Last night, I received this email about supercouple Anthony Romero and Austin Wilde:
Did real life porn star boyfriends Austin Wilde and Anthony Romero break up? Well, it seems as if. While it may sound silly, they no longer follow each other on twitter; nor are they friends on Facebook. Someone asked Anthony if he and his dog were missing Austin and his dog – his response “I still love Tank.” quite interesting if you ask me! Sad to hear it if it’s true. I’d rather remain anonymous. Just a little tip I found interesting. I def could be wrong, but their tweets to each other the past few days has made me come to this conclusion.
Well, Tank Wilde “Anonymous,” first of all, it is very rude to go nosing around in other people’s personal affairs. I mean, honestly. Second of all, I am not so sure. I think maybe they are just in a big fight?
I saw some of those tweets yesterday–one of which, from Anthony, was a picture of him and Austin captioned with the word “garbage”–but they have since been deleted. And while it is true that Anthony Romero and Austin Wilde aren’t currently following each other on Twitter, it is not as if each of them aren’t just going manually to each other’s Twitter profiles every five minutes to see what they are tweeting. Please. Also, Anthony is still following Austin’s dog, Tank! So, there is still hope.
Thirdly, “Anonymous,” couples fight! And then they make up. And, in the last 24 hours, Austin and Anthony have been trying to out-social media each other (Austin opened an Instagram and Anthony started a Tumblr), which is such a transparent way of saying, “See, life goes on! I’m fine!” when in fact you are lonely and miserable and all you really want to do is say, “I’m sorry” and/or “I forgive you” and/or “I was wrong” and/or “I love you.”
And with that said, The Sword orders Austin and Anthony to stop fighting, now. And if neither of them will say “I’m sorry,” then I will say it for the both of them because I refuse to live in a world where the stars of “Sweet Cheeks” do not live happily ever after (plus, I probably owe someone an apology anyway): “I’m sorry.” There.
Michael, I don’t think you should be criticizing his performances. Anthony is a CUNT, yes. but he is a fucking hot latino with a spectacular ass. He loves getting fucked and it shows.
Some if you really let your inner ignorant cunty side shine through.We WERE a real couple and we love each other regardless of “market value,” which doesn’t make any fucking sense anyway, and for what it’s worth people have tiffs and get over those tiffs. My relationship and living situation are none of your business. If your life is so vapid that you feel the need to live vicariously through me then you have bigger issues than you probably think. Our relationship is our business. We didn’t publicize or Hollywoodize anything. We put things out on our twitter because sharing with others the fun we had together was something we liked to do. I don’t judge the shit you put on your twitter so spare me. You can be as negative as you want, but who gives a fuck. In the end, none of this is anyone’s business. I made a mistake posting my dramatics, but whatever happens is our decision, because we are real people not statues, icons, a reality series, or the like. And to reiterate: PEOPLE HAVE DISAGREEMENTS IN RELATIONSHIPS. It doesn’t fucking mean anything.
Well said Anthony. Good luck to you both.
I don’t give a shit if the two of you are together or not but, it was the two of you that made your “relationship” public and it was the two of you that kept it public (mostly for profit). You took your “tiff” public and yet, you’re bitching because people are curious about it? The best part…you have the audacity to call other people cunts.
I was never a fan of yours, you just seemed so lifeless in your scenes, and after this and on top of your irrational defense of NDS, I never will be. Austin is a hot guy he’ll do better.
I couldn’t give a shit if you don’t like me. At least explain how I made any profit off of my relationship? Oh, you can’t, because what do you actually know? Nothing.
You’re not very bright are you? I shouldn’t have to explain it to you dumb ass it’s quite obvious. Maybe, if you weren’t so irrational, you’d see it. It’s very clear why your relationship is on the rocks.
That’s what I thought.
He’s baiting you, Anthony, in hopes you have a public blow-up. My advice (and take it for what it’s worth)is to step back and not fall for it. Don’t respond to ugliness (no matter how tempting), let the talkers talk and the haters hate. Your persona, “Anthony Romero,” is a public figure for better or worse and people WILL talk, speculate, take sides and imbue you with personality traits and ideas they want to believe you have. It doesn’t mean you have to like what they say but it really doesn’t affect you as a person in the long haul. Try to step back, breathe, and just let it go. It’s not worth you upsetting yourself over. No good ever came from responding to trolls in public forums. Take care and good luck.
thank you for telling the haters to fuck off in yourn own qwirky way. U guys sort out your shit on your own terms. Hope you guys can work it out, but if not still love both of you.
did we really ever actually BELIEVE they were in a relationship???? Relationship meaning like boyfriends living together etc, I didn’t. Their scenes together said it all: often no electricity at all, i am not fooled
Maybe Perez Hilton knows for sure… just saying.
Maybe Austin will bend and take it more? :D
LOL’s to the 10th degree
Considering how active are both of them in the social media, I guess we’ll receive an official statement soon, in a way or another
Two incredibly sexy men together or separate. Love their blogs and all the posts.. they make me laugh, they make me think and they make me hard.
Have you considered that porn “relationships” can be just as contrived as Hollywood marriages, simply to keep fans feeding off the gossip, increase market value and boost the stars’ careers?
Are Colton Ford and Blake Harper still a couple?
I hope that Austin and Anthony are happy and healthy whether they are together or not.
No they are definitely not. Blake Harper continued to work as a medical assistant/nurse or something along that field after their relationship ended. Apparently many sources say that Blake’s income was fueling Colton’s singing career through the duration of the relationship.
I saw the documentary with them in it. I believe Blake was a nurse and returned to nursing after porn while Colton was trying to make a singing career.
Pity they aren’t. The chemistry between them in the documentary seemed real and good.
I always root for couples staying together, if the relationship is/was good and isn’t/wasn’t toxic.
Porn star breakups are just a timebomb waiting to happen. Ever since Pedro Andreas & Daniel Marvin broke it off, I lost all hope for all pornstar relationships. If only one of them is doing porn, then the relationship has an actual chance of surviving, but not when both of them are screwing guys for money.
They were an awesome couple. Perhaps the only hope for pornstars having a relationship, might be meeting another porn star who is willing to retire at the same time, have an exclusively monogamous relationship, move to somewhere like a small town in the midwest, where they could try to have normal jobs and live normal lives.
You both are complete judgmental morons. Not every person is the same. You can’t sit here and analyze the integrity of these relationships, because you have no idea what you are talking about. There are plenty of very successful non-manogamous relationships. It’s very judgmental and negative of you to sit here and spit your bullshit about how they won’t last.
“There are plenty of very successful non-manogamous relationships.”
Yeah, until the male baboon decides to eat one of his harem bitches. Or Mormons.
I agree. I really really REALLY would not want anything like this type of relationship but if it makes them happy, why would I care?
I found the out Q&A with Colt and Porter instructive that way. All I kept thinking was wow I don’t get this but what is important is that they love each other and are happy that way. The rest is not our problem. We should be rooting for people to be happy with no conditions, not to project our own concepts of happiness on them.
Let me make clear. I agree on the substantive point. Not on the insults against the other commenters.
oh also TO ANTHONY: I love being anonymous and beautiful!
It can’t be easy having such a public relationship. Those dogs are so cute.
Public relationship? No one knows who the hell they are outside of the gay porn world. There’s more to life than that.
That’s still a lot more public than normal.
I hope they did. I hate porn star couples!
It’s about time.. the whole conducting your relationship on twitter thing was making me sick
I’m more invested in the comings and goings of Anthony & Austin’s relationship than my last one. . .so, I hope they’re just having a long-distance relationship mix-up.
I wish my fag hags were as solicitous as you. Then again, they’re mostly lesbians and they couldn’t give a rat’s ass who I fucked around with. But there’s nothing like having 6′ tall bull dyke on your side when you get into a scrape outside a gay bar.
You are seriously decreasing the fun value of my Sword commenting experience.
Don’t feed the trolls, Asenath. Just ignore him.
And here I thought I was being rather complimentary…
Solicitous means “concerned”. I think he was being nice.
Well I stopped following both of them on twitter, so I don’t know and don’t care.
Great input! Thanks, I was very concerned about who you were following on twitter.
“Great input! Thanks, I was very concerned about who you were following on twitter”.
The title of this blog entry is a question, which I answered, ass wipe.
If its true, hope Anthony can leave NDS
I’m curious… what’s the longest a gay porn couple has stayed together? IIRC, the Jarics were together for six years before doing porn, but that doesn’t really count IMO.
Aside: I hope Austin and Anthony do make up.
I think Mason and Marcus Wyler have been together for seven years or something but it sounds like an open relationship and they did break up for a few months in 2009.
Marcus Wyler? He was never in porn, was he? I don’t think that counts…
I think porn couple Benjamin Bradley and Roman Hart were together for 7 or 8 years. Although, they did take a break while Benjamin was hawking Ginch Gonch.
say it isn’t so! I wonder if it was because of Anthony’s “I was bullied too” post
I hope that “i never hate someone so much” that Anthony tweeted was referrer to Cody Cummings and no to Austin <3.
If this is true, i hope they can resolve it.
haha you bastard