DADT Repeal Fails

By a vote of 56-43, the Senate failed to reach cloture this afternoon, which would have led to debate and a full vote on the 2011 defense authorization bill, which includes language to repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

A round-up of reactions is here, but my favorite comes from the miserable clowns of GOProud (the self-loathing fags who recently invited Ann Coulter to speak at their convention):

Just now on the floor of the Senate, Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell offered a consent agreement that would have allowed for a vote on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal and provided a fair framework for the debate. Unfortunately, Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid rejected this offer – and as a result, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal has died in the Senate.

That would be outrageous, if it were true. Reid (who is still by all means worthless) voted ‘no’ so that he’d have the chance to bring the bill up again at a later time. So, either GOProud has no problem using an issue that (presumably) affects them to barf up false political rhetoric or they’re too stupid to understand procedural maneuvers in the Senate. I’m leaning towards the latter. Also, such language! “Repeal has died”? Nothing died. Quit being so dramatic. Quit being drama queens, queens. The bill will come up again.

Harry Reid is playing political games with the lives of the brave gay men and women serving in our military. It’s clear now that Lady GaGa should have held her Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal rally in Nevada instead of Maine.

Yes. If you want to be taken seriously as a political organization that purports to be interested in saving the lives of brave gay men and women (so they don’t literally die), conclude your official press release by invoking Lady Gaga.

0 thoughts on “DADT Repeal Fails”

  1. Regardless if DADT gets repealed, the fact remains that sodomy is still a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. That is what people need to protest about. Just as the U.S. Constitution is the foundation for U.S. civilian law, the UCMJ is the foundation of military law in the U.S. Military officers will find ways to kick out gay servicemen/women.

  2. Are you guys serious? I’ve been in the military for 7 years and you cant even imagine how much i’ve been hoping for this stupid ass “rule” to be repealed.. Its so true what they say about ignorance being bliss.. The law is dumb on so many different levels it blows my mind.. The military feels as if they have the right to tell us how we should have sex, gay straight or otherwise, according to the ucmj you prohibited from having intercourse with your wife doing anything other than missionary!

    Miss GAGA may not be the greatest spoke person for gays, or gays in the military for that matter but damn if she isn’t the only one that seams to be getting any sort of attention and she actually makes sense. I don’t understand how people get confused by her symbolism. Sometimes it is a stretch but by no means is it above my head.

    I’ve lost so much faith in America since pres Obama has taken office, it doesn’t matter what he does or how he doesn’t no one is going to be happy bc its not happening fast enough and they feel as if he has the power to change everything with the wave of his hand! CHECKS AND BALANCES look it up, The real problem here is the people we elect aren’t here to serve us, they are busy going after self interest, ALL OF THEM.. Things will never change in our lifetime, ever.. How can we expect to elect someone to office that is so totally disconnected with the common American and expect them to know what we want..

    They are elected to serve us! The argument shouldn’t be what is the military’s stance on discrimination and whats America’s stance on discrimination and predudice..

    I wish more high profile people like GAGA were so outspoken, i have so much respect for what she is doing and i hope she keeps it up… Throw it in their face we are gay we are in the military and we are here to stay no matter what! And what happened to dadt being unconstitutional?

  3. A pop singer/drag queen that wears meat dresses turning out to be most visible spokesperson on ending Don’t Ask Don’t Tell? It just shows that the current “mainstream” gay movement consists of continued celebrity-worship without any actual leaders emerging a la Harvey Milk.

  4. The bill will come up again?

    I doubt DADT will be resolved through the legislative branch, unless in the distant future. Next session of congress will, in all likelihood, lurch to the right.

  5. I don’t care how many records sold or Twitter followers, putting a ridiculous celebrity-du-jour up front as the face of the debate was a misfire. The right wing blogs like Drudge had a field day with her. Reminded me of a scene in “Spinal Tap”:

    “You took the most dramatic moment in the song put a model of StoneHenge on stage that was so small it was in danger of being crushed by a dwarf!”
    -Well the audience liked it.
    “The audience was laughing!”
    -Yeah, well, so it became a comedy act.

  6. After 19 yrs of service, I was so hopeful this thing would get repealed. Ugh! I’m so inconsolable I need a porn star to hug me! :(

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