We pointed you earlier to her web show — and sadly you can’t watch the Brenda Dickson spoofs anymore because Brenda had them pulled off YouTube and tried to sue Deven — but now we bring you this laff-worthy piece of voice-over work, set to a 1950s animated PSA about venereal disease. (It also got pulled off YouTube for “graphic content,” but Deven replaced it with this kitten-censored version.)
Welcome to Deven Green’s VD, the uncensored version. Warning: some of the illustrations way NSFW!
Welcome to Her Vagine: The Comedy of Deven Green
Brenda Dickson: ‘Welcome to the Foreclosure of My Home’
Carlo Masi Welcomes Us to His (Vacation) Home
Deven Green & Joel Bryant: Award Winning Comedy Duo (official site)
NSFW? not suitable for White People…