The owner brought the story to the mind-numbing legislation fetishists at Bilerico. Here’s what he said:
I had a pretty crazy week last week. MormonBoyz was first hacked Monday evening a week ago (the 19th). I’ve been talking with my programmer and it appears that there were many attempts. All of the hacks, including those that were successful, originated out of Salt Lake City, Utah. I’m told the attacks were quite sophisticated.
I guess I’m not terribly surprised, considering the threats and outrage I heard two and three weeks ago.
The owner was quick to add that member info was not compromised. All in all, the controversy and drama surrounding this site amounts to fun publicity, and it’s heart-warming to know that an amateur jerk-off site has landed roundly on the Mormon church’s radar. Either that or the owner is making it up. Whatever the case, he needs to start pairing up these solo performers immediately, perhaps with some plot scenarios. Maybe the Angel Moroni decides to visit Joseph Smith again, and this time he’s uncut and a little violent?
Glory Be To The Mormon Missionary Fetishist
Mormon Porn Stars, Jewish Porn Stars
Landon Conrad: The Sword Interview taken down by LDS Hackers? (Bilerico)