Commenter “SuperGay” is not happy with The Sword’s coverage of straight porn.
SuperGay writes:
Zach you and other so call gay porn bloggers must really get off on pissing gay men off who are not turn on by this crap are by seeing it ether.Do you think that str8-porn bloggers go out of their way to piss off str8-porn consumers this way by putting up porn-graphic pictures of 2 gay men fucking I think not because they would have some very angry posters.If they did and they would be very turn off by the blog owner for posting such shit on his blog I see no point in putting this crap on a so call gay porn blog and beside no one want to see Cody-the nut-job anti-gay ass any way.Which lead to ask the question how much money is N.D.S. paying you to put up their advertisements for them it must be a lot the way you are al-way endorsing and pushing their porn promotion on your porn site.You seem as dough you can’t get enough of them I for one don’t care for N.D.S. are their porn.
Is SuperGay also SuperRetarded?
Why does SuperGay hate women so much?
Is “N.D.S.” paying me to “put up their advertisements”?
Let’s assume “N.D.S.” is paying me. How much do you think I would charge?
“…I’m also not alone in being a gay man who would rather be skinned alive than have to look a twat in the face.”
Really? Is it THAT bad?
Why is it that many porn fans come across as total reactionaries? A statement like that sounds too much like comments from straight guys when they carry on about gay imagery, as if the whole idea was so disgusting that it is best dismissed pronto, and in as disparaging a way as possible. As if that image being in their minds ruins sex now and for all time.
When a straight guy does that, I immediately think he has unresolved issues about his sexuality. When a gay guy does it, I think the exact same thing…
What terrible grammar “supergay” has, but I will admit I agree with him on some of his points.
the side banners are obviously lead ads, and the links inside of posts going to porn sites are also leads despite what may be written about them in the post. duh
I enjoy watching hot guys fuck girls. I know I’m not alone here.
The point is you have the whole rest of the internet to watch that. This is a gay site. Bi men enjoy gay porn and they enjoy straight porn, but that doesn’t mean they both have to be on the same site, unless they are a specifically bi site, which The Sword has never claimed to be.
Is it now claiming to be? Because I know I’m also not alone in being a gay man who would rather be skinned alive than have to look a twat in the face.
It’s bad enough that this site promotes unsafe sex. If it starts putting minge on here as a regular feature, I’m definitely gone.
Cody Cummings is not bi-sexual. He’s gay for pay
That has nothing to do with what I said. I’m talking about viewers, not performers.
whooooooo cares????
cody cummings is nasty anyway. hot muscular bodies are a DIME A DOZEN but like the majority of the muscled hot guys in porn the face does not match the hotness so i always hate when people give so much attention (good or bad) to someone that doesnt deserve it. pornstars are stereo typically histrionic and narcissistic so i guarantee they r checking this site and other blogs DAILY to see what is written about them and totally REVELING in the fact that people are talking about them.
i mean….i guess if ur a gay pornstar this very tiny microcosm of gay porn blogs and gay porn industry gossip may FEEL like a giant world where people are watching u but its not….the sword is NOT perez hilton or tmz…..even though zach’s constant digs at perez only show how bitter and jealous he is of perez’s success…hahaha oh well..
I have yet to see a cock in Cody Cumming’s ass and mouth. Come to think of it, I don’t think he’s even licked carpet or even had a taco with ketchup.
The pay out is in web traffic AND when some delusional soul actually signs up and you get the $35 conversion bonus.
Sadly, I have come to understand over the last month how many people lack the ability to detect sarcasm or simply don’t get the joke. The Trophy Blog and other blogs took your post about Cody and Anthony seriously and reported, without a hint of the joke, to their readers that it was real.
If people thought that post or the “butchered booby” post was a promotional post for Next Door then clearly they lack critical reading skills.
That said I still share their disgust at Next Door.
I fully agree with you here and I am glad I am not the only one who picked up on the irony especially in the preview post about Cody’s second fake scene. That said, I have to agree with SuperGay here. Even with an ironic post you are still playing in to their hands. Publicity is publicity is publicity. And while I still believe that NDS needs to be constantly criticised for their incessant attempts to degay gay porn, I sometimes feel the less said about the rubbish they produce the better.
I’d rather see bad grammar then a snatch on a gay site. Or Cody. Just sayin..
I think they pay you $1
“Is “N.D.S.” paying me to “put up their advertisements”?
Let’s assume “N.D.S.” is paying me. How much do you think I would charge?”
Don’t be so coy. You do get paid to write an article, the funding for that pay comes from ad revenues generated by people clicking on ads. As part of that partnership you promote the products of the vendors who create the ads, thus we are at times exposed to vagina when people come here for cock.
While the comment sent in could have been stated in a better manner his displeasure rings true and is a sentiment held by many who visit gay porn blog sites and review sites only to find the porn is not so gay.
I’d prefer it if I never had to see Cody Cummings again or another Next Door Studios production on this site but we all know that won’t happen any time soon.
My advice to you SuperGay is to try to calm down. There are blogs and review sites out there that are exclusively male. You’re just going to have to search for them as I’m sure the sword won’t link to its competition.
I must say that was an incredibly insightful,intelligent point, Thank You
A contract that stipulates a standard operating fee and cross-promotion on their homepage. Maybe some kind of advertising waver that benefits both NDB and NakedSword?
You seem as dough.
Dear Adam,
I’m officially in love with you.
That just gave me a migraine to read. Proof read your rant before you hit send Supergay.
What is the point of putting vaginas on a GAY blog site? Maybe you should call this site “The Sword: Bi Sex Life”. It would be more accurate. Why hide what you are? Come out of the closet already! We know you like pussy!
I like pussy, and I am certainly a faggot — no bones about that. Been called a faggot all my life — been sucking cock since I could first get my mouth on one. But I enjoy looking at guys fucking pussy — and probably some other readers of this blog, including those who never write in, enjoy it as well.
But that’s beside the point. This is a porn blog — Zach is posting shit that pertains to the industry, especially the rainbow of dudes who say they are straight, but suck cock — or those who try to seem like they’re down with gay sex, but clearly don’t get into it — or those who escort, but have a wife and kids at home — not to mention all the dudes who start out “straight” and eventually have their legs in the air. And, yes, it’s sometimes interesting to read about performers like Cody Cummings, who so many despise, if only to watch bitches argue.
Pussy’s gonna show up from time to time, dude.
This is the 2nd time I’ve seen cunts on this site. It has disembowled me each time. stop the madness.
I’m truly shocked at his correct use of the word “their.”
I for one agree with SuperGay lol
as well am I