Between the afterglow of guest star Austin Wilde fucking of Dominic Santos last week and the Grabbys Weekend hysteria, it almost slipped through the cracks that in the follow-up, Jordan Levine slipped on a condom before fucking Scotty Marx for Randy Blue. But did the condom make any difference?
Some context: Randy Blue started shooting bareback scenes this past March, saying that they would still shoot some condom scenes. Jordan and Dominic were in the first bareback scene that dropped a week later. There were condoms when Jordan fucked Jimmy Clay till he erupted in one of his famous cum bursts last month — but that scene was shot last year. It was then bare for Jordan with Preston Cole and again with Brett Beckham — until today’s scene, which was shot April 15.
This means that Scotty Marx is committed to a condom-only career at this point. It also means Jordan Levine respected Scotty’s choice and neither he nor the studio enticed or pressured Scotty to compromise that. I do wish Randy Blue had put the same effort in the crafting of this scene, though.
At this point the massage premise is sooooooo tired that Randy Blue even used Scotty and Diego Sans to make fun of it.
Scotty Marx is a cutie. But his transition from twink to twunk has been a bit rocky.
So let’s just say that there were a few reasons why this resulting scene comes off totally flat — and it can’t be blamed on the latex.
The Sword’s PornBack Machine on Scotty Marx
Condoms, shom-doms … someone should have given Scotty a hat
And now the rest from Straight Hunk, Jordan Levine massages Gay Porn Star Scotty Marx
[Randy Blue: Straight Hunk, Jordan Levine massages Gay Porn Star Scotty Marx]
Previously: Hot or Not?: New Tattooed Randy Blue Bottom Brett Beckham
lmao Fire your barber dude! He must have been playing a joke on you when he gave you that hair cut. Looks like a Donald Trump special.
I think the BB Vs. condom debate will be one that continues for years to come. I think the porn industry realise the appetite for BB is growing and they have to move with the times, although some would argue that the industry is feeding the BB monster.
I think porn has to reflect modern day life where the fantasy and reality lines have become ever more blurred. With the developments i “technology” (PreP, HIV Meds, PeP etc), more and more people are choosing to BB in the real world, so the porn industry has to keep pace.
BB was once a fantasy for most gay guys, where as now, the trend is changing and its increasingly their reality, so the porn industry has to keep up.
Lets face it BB porn is way hotter. Whatever the longterm outcome of the debate, porn needs to step it up in terms of the “models” it uses. Personally speaking I don’t see any real “stars” anymore. Most are low grade , trashy , druggy life-losers whose career prospects outside of porn are limited.
The porn industry is under so much pressure to keep up with demand and release movies all the time, that quality has taken a back seat to quantity. They (the industry) complain about piracy etc, but who wants to pay to see some trashy average guy gets fucked in a porn ? On top of that, all the “porn stars” use social media for daily cock and arse shots, cum shots and even gifs of them fucking or being fucked. Another reason not to need to pay for porn. All the teaser videos nowadays show cum shots. Well if you show the money shot for free. Why do I need to pay to see the full video?
The industry and the “porn stars” have shot themselves in the foot and overexposed themselves (literally).
Peoples desire for “porn stars” has decreased due to over supply and over exposure.
Maybe the real “stars” are concerned with maintaining their physical beauty and health to engage in risky BB sex.
Tottally agree. It kills the fantasy that at least I would be willing to pay for as a consumer!
Scotty’s hair disaster kills it for me. His hotness will skyrocket once he gets a buzz cut. All that beefiness would be on prime display with no distractions.
Also, Jordan’s kind of meh for me, so any scene with him I won’t really be that interested in watching.
Looks like the production staff taped a merkin to the bitch’s head…
Love Scotty Marx. He’s a hottie. I’m glad he is more interested in safeguarding his health than in following the trend to risky BB sex.
Wow it’s probably not good that Randy Blue has falsified the date of production! It originally says the DOP is April 15th, BUT their Instagram account posted a pic of Jordan and Scotty together 13 weeks ago, which is about the last week of February. During that time they were shooting both condom and bareback porn. And this isn’t just a random pic they posted of them together, this was a pic of them in that exact same room in the scene. Scotty is also wearing the same underwear.
I found this scene a bit suspicious when I first saw it because for one Scotty has not been that thick in awhile as he has been leaning down a bit more now. And also he said on cam he was not planning on doing barebacking for RB and I thought this was a barebacking scene until I saw the condom. But then again he could very well change his mind since Abele said the exact same thing on cam and now he filmed a barebacking scene with Jake Davis. But I don’t think RB is shooting anymore condom scenes, as everything they’ve been posting and tweeting about has been all about their bareback material. I think they were just tying loose ends on scenes that they promised to models.
I believe Scotty filmed a BB scene with Jake Davis, the posted a picture of them together after they had filmed their scene on instagram with #bareback.
scotty lost his cuteness when he beefed up, coz also his face beefed up and while i do like some meat (his ass is still a Delight) the face should not have been beefed up at all..harsh reality, and i wonder who is to blame?
The very first scene he did for RB was the best he did and he was far more cute then