They make photo collages of him, trade fantasies about having sexual intercourse with him, and unanimously rejoice whenever gay-for-pay porn star Cody Cummings responds to one of their tweets. They are “#CodysGirls.”
Porn is fantasy, and there’s hardly anything wrong or abnormal with a porn star having enthusiastic fans on Twitter. (And, who better for straight women to rally around then a notoriously “straight” porn star who encourages their delusions by regularly responding to them on Twitter? And remember, Cody Cummings primarily “performs” in gay porn, meaning there are rarely any other women—i.e., competition—around to get jealous of.) But, the way these women have united around Cody Cummings is unlike anything I’ve seen in porn fan circles. Twihards and Beliebers have nothing on #CodysGirls, so watch out! Try and make fun of them on Twitter (as I have), and they’ll bite back. Or they’ll just block you from following them.
Here are the “best” Cody Cummings-related tweets and conversations from the internet’s most sad phenomenon, #CodysGirls:
What do #CodysGirls really want?
Would you post a self-pic of yourself on the internet so a porn star could see it?
Are “drag queens” a threat to #CodysGirls?
Is Cody Cummings “to pretty” to give or receive anal sex with another man?
Who is Cody Cummings’ #1 girl: JeanneMarie25, CherryGirl_007, or JessSF413?
What does your cum voice sound like?
Have you ever made a photo collage of someone?
Will you #pray for #CodysGirls?
Is it time for everyone to turn off the internet and computer, forever?
So these clueless bitches post shit like ‘glad he’s not doing gays, he’s too pretty’ then get all defensive and up-in-arms when people start making fun (ever heard of it?) of stuff they’ve posted in PUBLIC FORUMS! Tasteless and stupid to boot. Cody’s a hound-faced chump anyway – the braindead skanks can have him.
LoL these womens need mental help and so do you since your crazy ass is sticking up for them?Any person with a brain cell in their head should know better than to spend this much time obsessing over a nut case like Cody the nut job is in need of some professional help! And I hope these women get some soon I see no good fun in idolizing a Cum-rag like Cody the nut job they spend their time and money doing some thing more enlightening because Cody the cum face ain’t it just my opinions?
this video sums up this thread nicely (hopefully Zach will allow the posting).
Awww Shit, the Cody girls have invaded!!!!
Thank Zach for that .. he’s the one who invited us when he stole our tweets so his readers could make fun of us. Apparently that’s how you entertain yourselves.
Haven’t you been around for awhile???? Oh, how i love blanket generalizations!!! Why are you so concerned about people you have never met on the web making fun of you? Huney, if were you I would have kept it moving. Just saying.
Hmm…judging from a quick search through the site, it seems that the one obsessed with Cody is Zach. How many articles do you plan on writing about him, anyway? Any one person who spends that much time digging up shit on a person needs to get a life. These ladies aren’t doing anything to any of you by having a little fun. So, put on your big boy panties and get the fuck over it.
Thank you for being the voice of reason LOL. We are just having some light-hearted fun and minding our own business. I truly don’t understand why Zach takes exception to this by stalking tweets about someone he claims to despise. Nor why so many of these readers berate us for having tastes that don’t match theirs. None of us have tried to shove Cody or anyone else down their throats, so just leave us alone. Is that too much to ask? Also,it was not right for Zach to post someone’s photo on his blog without her permission.
I agree, there was absolutely NO reason whatsoever to put someones photo on here, especially when they STATED in their post that they don’t usually tweet pictures of them self. It just makes him look like an ass. However, this is overlooked because people here would rather rag on Cody, or the ladies who like him. It’s not like this is the first time a group of women has fawned over a man. Why is this so freaking shocking?
Umm..Grow up. You put your pic up on the web on any social media then it’s no longer YOURS. he didn’t break into anyone’s house and steal it. That person put it out there and now it can be used be whoever wants to use it. You don’t want your pic on the web, then don’t post your pics on the web.It’s fair game.
Oh please he and NDS love the free publicity. As long as people are talking about him he is relevant. Once they stop then he’ll be on his way out. Be grateful Zach is extending his online presence a few minutes longer.
I can take ALL of you seriously with a fisting add to the right of this blog.
Yes please continue to discuss us as if you know us personally we don’t mind, we are not bitter.
These women who are obsess with Cody-Cumming are sick and need professional help of all kinds.If there spending a great deal of time on the internet lusting after this guy don’t these foolish women have a life out side of the internet that they can focus on rather than waste it on Cody-cum-face? All the time what is the matter with them? Seek some help for god sake before it to late the way these crazy women talk about Cody the nut job is almost un-believable at time they have a serious problem it’s call insanity! Cody the nut job is not a god but a self serving ass-hole and a antigay leech who is using gay-porn to make money because he knows that str8-porn don’t pay str8-male worth a shit.He would never make the kind of money he is making doing nothing in gay-porn he would make doing str8-porn because the str8-porn industry would never pay a str8-male that kind of money unless he was a str8-female? Nor would the str8-porn industry put up with his Premadonna bull shit? He know that N.D.S. will let him get away with any kind of B.S. that he likes and not make him pay a penality for it the one good thing about it is gay-porn fans don’t have to help put money in his pocket unless their as stupid his Cody-girls fans.Let hope gay men have better sense than that? if not god help us all! I agree with some of the other posters on this blog with all the G4pers in gay-porn why are they so obsess with Cody the nut job and his crazy ass? I guess that will remain a mystery to me as well! And another thing I don’t get is why they are not going gaga for guys in str8-porn like that instead of one fruit loop like Cody in gay-porn and say that this one crazy mix up world we live in amen to that brother.
They are no more pathetic than the guys who continue to lust after that con man. Which is to say that they are totally pathetic.
cliff jensen? yea I don’t lust over him. And Van Damme was average and doable for me, I have no desire to see him out of jail. yet he has a lot of gay support even after the news of his extradition. Those gays still supporting him should be ashamed of himself.
“Oh yes he cld paperbag my head/body and use 5 condoms…” That says it all right there. That is very sad and I am going to have to say Tammy Voice is Cody’s biggest fan. She’s willing to let him treat her like a disease just to get close to him. Although, I don’t think he would mind having sex with her. He didn’t seem to have a problem fucking the skanky drunken whore in a mustang,(she looked like she was going to vomit) that was blogged about here a couple of months ago.
Haters gonna hate ! You are a hater: Shame on you ! Nonsense…No human being deserves such adoration . We criticize your zeal, your obsession. Take a walk, go to a yoga class, meet people, find a man only for you ( even a not handsome one will have a dick )Let C.C., your ghost boyfriend, for the other “girls”…Take a life. You will realise that is much better feel a man inside you in a Sunday morning than make these stupid collages.
Hate blogs are pathetic. Isn’t everyone supposed to be accepted and not judge. Don’t gay people preach this. If you don’t like being judged why are you judging others . The way you are mocking these woman is uncalled for. Shame on you shame on this blog and shame on your hate. You are a horrible man who spreads hate. Cruelty at its worst. Way to go mr take a bow for being a classless asshole.
This is what Zach does with his journalism education .. he should be proud!
It is not the fault of anyone on this blog that codysgirls have awful taste in porn stars. Making fun of your bad decisions is not a hate crime.
Bravo Star !!!
Bravo Star !!!!!!
You pepped us we peeped you and my vagina ran for her life. We see why you are jealous.
Hey you give gay men a bad name. Stop spreading hate and leave these innocent people alone. Jealous is an ugly color. It’s just a bit of banter and fun. Speak words of kindness you Mr are the reason hate continues to exist . Shame on you and shame on all these negative comments
Well said.
Finally, thank you !!!
Thank you Star for our humanity !!!
bitch, please!
Please let #codycumfaces start trending
I don’t get it at all, but I have seen rabid Internet fandoms created from less. Why Cody Cummings, of all people, though?
Hate on haters!
~ TammyVoiced
So the Sword has nothing better to do than stalk the tweets of people who are minding their own business and discussing someone they admire ~ just to creat fodder for their charming readers. Lovely!
Oh Zach, where do these women come from, they just don’t seem real. At least you’ve met some of us normal straight girl fans.
I bet half of them are men pretending to be women just to get a tweet from C.C. That picture that one of them posted looks like a stolen pic. The women in the pic is probably a distant relative. LOL. This is sad indeed. I also have never seen a DVD playing str8 porn in a scene from Corbin Fisher. NDS yes plenty. especially on Trsitan Bull’s site and the Rectus Orgy video. I also am for these women driving there men to porn shoots. I am for women pimping there men out, it’s time for them to stop getting pimped out. LOL.
Fantasies are normal but it isn’t to act like a retarded eleven years old girl. If those stupids are in a huge group they may represent a resurce to be exploit for. Such loyalty, adoration and bigotry seens a kind of masturbation. ” mental masturbation “, ” group masturbation “. They find pleasure and confort in doing, talking, ” loving ” the same as they have the same “taste”. C. C. is their church…
And C. C. has luck becouse there are tons of G4P in gay porn and those dumbs would be in love for others. Maybe C. C. dig a nugget.
* dug *
Unlike gay old men (in their 30s, 40s, 50s) watching gay porn and fantasizing about being in the middle of a sex scene. Seems pretty healthy to me. BTW, you need a refresher course in spelling.
Someone should tell these WOMEN that they past the point where they could be called girls 20 years ago. Jeanne Marie, Cody’s number one delusional fan, is 44. The others that actually posted pictures are all in their late thirties or older.
They are excited because they think he is launching a new studio in 94 days. They think he can make money away from Next Door and he is arrogant enough to believe it himself.
I’m glad you’re around to investigate these things further; I couldn’t make it past the first collage.
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
What’s a cum voice?
Gay men created these sad, pathetic women.
This is like reading about those woman that marry dead-row inmates… beyond understanding.
I am no sexist, but as soon very opiniated women enter gay grounds it’s the end of the gay ol’ times. It happens or happened with gay bars and clubs and it happens with gay porn. Of course there are exceptions like Mr. Pam (who I dare to give credit for great camera work at Lucas Entertainment). Again women are fine as long they don’t expect that everything and everyone gets dropped just because they have entered the room.
I don’t get the attraction, I think his face looks like a rat. And this was long before his PR troubles.
Ugh these women make me ashamed to be the same gender as them -__-
Most straight women are desperate for a man these days..They marry men in prison in hopes for conjugal visits…they drive their mates to porn shots with other men…so this is no surprise!
Well, it statistically understandable why women put up with this, an a lot stupid shit–they are the majority minority.
There are more women than men in the world population; therefore, guys can get away with murder and most women will tolerate it-just so they can be registered as married. Something ingrained in them wants matrimony(most if not all). They want either kids, alimony, or something in between: to justify their existence–and its NOT towards guys who judge single women, its other women who judge single women. Women would probably be able to take over if they wanted to, but they are competitive and sometimes spiteful towards each other that they couldn’t possibly collaborate on stuff. They are more competitive then men. Also, our society places an value on marriage– couples get better salary, benefits, etc. So the reasons to stay single are small in comparison to be married.
There are tons of studies that ask why women marry and date the men they choose, and its an entertaining read sometimes. But the reasons are varied, but a common theme is “why not get married?”–and its this reason why most couples end in divorce, because they treat it as a rite of passage to adulthood or maturity.
Also, the fantasy is better than the reality–in their minds Cody is the perfect man, and doesn’t come of as threatening or douchey. When you mention photo collages–I think of middle school girls who posts pictures or write the name of their favorite crush over and over again, like some mantra or something. Its not like the guy of their crush is the actual fantasy, but the manifestation of it. Cody is the model on the front cover of the romance novel… but the real sexual and romantic fantasy is in print inside the book, the women love the fantasy, but associate it with the packaging on the outside cover. I’m sure if they met him, and his antics and statements they would be grossed out.
“but they are competitive..” My mom said the same exact thing. Women are too busy backstabbing each other to get together and rise up. They all want to be the queen. I feel the same is true for alot of gay men, especially the more feminine ones that had a hard time growing up. They were mistreated by society and felt like an outsider. They pretty much only had themselves to depend on. When they get to be adults, this equates to katty bitchiness and backstabbing. I seriously can’t stand to go a gay club and be around that shit anymore.
i don’t think men who are identifiable as femme or butch, equate to being straight or gay. I’ve met some femme guys who are straight too.
as to the whole bitchiness and cattiness factor…I’m not going to argue against that point on this comment chain, when there is a ton of evidence to the contrary.
come to think if it, if you stop visiting gay bars because of bitchiness or catty gay men, would that follow the web sites and comment boards dedicated solely to them.
Thank you Dr Phil. You should start your own blog and the world could sleep better at night.
well, If I was Dr. Phil, I would just prescribe all women to buy my book of who to lose weight and be fit. lol.
Bitches be crazy , yo!
And I thought Zach was the most disturbing woman on the Internet.
If you want to see really hot Gay, Bi and Gay4pay porn stars on the Internet, check out Corbin Fisher ( Dawson, connor et al are to die for) and Sean Cody ( Pierce, Marshall, Brandon et al are to die for). Oh yes, Gay porn is alive and well.
Corbin Fisher is GAY porn? LMFAO! They can’t even be bothered to edit out the portable DVD players playing pussy porn for Connor, Dawson, et al. They’re just as bad as NDS.
Hey Boo, Letting hater bitches know my pussy is itching. It’s either to dry or two moist. Heading to Wal-Mart in Chattanooga. Takes me three hours r/t. Buying some salve, wish it was CC’s foot. Eye d-spyzz igg’knorr-ants.