Following The Sword’s coverage of Marc Dylan’s racist YouTube videos in which he defended his right to not have sex with black men, the embattled gay porn star sent the below two emails to The Sword.
Email #1:
Thank you so much for the increased blog traffic it’s been quite a few months since my blog had 5 figure commission, thank goodness I have white label products so it doesn’t matter where the cookie originates. Great promo for my YouTube channel. Thank you very much :)
Email #2 (sent approximately one hour after email #1):
You remember when I met you I told you I couldn’t care less about what anyone thinks of me. I hope you at least get to keep most of the affiliate revenue that your incredible journalistic skills brings in.
Wow 1548.92 in web cam sales tonight and 1 new spender I can only hope that he found my blog through you. From the bottom of my heart thank your for the coverage and support. Traffic is priceless. Have a goodnight and sleep well.
So, being labeled a racist was all worth it in the end?
Also: Based on internal stats, The Sword referred a total of exactly zero clicks to Marc Dylan’s blog in the past week (I’ve never linked to his site), so his alleged white label—and of course Marc Dylan has “white” label products—commissions were not due to traffic originating here. Maybe it came from here?
is it means that some people make everyone around them happy because of their presence
All our dreams can come true–if we have the courage to pursue them.
Do black men want to have sex with Marc Dylan???? If so, why???
I just had the opportunity to watch Diesel Washington’s rebuttal Youtube video in reference to Marc Dylan’s racist views. Diesel’s was on point with his opinion. The gay community need to take a look from within and address the damn racism within the gay community. White gay males need to stop comparing their plight to that of the black ‘Civil Rights’ movement of the 50’s & 60’s. I will boycott the site QMN because they are very bias by letting whites say whatever they want and blacks like myself get blocked or my comments deleted for having an opinion. However, Marc Dylan can say whatever he like on QMN. I got under Marc’s skin and he became outrage and called me a despicable person. You know, sometimes the truth hurts, Marc. It’s time for gay black men and other ‘Men of Color’ to stand up by saying, we will not tolerate this BS anyone from racist white gay males like Marc Dylan or whomever. On the issue of Austin Wilde, he thinks he has arrived because he is a light skin black man and he’s performed with mostly all white males in the gay porn industry. There are some in white America that will remind Austin, he’s nothing but the N word in their eyes. The one drop rule has always been a part of the U.S. fabric. Mississippi is one of the most racist states in America. In my opinion, Marc Dylan is the Paula Deen of gay porn. Marc Dylan and Miss Paula Deen aren’t the only whites in America who share these views. They may not say it publicly, however, I’m sure they have used the N word and spoke negatively about the entire black race privately. When you lay down with dogs, you will get up with fleas. Let me say for the record, I don’t think all whites are racist or share Marc’s views. In my private life, I have black, Jewish, Greek, Italian, Irish, Afro Cuban, Afro Dominican,and Afro Panamainian friends/neighbors. I still find Rocco Reed and Jessy Ares to be attractive men. I’ve never met Rocco Reed and I truly believe, he’s not racist or have racial hangups about human beings of the black race.
How do you know he’s a racist? Do you know him personally and have you interacted with him?
I love people who come here to grouse at how mean Zach is, for skewering these retards. This is a gossip blog, not for posting cookie recipes. If you don’t like it, keep it moving. Or tell porn personalities (I would not refer to him as a’star’) like Marc Dylan to keep their assholes open and not their mouths.
It surprises me that people really are shocked at porn models pulling some Ann Coulter attention whoring stunt and it’s doing the trick of getting them more attention.
Like, really?
I died when I clicked on the KKK link Zach. Your sarcasm is always appreciated and that little racist power bottom can keep getting butt hurt about your posts, that is if he can feel anything at all down there anymore.
This is Marc’s response to me on QMN.
@Tony shame on you for your hateful comments such as “kissing Marc Dylan’s white ass. ” Should should be ashamed to even mention the Trayvon Martin case in reference to such a trivial debate such as sexual preference. That young man lost his life because of legitimate racial profiling , I think the idea of using that to make a point in a conversation like this is despicable. When you look they a blue tinted lense don’t be surprised that everything looks blue. You may think every topic needs to be looked at thru the racial prism. I don’t. If your are going to do it , do it with some tact !
and lets be real, who the hell is Marc Dylan to say that racial profiling and sexual racial requirements are two completely separate issues?
and to trivialize racial requirements is equally stupid. I could just as easily say “Putting gay marriage and Matthew Shepard in the same sentence is HORRIFIC. In one case, one young man lost his life due to REAL homophobia. in another, two gay, rich white men cant adopt cute babies from Africa bc some politician (WITH TONS OF GAY FRIENDS) was raised to believed homosexuality is not right”
so really? a white man is telling people of color what they should and shouldnt be outraged about? a white man is telling everyone what really is or isnt racism? gurlll please.
I absolutely agree. Of course, it is the same issue – racial profiling and racial sexual preferences comes down to the same thing – RACISM. It’s as simple as that. Racist people like Marc Dylan and Paula Deen however are not really able to see that.
Hey guys, what I find so funny, my recent comments were deleted on a certain blog that support Marc Dylan. I was called an evil person for bringing up Trayvon Martin’s name on a gay blog. You know, sometimes the truth hurts and as President Obama and others have stated, we need to have an open discussion about Race and racism in the United States. As gay black, Afro & Mestizo Latino, Native American, and Asian men, we know racism exist in the United States. Caucasian is seen as beautiful and desirable in society because white America and the world have brained washed us to think this. I’m attracted to men of all races and ethnic groups. I continue to laugh at how Marc Dylan tap danced around the subject of Race and racism. Only he know what’s in his heart. I am thankful to Zach for allowing us to have a discussion on Race and racism.
Is he really bragging about making fifteen-hundred bucks while everyone else is yelling “racism”? And moreso, is he really just even bragging about fifteen-hundred bucks? Guess it just does not pay to be a whure these days at all.
I’m pretty sure that’s 1500 subs times whatever he’s charging. It’s more than likely much more than 1500.00
Um ok….”1548.92 in web cam sales tonight” is the number of new subscriptions? Read the actual thing and then formulate conclusions.
I compared Marc Dylan to former Governor George Wallace and former U.S. Senantor Jesse Helms. Both would have been proud of Marc Dylan.
I can assure you Zach, I have never visited or plan to visit Marc Dylan’s blog or purchase merchandise with this guy’s name on it. Marc Dylan is full of shit and I told him on QMN’s blog, I compare with with former Governor George Wallace and former U.S. Senator Jesse Helms. They both were southern segregationist. He says, he never need the money and yet I saw him getting fucked once in a video raw exposing himself to catching a disease. Marc also stated in his video, he doesn’t read the comments on a blog that trash or talk negative about him. LOL I bet this guy have been reading every comment on this blog. LOL
Oh please, these are porn performers and escorts we’re talking about here, not some Nobel Prize Winners. They are all self-serving because they literally sell themselves for profit. Maybe they should get a real 9-5 job to see what life is without the gym and clubs,
I read the story here and googled how to get to the site and shows. That doesn’t put money in his pocket, does it? I mean just for looking. I didn’t buy a show.
It just shows he is a person with no standards and morals.
I concur, Andy.
Andy that is exactly the traits needed in STANDARDS or MORALS..perfect combo :-)
Well, for me it is a huge turn off. I don’t want to watch any videos starring a racist performer. There are hundreds of others, so I’ll prefer them and will avoid Marc Dylan videos in the future.
……”Like a rat in a granary”
Obviously, a nerve has been stricken and the “thanks for the traffic” is code for something else.
Maybe he doesn’t ready the sword because if he did he would SHUT THE FUCK UP! He may have gotten a temporary uptick in traffic, but I’ll bet he’s lost a lot of fans too.
Doubtful the exact opposite in fact. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Marc Dylan respond to the comments on here, but he goes all out at QMN. In fact I think he’s still responding to many of the comments made in the past week over there. Seriously if he doesn’t like conflict, why start it and why keep stirring it up?
Marc Dylan is an idiot. You’d think at this point he would shut his mouth. Its funny because he’s been gone from porn for quite a while, is this how he makes a comeback?? We definitely know he’s making porn again!
Oh, and Connor got 500 more followers! Im sure Men is thrilled.
How passive-aggressive. For someone who needs to gloat to Zach about traffic/sales, he seems really not to care at all! Wink. Wink.
He keeps saying on twitter he doesn’t bother with feuds. I guess that was a lie, now it is to what extent other lies occur is the question.
Wow, when you guys have it in for a performer at the Sword there is no low you guys will go to try and destroy someone. All of this is rubbish and nonsense. The accusations you make against Marc could apply to most of gay porn stars today. You guys did the same thing to Rocco Reed. You guys clearly have your favorite porn star and post endless trivial things about him. You can check youtube later. I will be posting my “leave Marc alone” video.
On The Sword, racism is the new Steve Grand …..
Marc Dylan didn’t make any racist comments, so, no.
Did Connor Kline made the racist joke to drive up his twitter followers? Atleast thats what Connor wrote on Twitter, “Well with all this controversy, my followers have gone up about 500…shit haha”. Lets be fair here Zach and call out everyone rather than picking on someone who you do not like personally. Now about this whole “race” controversy, I think Marc was ignorant to put those videos explaining himself why he don’t have sex with black men but by far a racist. Everyone have a preference whether is the height, weight, race or even dick size. Certain black people do not date white and vice versa. You shouldn’t be announcing it to everyone which is what Marc and Connor is guilty of. I could guarantee 100% that everyone discriminates based on some physical characteristic when it comes to SEX. It could be racism, “heightism”, “weightism” or even “dickism”. You just have to get over it.
Have no idea who these people are and who writes what I just browse and sometimes comment. If he was un-bothered by all of this and happy with the money why not just be smart about it and simply collect the nice income of funds and keep it shut. Or be professional about the email in thanks of support ah well.
Will we get to see how much traffic this blog has gotten from the seemingly endless racist topic posts? It’s almost like racism is a hot button issue that brings in viewers and comments lol.
Zach you are pathetic. You have gone out of your way to be outright nasty to Marc Dylan.
Re-posting Marc Dylan’s videos makes Zach nasty? Did Zach force Marc Dylan to start making YouTube videos where he talks about why he won’t sleep with black men? Put your hood on and get back to your rally, whitey.
I concur, Black Man.
For someone who doesn’t care what other people think about him…he’s now recorded over 30 minutes of video in three(!) different YouTube clips, posted dozens and dozens of tweets, and sent two pathetic emails to a blog that he claims to never read. LMAOOOOOOOOO…