We’ve known all along (because we have eyes) that Cody Cummings never actually had actual gay sex on camera, and his whole website is devoted to weirdly edited softcore scenes and jerkoff vids. Sure he’s had his dick sucked, and he touched another guy’s dick with his toes, and even drank his own cum. But buttholes? Nope. Maybe only if they’re attached to a lady.
Now a new British “documentary” series follows three British porn superfans to L.A. to meet their porn idols, and one finds out the SHOCKING news. It’s all kind of creepy and sad, as you’d expect. A guy in a wheelchair meets his porn idol, Tanya Tate, and decides that his next girlfriend doesn’t have to look like a porn star. (Shoot for the stars, guy.) And our token gay, Danny, who actually got into porn in the hope that someday, maybe, his porn idol Cody Cummings might fuck him, finally meets the since-retired Cody, and Cody sits him down and sets things straight. “You know it’s all fake, right?” Cody explains to the poor, drooling, clueless Danny, that every time he puts his dick near a man’s ass, it goes soft they cut away. And this is why some hot dudes with nice dicks just shouldn’t be allowed to do gay porn. And sadly whatever part of Britain watched this thing thnks that
Gay Porn Blog has excerpted the “revelation.” Cummings also reveals, as he did a few months ago in this video statement, that his 15-year-old daughter refuses to talk to him because of his porn career, which is sad and tragic because the whole reason he says he got into porn was because he wanted to “move heaven and earth” and make enough money for an attorney in a custody battle with his ex.
Anyway, people still go to CodyCummings.com, and he’s probably still paying lawyers.
Now that I know it’s fake, doesn’t seem worth watching. He gives a bad name to gay for pay. People are paying to see him have gay sex. So he should actually do it if he wanted to do gay porn. I have a theory that he might actually be gay and is putting on this very straight persona for some reason, and only do limited things in gay porn to hide this. Could be wrong though. But anything’s possible.
What a KING SIZED ASSHOLE! I can’t believe even a “gay-for-pay” guy would be this deceitful. NOW it makes one question all the “gay-for-pay” model/actors. It will ruin the fanatsy when we watch these guys. WHY WOULD A STUDIO even bother with some idiot like this? There are too many other gay or “gay-for-pay” model/actors with wonderful non-homophobic attitudes who are either bisexual or just see it as another side of their sexuality, for example COLBY JANSEN who is straight but has never once failed to be a pro in his gay videos and is very supportive of gay rights and gay men. This CODY CUMMINGS is a “douche bag”. That’s why his daughter should never speak to him. I hope no gay person will ever pay to see his work again and complain to any studio who facillitated his ruse!
Colby Jansen is not straight, he is bisexual he has stated this several times.
Can you suck my asshole
I knew of Cody Cummings many years back. He use to dance at this strip in the Valley years ago. He was an ass to the customers and to the guy who ran the show.
Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.
Cody Cumming kind of looks like a mix between Justin Tinberlake and Jesse Metcalfe.Cody is hot.But,he is also stupid.He made gay porn for 10 years and he was not able to go all the way with men.
So much gay for pay men hate gay sex even more than Cody.But,at least they were able to have sex with men.Tyler Torro clearly hated having sex with men.But,he still had sex with men.He didnt fake the penetration like Cody.Tyler Torro was a very bad performer.Cody Cumming was even worst.
Cody Cumming is obviously the most hated gay porn star ever.
Cody Cumming is fake.
Cody admitted that he has faked his scenes in this segment but we missed his other admissions. Later he admitted that his name isn’t Cody, his tan is fake, and – although he is not gay – he hangs around naked with gay men, promotes himself as a masturbatory fantasy for gay men and has kissed more gay men than most gay men I know (lol).
I think the funniest part of this whole exchange is Cody’s hyperbole that it would “blow your mind” when he can’t evoke any response from the guy who has flown from the UK to meet him.
The guy in the documentary knew cody doesn’t fuck guys, you can see it in his face. He just didn’t want to be rude.
Cody was like ”ïm about to drop a BOMB ON YOU. Did you know thy are softcore?”
He didnt want to be like… “yeah, I know… everyone knows you idiot”
he knew because he was told in advance. Even Cody’s delivery is off.
They should have done a few minutes of questions with him, that leads into the “reveal” – he just blurted it out.
He is a fan of Cody. Everyone knows Cody fuck bids are fake.he knew long before.
Dont blame him. Blame the stupid studio that agreed to this and made it happen.
Cody did some screwing alright. He screwed over the gay porn community. If it seriously made him uncomfortable doing things with a guy then stick to straight porn instead of exploiting and cheating the industry out of money he didn’t deserve. Really should just stay retired and don’t call himself at all bisexual cause he doesn’t know the meaning of that word. I don’t miss him at all.
you forgot to mention that “that twink” Danny did gay porn under the name “Justin Dean” for Eurocreme and BullDogPit
That was a weird interaction, he was all hands on that boy and way too enthused. And doesn’t Cody hate “fags” that fawn over him? If I remember correctly, he got flack one time at a club appearance for saying such things, which was covered as a story on here.
And the twink didn’t care about the revelation, I thought, because well–it was for the show; the twink knew what was coming. These British documentaries come off so stupid sometimes; which is funny to me, as the British are always known for sophistication and high art, but when you see crap like this you know it isn’t true.
The twink was either paid to be there or was trying to promote his career; Cody did it so he can say it was all faked publicly–because he DOES want to do straight porn now that the gay cash cow died. It is a familiar story, a few “gay”(bisexual) performers crossover after a gay porn stint, and lie publicly about what they did or didn’t do on set. Well, Cody, that lie ain’t going to last long, the internet has everything and it last forever. If this was on vhs tape that would be one thing, but if you google your name you can find enough material to make your claims at very least suspect. Well, you could prove you didn’t kiss anyone on set at least.
Meanwhile, no one would have hired him at NDS if he wasn’t doing somethings(at least not initially).
I know what I’m saying sounds paranoid, but this does seem very staged. As soon as the “fan” was introduced as ANOTHER gay porn performer, I knew something was up.
And what happened to his lawsuit? It all went up in flames? So no payout? :D
Thanks for that infor. I thought he was quite good looking.
And the cameras go off and this egghead cries himself to sleep because the illusion was shattered.
No..he was actually turned on by it.
He’s such a dumbass.
You know Cody fucked that twink when the cameras left.
Cody who? ;-)
Where’s my Valtrex? I’m having a recurrence of Cody Cummings–Just when you thought you were rid of him….