Hence our ears pricked up at this report from World Politics Review which suggests that cocaine is basically recession-proof because–get this–the primary consumers of cocaine in both the U.S. and Europe are poor!
We didn’t buy it either, but the piece goes on to explain:
“(A recession) will turn pure powder cocaine into something less desirable because fewer people can afford that, but economic adversity is the reason that cheaper cocaine derivatives [crack] exist. . . The drug traffickers are, unfortunately, pretty brilliant marketers who are able to adjust to these kinds of things.”
So we got it hand it to you, Oprah, once again you were way ahead of the trend on this one.
Gays Still Drinking, Shopping; NY Observer Sees a Trend Piece
On Top of Everything Else, Your Cocaine Is About To Get More Expensive
The Sword Guide to Gay Party Drugs: Cocaine
Hold the Phone: Oprah Smoked Crack
Mom Thought He Was Straight? Part 3: Elton John
Will the Global Slowdown Reduce Cocaine Demand (WPR)