First off we have this bizarre series of animated talking heads that is using, called the Virtual Front Row, to liven up these audio podcasts they’ve got coming in from correspondents Michael Kors (looking less orange-y and much thinner in his animated incarnation), Averyl Oates and Charlotte Tilbury. The Kors dispatches feature a lot “omigod”-ing and “uchh”-ing and talking about wanting a cheeseburger amidst the “models stacked up everywhere” at his office. Also see Mr. Kors’ interview on the NY Times website in which he talks about how “fashion’s always a good investment,” even if you’ve just been laid off or lost all your savings to Bernie Madoff.
Next up there’s Men’s Style’s Material Interest blog, where they’ve got pics from all the faggy parties and menswear shows, and where they’ve got the most thorough coverage of runway shows in general. This week being focused on fall fashion, we’re afraid it’s going to be light on hot models in swimwear and heavy on Zac Posen posing in scarves.
The gayest coverage of all is coming from Season 4 Project Rungay Jack Mackenroth, who’s guest blogging for Logo’s NewNowNext blog. Look for more school-girl squealing if he runs into Chad White again, and more doing crack with other gay fashionistas on the fashion week party circuit.
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Model Undress: Cameron Schultz Wins Gingerhead of the Month
World’s Hottest Tranny Stomps Rio Catwalk
Sorry Gays :-( Project Runway Delayed
Model Undress: Shirtless Highlights from the Paris Shows
Virtual Front Row (
Material Interest (
Fall Fashion Week With Jack Mackenroth (NewNowNext)