Hello and welcome to the all new TheSword.com, a recipes and cooking blog for foodies, bakers, chefs, and people who love to eat! In today’s “Cooking With” video segment, we pay a visit to the two cutest people on the face of the earth, Jake Bass and Max Ryder.
Max and Jake were kind enough to open up their kitchen and give us a simple how-to demo on making a classic sweet treat, Strawberry Shortcake. I’m still not sure which was the sweetest though: The dessert, Max, or Jake!!
Don’t forget to follow Max and Jake’s culinary adventures on their own cooking blog, CockyBoys.com. And stay tuned for more—much more—of The Sword’s visit with Max Ryder and Jake Bass in the coming weeks.
Love seeing Max and Jake together. Thanks so much for sharing this video.
With all the gross shit on The Sword homepage right now, thank god for these two just being fun and just being themselves!!! Love Jake & Max FOREVER
Cute video and cute boys!
bon(er) appetit
zzzzzzzzzz……..as youtube, reality shows, and porn workers doing other things than porn has shown, just because something is filmed doesn’t automatically make it interesting or funny. and by the way, making strawberry shortcake, not so gay. however if you’re a dude and you make a living sucking dick and getting fucked “thats so gay”.
It’s so uninteresting and unfunny that you felt compelled not just to watch it, but to comment on it, too! LOL
I have never ever seen strawberry shortcake made like that lol I was brought up on one piece of shortcake, strawberries, and whip cream. I feel like my life’s been a complete lie now.
First of all sorry my english.
OMG loved it! =)
btw Who is complaining about Max saying “That’s so gay” don’t understand this is a common sentence even gay people say among them and doesn’t have to mean something bad or homophobic. I’ve seen gay people saying to him the same on twitter and anyone can see they’re just joking. I know there are straight people on the gay porn industry but I don’t think it’s his case, I follow him long enough on twitter and even old accounts before he signed to the cockyboys to know.
They didn’t make one for the cameraman ???? Hmmmmmmmm
They look like Porn One Direction. Where are the other three?
Max’s looked better and messier but I’ll take either one. (But really #teamMax!)
These comments are as entertaining as the video. LOL Thanks for posting it Zack. I have never put ice cream on it either – decadent, boys! And…that is in fact spongecake, Jake. Strawberry shortcake from scratch uses “cake” that is more like biscuit traditionally: hence “shortcake”. I know this because I’m old, no relation to Martha Stewart.
I love you Jake. Always and forever my baby ;)
get a fucking haircut already
They’d be fun to have around the house … minus the tying you up, stabbing and robbing you part.
I honestly did not think I could love either of them more, until this. “Cutest on the earth” doesn’t begin to describe them. How does anyone choose between them?
The street children of porn.
I LOVE IT! Two of the best gay porn personalities. YES!! Personality! So refreshing!
A ha see i found it.
When Max is making fun of Jake at the end, doesn’t Max know that you’re not supposed to say “That’s so gay!”? That’s an insult to gays and makes the word “gay” sound bad and it’s considered bullying to use the word negatively like that. Isn’t Jake the one who is supposed to be straight? Maybe it’s really Max who is straight if he’s being so anti-gay like that.
Calm down bro jesus they’re just making strawberry shortcake.
Not bad…I’ve never added ice cream to mine just strawberries, whipped cream and cake of course. The sugar from the fruit and whipped cream works for me….love strawberries…btw, those were tart shells that you can buy in just about any grocery store.
I hate you Zach for being with them you don’t deserve and I hope you didn’t get any pies.
Uhhh, OK.
Dam haters LOL
It’s called SHORTCAKE, not sponge cake. Hence, Strawberry SHORTCAKE.
Calm down Martha Stewart.