The three psychos — aged 39, 49 and 50 — promoted sex parties online that they threw in their home in Grodingen, a small city in the northern Netherlands. After guests arrived, they were unwittingly sedated with date-rape cocktails containing ecstacy and GHB. The three attackers, one of whom is a nurse, would then either rape the drugged-up guests or inject them with their own HIV-infected blood.
When arrested, two of the attackers told police that they were motivated by the pursuit of excitement. Sociopath, much?
A local bartender said that he had seen these three men out and about before, but that they had disappeared from the gay scene before the attacks began. The bartender then spoke of his friend, Roy, who was one of the victims. Roy didn’t remember much from the sex party. He only recalled blacking out and waking up in his own parked car hours later. After a few days he became very ill. Hospital tests showed that he had another person’s blood type running through his veins. He also had contracted HIV.
Roy is one of twelve victims thus far who have tested positive. The three attackers face up to 21 years in prison for aggravated assault, rape, and the illegal possession of drugs. Aggravated assault? Not attempted murder? Well, no. The courts have decided that AIDS is a chronic illness, not a terminal one. That’s what all those reassuring ads in gay rags tell us, too — the ads with hot, smiling and muscular men leaping joyously into the air for love of their retrovirals. So yes, life with HIV may be sustainable and long, but still, aggravated assault kinda seems like an understatement here.
Such A Nice Man: Jeffrey Dahmer
Mason Wyler Beaten and Raped, Non-Consensual-Like
Gay Rapist’s Ball and Chain Spree Ends
HIV criminal trial opens in the Netherlands (Expatica)
Dutchmen on trial for spreading HIV at sex parties (Breitbart)