Forever. That’s how long. Especially when I get things like this:
“***Toss more gas on the fire
My scene in Asylum scene filler??The only scene I did for Falcon that earned Best Supporting Actor Grabbys 2010?? Eric my boy put down the pipe bro, my scene was good! And overshadow Me?? Eric come on!! I think you spent most of your time laying on your back with Tops who didnt know how to fuck a big crying bitching baby boy!! I’m a big guy and I fucked bigger boys than you!! Performance wise…
I really do not want to compare scenes because it makes no sense to….. I’m a Top and your a Bottom!!
You did some great movies big boy I can not lie…. But I have my own highlights as well. You got Grabby Best Versatile Performer 2008[7]
Grabby Best Actor 2008 for The Ivy League…..I got Performer of the Year Grabby 2009, Best Porn Star blog 2009(I think you was nominated in that?Sore Loser) Hot Cock 2008 Grabby… In my eyes I’m not some scene filler as you claim.
The whole B.O. thing, refer to it as “Diesel Funk” say it with me……..”Diesel Funk”
Man smells: Ripe Pits, sweaty ass, smelly socks!! Those were traits from the the Old Guard of the BDSM community, that drove players in that lifestyle cock hungry crazy. I would go into the leather bars(Eagle, Lure)of NYC, geared in army pants and boots, having those boys spit shine my boots, and for a treat I pull them in close, shove their nose in my ripe pits, I could see the precum stains on the front of their pants from being turned on so much.
I guess alot of the old school players that lived that life passed away or are gone…
They got replaced with juice taking, fake tan wearing, eye brow waxing(threading), club kids wearing designer smells, and body sprays, lotion, conditioner, bronzer, bedazzle, concealer, fondation, pancake mix. Its not hot to me when laying in bed with some one and I lick their body and all I taste is cream/lotion/body spray, alcohol on the tip of my tongue.
Every porn model has done the hands over the head pose, that shows off the arm pits. Why?? Because there is huge fetish for arm pits….
Is this Porn 101?? Anyway give me some ripe pits anyday….sorry that turns me on!! And that turns on MY fans!! Although….I have toned down the pits a hair.. When I got to L.A. I now pack the Non scented Speed Stick………and I feel bad for doing so because some fans come up try to stick their nose in the pits, and that smell of a Man is almost gone. Disappointment….
I said almost…..LOL
Anyway…doesn’t Eric sound like a little kid, *little kid sticking out his tongue ” I don’t want to play with him because he stinks, and I always get my way”…..
Spoiled brat!! Hes been an Exclusive for too long, he forgets the days of being a Free agent, with no backing, no agent, having to promote yourself the best way you can. He has being laying like a fat pig over at Falcon far too long. Sorry your getting tired of watching my Vids(then why watch) I know your tired of hearing about me(then don’t look) you don’t want to be associated with me(so why comment on me?)
Don’t fuck with a blogger..
Eric I think you had way too many of those “Jeremy Jordan” nights when you just get FUCKED UP!!! Your losing it buddy!!! And they call me crazy??”
In case you were wondering, the irony is not lost on me that both of these men starred in a movie called Asylum.
[Related: Diesel’s Newest Hater: Erik Rhodes!; Diesel’s response; Erik Rhodes Responds To Diesel Washington’s Response To Erik Rhodes]
LOL. for the post that said diesel had an “erection problem” maybe it from all that white ass he be bangin. Im not gun put the brother down but i don’t watch much of his stuff unless he’s doing solos. Im not in to the white bottom black\latino tops shit just ain’t my style. And that Erik Rhodes person I don’t know who he is
This is rediculous. Doesn’t Diesel Washington remember the “Stink Dick” incident from a few years ago? Who in the hell would want to spend the day hooked up with someone with offensive armpits. Yes, armpits are hot and even the smell can sometime drive a guy wild, but not if you are not attracted to a guy. I am on Team Erik. Poor Erik has to put up with a guy with a smelly dick. I am glad to see he stood his grounds on not doing it with Diesel Washington. Erik is a class act. Diesel thinks Suite703 is high end. Sort of like the difference between the Fairmont in San Francisco and a trailer park in Fresno.
Yeah cause no bottom is ever used to getting fucked on a porn set. Diesel is god and is the first porn star and top ever. Diesel, do yourself a favor, stop talking. You’re a mess. You are becoming the Anna Nicole Smith of gay porn.
I can smell Diesel from here!!
You know Alex you might be on to something. Maybe for Diesel’s next movie they can include those smell-o-vision cards like they did for John Waters Polyester. They both make good and sometimes painfully true statements about the porn industry and the people involved in it and I suspect have more in common then either one wants to admit.
Maybe I’m just a square, or old fashioned, or lame, or a hater, or a prude but I like a nice scent . I mean not something that you can smell from a mile away but a hint of cologne hot to me. Also taking a shower with your partner and getting clean together and being with them while they are wet and naked is pretty hot to me. Unwashed or ripe feet, armpits, ass, balls, and pussy just doesn’t sound too erotic to me.
All this talk about sweaty balls is turning me on.
BTW, think when the Grabby commission determines the winners on a cocktail napkin in between peppermint shots that they know for some, it’s a life altering event?
I bet feuds like this happen at BelAmi, but unfortunately for us they’re all in Czech. What’s Czech for “stank”?
Erik: u suk
Diesel: nou
This is not thesword quality news. #justsayin
Pulitzer Prize. #justsayin
Hey Diesel…porn isn’t Smell-a-vision…your “fans” can’t smell you but your scene partner’s and crew can. Show them some respect…like you always want shown to you. Why would you go through life assuming everyone wants ot be abused like those BDSM guys. Most people have more respect for themselves than to be treated that way. That is your problem, you talk about how great a top you are but I think what you are finding is that a top without a bottom willing to work with him is like a dildo on the shelf- it isn’t getting any ass. I realize a big part of your “character” is the swagger and ego but no one wants to do a scene with someone who already is planning on either hurting them or degrade them with one of your postions that is only designed to feed your naricism. You think a bottom that wants to be considered appealing for the long haul wants someone disrepecting what they bring to the scene…Sorry but when you talk about how you “raped a twink”, “destroyed that boyhole”, or any of the other colorful ways you have implied you were the better man because you were the top…that was exactly what you were doing. Yes, there is a demand for humilation porn and I’m sure you can find work there but why would any of the in demand bottoms want to work with you knowing you are going to make it all about you.
Don’t take this to mean I’m an Erik Rhodes fan because I can’t think of a single scene he has done in the last two years except Asylum…Sorry but Asylum was boring as hell. I’m all for Erynn’s idea but instead of fighting for who gets to top- we know Diesel isn’t bottoming- the loser has to give up blogging/tweeting. The winner gets their own Next Door website…oh hell you can both have one doesn’t everyone else?
Excellent post Alex!
Hey Alex just for you get on it Diesel Funk, and to respond to your comment. Yeah my scene partner can smell me, don’t you think some other guys are into mansmells and prefer Me to come to the set to THEIR liking. With Ripe Pits?? As far as crew being there, they work on sets with watersports scenes, fisting scenes, brown water and any other smell in the air. Alittle B.O. is nothing compared to that. And I don’t smell up the joint like I haven’t washed in days, I smell like I just came out of the gym…… Geez !!
And if a scene partner is not into mansmells, I just put on non scent Speed stick because we are working together. At the same time if a model is wearing too much makeup or too much bodyspray/cream/lotion I ask them to remove it as well….
And the use of Colorful language is just that, they are only words!! I can’t rape the willing, I can’t humilate someone when they are into performing and doing something different in porn besides the same old Doggy position or laying on back.
Funny I get people who don’t like my performances because i try to do something different, 100% into the scene, and I push the limits of a bottom who is not used to getting FUCKED for real on a porn set. How dare I do such a thing??
But whatever keep commenting away……
Diesel is so not in Erik’s ball park.
Don’t click, and it’ll all go away.
Diesel is like the Kanye of porn. He’s just there for a laugh, with a fan base that lives in his head. #justsayin
Uh, Kanye’s last record is a great one and has swept all the critics lists for the #1 spot ( )
If you are trying to put Diesel down you’ll have to pick from a field you know better, I’m afraid.
They both need a good editor. #justsayin