Most people would see an increase in their Twitter followers as a reason to keep their accounts active (while others would see the increase in Twitter’s popularity as a reason to question humanity), but not our Diesel! He promised to delete his account once he hit 1000 followers, and today he did just that. I’d link to the account but, like I said, it’s been deleted. So here’s what Diesel wrote on his blog:
I said when I reach 1000 followers on Twitter I would shut down my twitter and its shut down!!! It wasted my time, I didnt like the drama on Twitter and it was a waste of time for Me.It was a fun ride but Im done with it….ALOT OF DRAMA on Fort Lauderdale trip and I will share that with people soon. I mean I really have to think about what to write because there were some things that happened that was foul.
The drama Diesel’s referring to could be any number of things (the drama follows him!), but here’s a short list of items that were on his mind this morning, based on his final tweets:
-An HIV-positive model lied about his test results (claiming to be negative) so that he could do a scene with Diesel
-Studios should require HIV testing for models
-Studios don’t hire enough black models
-Studios that reacted negatively to Cybersocket’s “Top 40” list of porn stars are hypocrites for not hiring black models themselves
-New porn stars are “brown nosers, fakes and flakes” looking to “jump on the gravy train”
I guess this means all future rants will be contained to Diesel’s blog, where he vented before (and yet, during) his time on Twitter. So, goodbye forever, Diesel! We barely knew you.
And, because this post needs an image, here’s a tweet from porn star/State Senator dinner companion Brandon Wilde in response to one of Diesel’s tweets about HIV tests for models and AIM (Adult Industry Medical):
Poor Diesel. Such a sad sack. I just read that he’s going to start his own porn company, but “the timing isn’t right.” He says his company will be better than everyone elses. I just love when guys that have nothing always say, “you just wait, WHEN I do mine, it’s going to better than yours.” It’s so funny that Washington looks to porn to give himself validation.
After four years, he’s still trying to become a porn “insider.” That’s a shame.
Res, ur pathetic, i’m no fan of diesel’s ( a matter of taste give me eddie diaz and tyle rjohnson any day) but still…we (read I) do NEED BLACKS in porn coz they’re hot
Now if he would retire we would be 2 for 2.
Diesel Washington is SO damn paranoid and overly opinionated.
He did not “delete” his account. He disabled it. That means he can (and probably will) turn it back on at anytime.
Hey, I like porn, but I’m glad blacks aren’t prominent in it. It would only be something THEY used against us. Plus, blacks tend to care too much about what people think and say then to get involved. The entire church congregation would let us have it EVERY Sunday. Forget that, we wouldn’t be allowed in the church. And we love church so we will tarry vs the porn industry.
who cares about him anyway. I have never understood why he gets any attention at all. what a loser.
He reminds me of some old guy who sits on his front porch in his rocker covering his legs with a folded blanket and raising his cane: “Get off my lawn, you young whipper-snappers!” God did he choose the wrong career if he wants to be the big cheese forever.
Please stand by for a retirement announcement . . .