Diesel Washington To David Forest: You’re Fired

After nearly three months (that’s three months longer than I thought they’d have lasted), Diesel is ending his contract with Forest, and cites a litany of agent-client relationship faux pas on his blog–many of which are very reasonable complaints! In short, Diesel was fashionably late to his “Cocktails With The Stars” appearance last week, and instead of vamping, Forest announced to the crowd that his headliner was a potential no-show. Plus, Forest didn’t take Diesel out for coffee or tea during his L.A. trip.

Also on his blog, Diesel embedded a clip from an episode of the defunct sitcom Fraiser to illustrate what he had expected from Forest, but I can’t deal with that. Fraiser. Really? Fraiser.

Anyways, here’s Diesel telling Forest how he done goofed.

A Agent should never: Put out an email blaming Me for losing 50 audience members at a show because I was late. If they were my “True Fans” they know I was going to make it!! and I did!! So put it on record, DF told me to get there by 7:45 and my set would start at 8:15 I arrived at 8:15 on the dot!! Also were there so many porn stars in attendance that they could have pulled anybody from the crowd to kill some time before I arrived!! Which they did anyway!! Secondly, there were not giving any free drinks to Stars appearing (Really??I mean not one drink ticket at least?)

So I was not in a rush to get there. I took the Bus to get there!! Sue Me for trying to save money!! This entire trip came out of my pocket!!…If I was a Agent and my High profile star comes to town, not only will I stay in contact with Him. If I know he has an important show to do that night, I would pick him up myself to make sure he arrives safe, esp when you know he doesn’t drive and is not familiar with LA. If a model is not being paid for his appearance (I had to pay for my own flight) find his own lodging (I stayed with Wolf Hudson, thanks Wolf!!) and find his own transportation to event (when his agent drives) If I’m late!! I’m late!! A true agent doesn’t let Fans (of his Client) know that he is running late (you stall). I did this for free!! This was not a paying gig!! So the party doesn’t start until I get there!! That is my right!! If it was a paying gig, I would be right on time!!!

If I was an Agent and “My Star” comes to town, I would think We would have “Lunch” or something to talk over business. That never happened!!! Tsk Tsk and that really broke the camels back!!! Out of all the things above, not having a sit down dinner or lunch to talk over the direction I want my career to go…. That was a Major NO NO!! Call Me Old School, but if your representing someone, you always have that “Breaking of Beard” [ED: Bread?] with your client. That is just How it goes..I just find that Rude!!! Shit!!


Wrap it up, Diesel!

Even if it was at a StarBucks and it was a Power Meeting over Coffee or Tea that would have still done the Job for Me!! I wasn’t even given that!!! Anyway I tired of getting used!! I’m not going to be used as a stepping stone for yet another person to use to get his name back out there!!! I thought the idea of signing with David was risky because of his past. I still won’t judge him on his past, I’m only judging his treatment of myself currently…Sorry buddy!!! David Forest you are no BeBe Glazer!! So its time for Me to go bye bye!!!

I think BeBe was on Fraiser.

[Diesel Washington: The Junior Agent]

0 thoughts on “Diesel Washington To David Forest: You’re Fired”

  1. “So the party doesn’t start until I get there!! That is my right!! If it was a paying gig, I would be right on time”. Um, no longer a fan.

  2. Like Hermanita, I’m no fan of Diesel’s either. But I am man enough to put my differences aside when I heard a justified gripe. And if all that what Diesel says really did transpire, then his gripe is MORE THAN JUSTIFIED.

    During my time in the industry, I’ve gotten better treatment at the smaller venues I’ve made appearances. And rightfully so. Because the porn actors are the ones drawing in the crowd. So YES, give them a drink ticket at the club, and do other things to lessen THEIR out-of -pocket cost. If you don’t want them late, then rent some transportation for them. And I’m not talking about a limo. Just be reasonable. Because the money the porn actor is supposed to make at the event is supposed to be just what it is for the agent, party promoter, etc. – A PROFIT. NOT them making the money back that they had to put out just to get to the damn event.

    So Hermanita is correct…a little respect would be fine.

  3. My deepest respects to pornstars but there are so many other stars who are much more succesfull than him and very down to earth.
    Mr Washington is always complaining about everyone and anything !

  4. i’m absolutely no fan of diesel’s by far, but the hatred of some (yes, mr bzxter) towards pornstars make me sick, if you loathe them why do you watch them at all bitch?? a little bit of respect would be fine, just my two cents

  5. If he wants to be treated like a star he should go to an acting shool and try it in hollywood. Its just porn baby , who do you think you are?

    1. I think Diesel would be a great mainstream actor. Just needs the right script to channel that on-screen power. Curiously, he is wasted in porn — even though I think he’s super sexy, he’s always the end of a sentence, at least as current porn directors are able to feature him (and he instantly makes the black gay porn videos being made right now completely obsolete — what a revelation). He needs to use that mouth of his, and by that I mean his voice, his perspective, the thing he is always creating and re-creating through is blog, to get what he wants in life.

      And no acting classes, please. Take who he is now, capture what burns in those eyes, that longing, that doubt, that anger, that regret — and let him feast on a hundred lines of improvized dialogue. Shit, what John Cassavetes could have done with him and Mason Wyler, in a movie together, in B&W, on a boat, set at the first circuit party EVER to take place in a swamp, blunt in hand, minute one of a 96 hour journey . . .

  6. I’m sure this was just all a logistical snag and that the Nissan Sentra was out being fueled and washed for Snookie’s..err I mean Britney Coxx’s departure from the club. :lol:

    Love ya D.

    Yello Howard?

  7. “Stars” taking the bus and haggling over free drink tickets just makes me laugh. Seriously, these guys must be bargain basement price now compared to what one would have paid in the hayday of the 80s and 90s. I read the porno/scort boys in Brazil have tripled and quadrupled their prices from 5-10 years ago thanks to a booming economy down there. Onward to Rio, Diesel! Vai!!!

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