is anything bad. But it does have a bit of a hard time in this world.

About 2 years into my career, I was introduced to fort lauderdale. All the way across the country, I would go there to shoot, and would be exhilarated with the excitement I felt of being able to be any way I wanted to be. I could make out with boys, flirt, suck some dick (off camera) and have a fucking ball.

Which has all led to the place I’m in now. I no longer give myself a hard time for being attracted to people that some other people may not approve of. If straight people want to give me shit for liking (loving) men, that’s just fine, if gay men want to hiss at me for liking (loving) women, thats just fine. Everyone is completely entitled to their opinion. The fact is, I love sex. I love everything about it. EVERYTHING. Its absolutely beautiful. Its so deep and complex and intricate. I’m of the belief that whatever you like, whatever turns you on, whatever you’re attracted to, whatever or whoever gets you off, BE PROUD OF THAT. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that your sexuality is wrong. Love is the greatest gift we have on this earth we ever get to share with one another. SHARE IT HARD.

Love (hard)
Christian wilde

[Christian Wilde]


95 thoughts on “Christian Wilde: “One Day, I Escorted For The Owner Of A Much Disliked Studio…””

  1. Like your candidness and straightforward. Be true to yourself, is my motto. I am, and have been, gay for a long time, as you probably are aware, those of us who are more mature seem to be ignored and forgotten. So, I keep to myself, maybe one day, especially in my area. Do like wolves, otters, and hairy guys.

  2. I really do not care what his sexuality is. He is hot as F*ck. He always gives a fantastic performance. It is just a job, it says nothing about who he is. And it does not matter.

  3. I love Christian Wilde, I’ve never heard anyone explain sex and sexuality like that before. I agree with everything he’s saying. Live your life and love the life you live. You can’t make people happy if you’re not happy with being you and you can’t make everyone happy. Just focus on making yourself happy. I’ve never seen anyone make sex look so natural and sexy as Christian Wilde does. I’m obsessed with watching him having sex with whoever. His passion is exhilarating. I’m turned on by whatever or whoever doing.

  4. I love Christian Wilde, I’ve never heard anyone explain sex and sexuality like that before. I agree with everything he’s saying. Live your life and love the life you live. You can’t make people happy if you’re not happy with being you and you can’t make everyone happy. Just focus on making yourself happy. I’ve never seen anyone make sex look so natural and sexy as Christian Wilde does. I’m obsessed with watching him having sex with whoever. His passion is exhilarating. I’m turned on by whatever or whoever doing.

  5. Y’all need to calm down. No one cares. This isn’t the first time a gay4pay pornstar explained their sexuality in a confusing manner. After all, sexuality is a confusing subject and being in the eye of the public doesn’t make it easier.

    I for one believe that he’s straight and just gay4pay, and it gets me off, I don’t like it. I also don’t like that he has to explain his sexuality, porn is about fantasy, he’s a character, his real sexual orientation should be left hidden from his fans, it has nothing to do with real life.

    If Daniel Radcliffe came out and said that he hates “magic” and supernatural movies, the Harry Potter sereis should not be any less entertaining than it was before he said that, eventho he’s the star. Or if he said that he really hates Emma Watson, that wouldn’t make the ship any less interesting, because it’s FANTASY.

    It’s not real.

    F*ck you Christian for being so interesting and handsome.

  6. Christian, you were nothing but a confuse queen you’re entire life. Lying to females, hiding your homosexuality from em, and pretending to be something you’re not. You need to get bashed in the head for that. Christian, you have an identity crisis, you queen. You and those like you.

  7. Christian is very intelligent, funny, impish and well-spoken. I’ve always loved him, always will. He was my first big hearththrob when I started watching porn on-line almost 5 years ago and he continues to participate in my fantasies now. I’m gay so I don’t exactly think about him and his wife when I’m fantasizing… just him, him and his china blue eyes, long torso and of course his big mouth-watering cock. As long as a man’s not trying to make excuses about who he loves, it’s easy for me to imagine him as my sexual partner, especially a man as beautiful and laid back and unruffled as Christian is. That’s the power of porn for me. If I could ask Christian for anything, I would ask him to bottom a few more times before he retires, which I hope he never does (retire, that is). And for an autographed photo.

  8. am from pakistan.i love u a lottt i like u sooo big fan off u.i wnats to meet u.i c many off urr movies on net.plzz kindly tell me how i contect u plzzzz.

    1. Christian Wilde sometimes appears in videos looking dingy and I have to wonder about his hygiene! The group of gay seniors who are my social buddies and I found Christian to have a magnificent and BEAUTIFULLY shaped penis. It beckons for a wanton mouth to engulf it with a mean tongue. We, of course, don’t like it that that dick has been in pussy; but, we’d probably pay good moola to have him come and be our escort for a week!! We will wonder FOREVER what he might charge us; but, we ALWAYS remember HE IS A FANTASY that cannot be duplicated in the bedroom. All we can do is drool when we see him perform and wish we were his partner — although he’d probably kill us with his dick!!

  9. I just saw you on Divine Bitches. Why Christian Why??? Stick with fucking boys because they don’t make you cry!

  10. It’s a sad world that we live in. I hate that anyone feels like they have to explain who they are as a person to anyone when frankly it’s no one’s business.

    Just know this. Christian is an amazing performer. And an even more amazing human being. Follow him on Twitter. He has some great insight for such a young person.

    Keep doing what you’re doing, Christian. Sex is sex. Love is love. It’s a free country. Do what makes you happy. I fully support you in your endeavors.

  11. He says he likes having sex with girls. He says he likes having sex with boys. I really don’t see this “denial” many of you are talking about…

  12. I’m willing to bet he’s referring to the owner of Treasure Island Media. One of Christian’s earliest scenes was a jack off vid with TIM, which they brought out of the vault fairly recently.

  13. It really grinds my gears that there are people championing for bisexual rights and (legitimately) complaining about how they’re ostracized by both gay and straight people…and then they totally get undercut by these fools who can’t even sack up enough to admit that they’re bisexual. Criminy.

  14. So Christian writes a long as paragraph, and peppers it with the infamous words of many gay porn models in denial – ‘I’m just sexual ‘ , ‘I just love fucking’ .. although it was interesting reading about his sexual history thus far, in my opinion, he is still in denial, and BISEXUAL

  15. Hot is hot. Still would watch Christian’s stuff. I’m not going to try to justify, explain or know what he’s gone through. Strictly cock here. Least when he does it he actually fucks, sucks etc unlike so many of the nds boys. And soon he will be bottoming for the real hot couple of the year Austin and mmm Anthony! Can’t wait for that scene.

  16. I am somewhat offended by the assertion that merely having sex with persons of the same and opposite sex is true bisexuality. Bisexuality defined includes at very least a personal statement of physical attraction to both sexes, but to the exclusion of all else if necessary, a predisposition toward a heartfelt romantic and emotional attraction to the same. That bisexuality is defined solely by the fact that a man may become erect when he sees an attractive man or woman, completely, and frankly ignorantly, disregards the fact that he can also fall in love with them. It is mere sex when the only thing that the two people (or more) desire is an orgasm, it is a true sexual orientation when and only when those same persons express a capacity and desire to carry on a meaningful, romantic relationship with those persons. Mr. Wilde’s encounters with men, without a display of romantic or emotional attraction, shows a man who enjoys being fellated, not a bisexual; a man who enjoys the sensation of penetration or anal stimulation, not a bisexual; a man who enjoys the sensations of sex in total and is unencumbered by concerns for who provides those sensations; not a bisexual.

    True bisexuality, like homosexuality, can never be reduced to something as basic and crude as the sensation of an orgasm. There was a time when the queer community served as a desperately needed deconstructive social force, when queerness meant, in its essence, a constant challenge to, if not a rejection of, the type of uniformed, clumsy definitions of sexuality that are often rigidly applied. As a child of the nineties I have slowly seen the sex positive attitude and philosophies of the queer community’s forefathers rejected in favor of a mindless fundamentalism that posits that sexuality can be defined; and can only be expressed in three ways. I rejected that from social conservatives then and I reject any expression of it now from members of the queer community. Sexuality to me can never be as precisely defined as some would suggest and there are plenty of studies to prove that very point. Ultimately though, I dismiss any definition of true sexuality that seeks to fallaciously equate the gender of the person with whom you have sex with a meaningful sexuality. Every true bisexual’s sexuality is much more than that and by Mr. Wilde’s narrative he is not a true bisexual. The queer rights movement has always championed the right to “be” and to “be left alone”, I find that apropos in this instance. In that same spirit I believe what he “is” is better left to him to decide.

    1. ↑↑↑↑↑

      TL DR

      Sexually speaking, he’s bisexual. He’s not gay like me (I don’t have sexual feelings for women), he’s not straight like people I know (they don’t have any sexual desires for men). And I don’t care what gender person he will take to restaurant for romantic dinner.

      1. My post speaks to the idea that an orgasm is not enough to qualify you as a homosexual, him [Christian Wilde] as bisexual, or any of your friends as heterosexual. I maintain that true sexuality is a robust combination of sexual and emotional/romantic attraction, and that expressing the former alone does not make you anything other than a person having sex with a person of the opposite or same sex. You are gay because you are sexually attracted to men and you desire to partner with them, maybe not all of your sexual encounters begin or end in romance but you have the capacity for it. Mr. Wilde only asserts the former in his explanation, and when we equate his sexual expression with true, constitutional, bisexuality or homosexuality we do a disservice to bisexuals and heterosexuals by reducing (by association) their relationships to nothing more than sex crazed/driven couplings (a favorite spin of social conservatives). Mr. Wilde is something, and what that is I am not quite sure nor will hazard to guess, but he is not a bisexual man in the truest sense of the word.

  17. It’s no wonder so many people hate gays. You’re all such bitchy cunts. It’s tiresome. Not a one of you has any right to tell another person how he may or not define himself, so get the fuck off his back and let him be.

  18. This guy doesn’t like labels because all the media does is focus on the flamboyant gays marching in the parades. For them, the label “gay” means weak and effeminate. Time to change stereotypes and get over it you gay4payers.

  19. I have no problems in what he writes. Everyone should live his own sexuality as he thinks it’s best for him.

    I have problems to understand the first phrase though. “I’m not gay. I’m not straight. I’m not bi. I LOVE FUCKING.”

    Does it depend on what it means “sexual” for him? perhaps he associates gay/str8/bi to a combination of physical attraction + mental attraction, so that he states he can have physical attraction for men women and trans (“I love fucking”) but mental attraction towards some people only (perhaps of the female gender only)?

  20. Some people take porn and the sexual identity of porn performers way too serious and way too personal. Yeah, it sucks that people judge you based on your own courage to define your own sexual identity loud and clear, but I find it rather pointless to dismiss or feel threatened by other people’s own sexual identity label definition.

    As long as porn performers deliver good performances and not engage in anti gay rethoric or publically endorse anti gay polititians, bills, and causes they should be more than welcome to have a successful career in porn.

  21. Why are these guys so afraid of the bisexual word. As far a pan-sexuality goes it is an orientation that rejects gender norms and a pansexual would assert that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others. From what I read as Christian describes his sexual evolution and experiences with TWO genders he is not pansexual but bisexual. I LOVE FUCKING too, but that does mean I want to or will have sex with women. I’m not sure about the fluidity of sexuality but I think that it is something only pertinent to bisexuals because I am 100% attracted to men and have never in my 50 years been attracted to a female, although I did sleep with a few in my younger years…just to make sure. I can understand that some gay-for-pay performer are not at all attracted to the same sex and it comes across in their lousy scenes (Cody Cummings), but if your are attracted to men and women and have sex with both genders you are bisexual, so own it and be proud!

  22. It has always been my opinion that saying one is pansexual or sapiosexual is a pretentious way of saying bisexual. Saying one is just sexual is avoidance, that doesn’t make it necessarily a bad thing.

    We are all labeled, whether or not we want to be. All are either heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual or asexual technically, but that doesn’t always explain how we feel.

    The fact that he says he likes sex. And it doesn’t matter if it’s girls or guys is enough for me to enjoy him. Besides a good performance, all I need is to know that he likes having sex with men to fullfil my fantasy.

    I think the “The fact is, I love sex. I love everything about it. EVERYTHING. Its absolutely beautiful. Its so deep and complex and intricate.” is an excellent comment.

  23. Alex-M just like Christian your full of shit? I don’t buy in to the Fluid B.S. either your gay or your str8 and as far as peoples like Christian trying hard to avoid labels.When he choose to marry a woman he made a choice to ware a str8 label and not a gay one saying that he not bi,gay or str8 is pure garbage and he knows that and besides he’s not the first g4per to tell a lie and say he’s just sexual.I can’t tell you how many times I’ve g4pers tell that lie! over and over again and no I’m not buying into his crap that he just like sex but don’t want reveal what his true sexuality is and that he is str8-g4per and not gay he wouldn’t be the first to lie in order to try and not loose his gay fan base.There have been other g4pers who have told lie about their sexuality to make money off of gay men and use them as their [ Piggy-Bank ] their nothing new about that end of story.

    1. I’m sorry but you are limited. When it comes to sexuality things can become really complicated, that’s a fact, and not just because someone doesn’t want to admit that is gay.
      I have not this problem (being not even remotely attracted to a woman) but there are a lot of shades in sexuality, deal with it.

      1. God, here’s another one. “I’m sorry but you are limited.” I’m sorry people are so self-delusional and in denial that they can’t accept bisexuality and have to invent shit in order to feel special. I’m sorry you’re complete tools.

        1. If someone says something that contradicts your mental schemes on how the world is categorized and divided, he is a fool/crazy/outright dangerous…
          I’m sorry but this is the very definition of “limited”.

    2. I agree with you with the marriage part and avoiding labels. Christian has a ring on it and he shouldn’t be having sex period (unless its his wife). He made a vow to with this women to be with her for the rest of his life and not have sex with other man or woman. However its his marriages and if the wife accepts Christian lifestyle then it okay. However it bullshit, Christian is breaking the “Marriages Code”. Marriage is suppose to be when a man and woman , man and man, or women and woman exchanges rings to be together forever and not cheat. What really grinds my gears is when a heterosexual guy joins the gay porn industries have sex with many different men but when he walk out of that studios he stills identifies himself straights and acts like the homosexuality orientation doesn’t exists. UUMM hello… that doesn’t make any sense, if you asked everybody in the world if a heterosexual guy haves sex with another guy that makes him gay or at least bisexual (common and sense). This were I fall in with the “Avoiding Labels”. I honestly feel like half of these men doesn’t like to label themselves because they want to seem unique, afraid of judgment (possibly from people who are close to them), or because they really don’t fucking know what they are. However the first 2 statements I stated those are probably the top two reason men like Christian avoid labeling. When you feel unique you have a lot of self pride, which its not bad, however, we the people of planet earth are born with a specific sexuality rather you like or not you should have self pride from who you truly are, and if you’re having sex with both males and females you are bisexual just like Christian. There is no other way around it that will truly make sense (basically no matter how many perspective you put its wrong) . Judgments, there are negative and positive judgment. A lot of these men fear the negative judgement and hearing negative judgement from someone who is really close to you will hurt. In the end whoever is your true friend, mother, father, anybody close to should accept you no matter what you do and if they don’t fuck that person (simply as it is). This is why I hate gay for pay as you can see it confusing and retarted when it come to identifying these models sexuality. These men make seems like they get to chose their sexuality anytime they want to however we all knows that is not true and I feel like gay for pay men is a slap to the face in the gay society because one of the main reason anti- gay people hate gays like me because they believe they chose their sexuality and as we know that’s not true but these gay for pay guys are proving there points.

      1. Who the hell are you to be telling a complete stranger what they should and should not be doing with their own body. Without the possibility of exception, what any other person does that isn’t a violation of law is absolutely none of your fucking business whatsoever, MOST ESPECIALLY A STRANGER.

  24. So basically he is bi then. I hate people who claim to be too complicated to define, its pretentious BS. If you have sex with with both sexes you are bi, its that simple. Bi doesnt mean 50/50, its anything in between 100% one way or the other. Get over it.

    1. AGREE. it is pretentious and annoying as hell. I understand bisexual men find deal with the most stigma, but damn, just admit you are bi and be proud, stop trying to make excuses

      1. Agreed. Stop whing about the labels when you label yourshelf “straight”. Just accept your bisexuality and be done with it. Many gays are uncomortable with it, but they tolerate it. Always we want is some honesty. Is that too much to hope for?

  25. Where is there problem(s)? Christian says he likes sex. Me too! and he may come to my bedroom any time -because I like him- and we could have sex or not if attraction works or not.
    Just his splendid eyes and lips … and all the rest!

  26. Just watch the behind the scenes clip (w/ adam wirthmore) from where he tells it all about bottoming.

    I remember him mentioning that he likes things in his ass and lets his gf play with it (with a strap-on) but he would never bottom with a guy because it’s more of a mental thing. I had assumed that was it pretty summed up everything about his sexuality. He’s straight as an arrow.

  27. What the hell is wrong with you people? I can’t believe how closed minded some people are. Sexuality is completely fluid and it isn’t as black and white as many of you guys are trying to make it. Seems to me that many of you are just mad that some people don’t abide by mainstream labels. Technically he may be bisexual, but who cares what label someone wants to use for themselves. Some gay men are just so closed minded and can’t accept the fact that some men are bi/pansexual. Seriously, just keep your negatively to yourself.

    1. Karl Rove's Mama's Dead Vag


      Shut up and eat your chicken sandwich with the two pickles.

      Shut up and wear a condom

      Shut up and put your clothes on San Fran hippies

      Shut up, fags. Opposing opinions are so negative and wrong.

      Shut up saying some gay porn sucks! I remember reading DUDE. They told me EVERYTHING RULED! and I believed them. Who was I to dispute them? Some kind of paying consumer or queer with my own mind??!! NOOOO, I followed and it worked.

      I SAY those fucking bitches at the Stonewall should have shut the hell up. What was wrong with them? So stupid! They had warm beer and one working toilet. GREEDY! LOUD!

      SO, shut up with your close-minded opinions. Open minded positive ones only please! I don’t want you to reveal yourself. I’m clairvoyant.

      OH, AND ZACH…better see you smiling sidesaddle on a unicorn, farting rainbows & throwing sunshine OR I’m selling this entire non-positive, worthless, bullshit site to Jiffy Fulfillment.

    2. Well said Alex M, I read this on Christian’s blog earlier today and thought “Good on him, hopefully this will get everyone off his back”. I took it for what I thought he meant it to be, an honest explanation to what is obviously the endless stream of people questioning him about his sexuality. Why do you all care so much anyway, as long as he is putting on the show you want, wtf does it matter what he does in his private life, and why do you bitter and cynical trolls continually put down anyone featured in these posts. I enjoy a lot of the content on this blog, when it’s humorous and good natured, but honestly, a lot of you guys need to get a life and stop being such nasty bitches, you just take it too far.

    3. I accept it, but i wish people would drop the idea that a label doesnt exist for them, it does. No one is that complicated.

    4. Explain that to a straight person you know when he decides to clock you when you explain to him sexuality is completely fluid and isn’t as black and white etc……

    5. Has it ever occurred to you people who bitch and moan about “sexuality is completely fluid” that it is NOT fluid for everyone? Just because your ass wants to label-dodge doesn’t mean you get to call me bi, or anything else I’m not. I’m absolutely, definitely, and most sincerely 100% gay, and the insinuation that no, I’m just a closet bisexual who isn’t open to enough experiences and so is everyone else who can successfully identify themselves in this world, is fucking offensive.

      Here’s a thought; maybe sexuality isn’t as bloody universally fluid as you think. Maybe you’re just a slutty dumbass! Do you also refuse to call the sky blue, but rather some other, more nebulous manifestation of chromatism?

      1. The problems as I see them…

        1. Most Straight people think if you have had gay sex you’re gay and always will be…to them there is no such thing as a bisexual man.
        2. Many Gay people think if you have had gay sex you’re gay and always will be…to them there is no such thing as a bisexual man.
        3. Many gay people accept the notion of bisexuality but they also jump to the conclusion that if someone who has long identified as gay has an isolated sexual experience with a person of the opposite sex then they really are Bi and then vilify them as traitors to the gays or some such nonsense.
        4. Bisexual people are in such denial about being bisexual they invent these ridiculous terms like pansexual to somehow distance themselves from the word bisexual. They think they’re some unique little snow flake or something. The problem with being unique is that so are all the other 7 billion people on the planet so your very uniqueness isn’t very unique at all.
        5. Many of us liberals (let’s be honest most of us are as are there plenty of straight ones) are willing to buy into anyone else’s self delusion and think we should be happy for and respect everyone’s viewpoint/life style no choice no matter how fucking retarded it really is.

  28. Pansexual sums him up pretty well, if he’s ruling out all of the above and most people dont even know what Pansexual is

  29. Karl Rove's Mama's Dead Vag


    Won me an actual big-ass giraffe off Joan Embery in Macau ’09–that bitch is such a shitty Pai Gow player. It’s out back tied up/Acacia’d out next to the shed where I keep JonBenet(Patsy was an even shittier Pai Gow player)

    You can come fuck it if you want. Giraffe sex really isn’t my thing. Big sexy eyelashes & mammoth rough tongue are kinda hot tho.

    Has to be better than sucking Cody Came’s dick! Reminds me, did you know the voice of the original Smurfette died recently? Blue & tiny vs orange & microscopic

    1. Plenty, when you’re married and you live your life as a straight man (only a few people know that he has sex with men for money).

  30. Many men that do straight and gay porn or are G4P say they are ” sexual ” as a way to justify their presence in gay porn, others just say they are straight and fuck you all…( We read it here many times ). Now, when someone defines himself by frases like: I love people and I love fucking and than tell us his sexual story with women and men, I think we can understand he is bisexual ( nothing more nothing less.) In all languages it’s very clear the division: There are heterosexuals, bisexuals and homosexuals ( Someone here, in the comments, explained it using the Kinsey studies that blurs these divisions but the ‘fundamental three’ remains ). Sorry, but ” I love people ” ( Madre Tereza loved too ) or ” I love fucking ” ( In my country they say that ” sex even when bad is good ” – Everybody loves! ) don’t make sence for me I only understand what people much more enlightened than me tought me: The one that make sex with both genders are a bisexual. And I partially agree that we can’t only be defined for what we do but ‘what we do ‘ are a matter of choice so , yes we partially can be defined for our ‘ work ‘. In all languages there are names for all professions that define people.

  31. Finally someone in gay porn who admits to loving both men and women, and people still call him gay for pay. Gay men are just STRANGE.

      1. I didn’t mean that CHRISTIAN considers himself to be both sexes. However, some people do, and he enjoys having sex with them too. Guy, girl, in between, he doesn’t care, if he’s attracted to you, he’ll have sex with you, he’s not limiting.

  32. Whatever lets you sleep at night. Personally, I think label-dodgers dodge labels because they’re pulling some shysty shit and don’t want to admit it.

  33. Ewww. Did he really write this? He is so annoying. There are males, females, intersex, transexuals, if you are talking about being into people and of course you can be asexual(I don’t know if he is into animals or inanimate objects). To say you are “none if the above” is just idiotic. You just love fucking? Fucking what? If like both, guess what? THAT’S BI!

    Glad I don’t really pay attention to him, he is super annoying.

    1. Sorry, but all this sounds likes something from a porn movie. Who hasn’t thought to themselves, Ok my buddy wants to blow me so I think I’ll help him out?

    1. So he’s married? And only a few select people know that he has sex with men (for money)… that that’s an aspect of his life he keeps clandestine… sounds like he’s gay-for-pay to me. :/

      1. You’re an idiot. Did it not occur to you that maybe he didn’t talk about his wife she doesn’t need to be unnecessarily dragged into all the controversy surrounding him? Did it not occur to you that maybe he doesn’t tell his entire family because he’s scared of judgement (like he stated) and not because he’s not really attracted to men? He already admits to loving men and women, how does that make him gay for pay?

        Take your trolling elsewhere.

        1. “Did it not occur to you that maybe he didn’t talk about his wife she doesn’t need to be unnecessarily dragged into all the controversy surrounding him?”

          WTF do you think spouses are for?! To be there with you, for you, to support you, in good times and in bad, and to share in your ignominy if needs be. Not mentioning that he is married to a woman is being dishonest; it’s withholding the entire story. Yeah, I’m beyond labels, and yet to all the world I appear to be and live as a straight man.

          “Did it not occur to you that maybe he doesn’t tell his entire family because he’s scared of judgement (like he stated) and not because he’s not really attracted to men?”

          I’m sure there are lot of gay men out there who are also “scared of judgement” – do you suggest they remain closeted?!

          “He already admits to loving men and women, how does that make him gay for pay?”

          He’s ‘admitting’ this to an audience of gay men (and creepy women who like watching men fuck each other) that he hopes will buy his crap and subscribe to his sites. Do you think he’d make such a admission to a bunch of straight people? Fuck no. It seems from his sexual history that every interaction he’s had with men has either involved a monetary transaction (his escorting and porn work) and/or wasn’t initiated by him (he didn’t have gay sex until a friend offered to give him a blowjob); he isn’t the one seeking out gay sex.

  34. The first porn studio that I’m aware that he did work for was Brendon Marley. Christian even had the same porn name but obviously had less tattoos.

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