Motivational speaker, Huffington Post Gay Voices blogger, self-help guru, and male model Jordan Bach has written an inspiring blog post today asking for gay people to love themselves, love each other, and reject the negative aspects of society that seek to divide our community, and I’m writing a blog post today asking how big his dick is.
How big is Jordan Bach’s dick? It’s impossible to say since there aren’t any Jordan Bach dick pics on the internet and I don’t know anyone who has fucked Jordan Bach. (Have you fucked Jordan Bach? Email me.) I’ve tweeted Jordan Bach from my personal Twitter and the’s Twitter asking how big his dick is, but he blocked both accounts. (Don’t worry though: According to Jordan Bach’s Twitter profile, he won’t hold my curiosity against me, because “Hateful tweeple will be forgiven and blocked.”)
Today Jordan Bach wrote, “My intent has always been to inspire gays to discover the best in themselves,” and my intent is to find out how big his dick is. Can you tell from these pics?
Unfortunately, you can’t really tell.
How big is Jordan Bach’s dick? Scientific research has proven time and time again that you can often tell the size of someone’s dick by the length of their sentences; specifically, the longer someone’s sentence, the longer their dick. Does this sentence from Jordan Bach’s Huffington Post Gay Voices blog post mean that Jordan Bach has a big dick?
I want to start having discussions about personal issues that affect us, like body image, relationships, and life purpose, in a way that is enlightening and uplifting, not sarcastic or overly eroticized.
Can you tell if Jordan Bach has a big fat cock from all of these other sentences he wrote?
Together, we must clarify our intention and affirm that we want love. In all the little ways in which we indulge in gossip, snarky talk, and making jokes about other people, we are beaming a clear intention into the ether, and we mustn’t be shocked when that nastiness comes floating back to us. What are we saying about who we are when we deride each other for our appearance, our social status, our gender expression, or our age? What message are we sending to the young queer children around the world when we wallow in the pain of our past, endlessly judge and blame our enemies, and yet are unwilling to generate peace in our own relationships? That future generation is listening with ready ears and watching with peeled eyes, waiting for us to show them how to be. How vain is it for us to want acceptance from the outside world while we refuse to be willing to extend it to ourselves and to each other?
Can you tell if Jordan Bach has an enormous dick from this self-help video about how to take a shower, in which he shows his (presumably) completely nude body from the shoulders up? Can you imagine Jordan Bach’s outrageously monstrous cock just hanging there down below, completely exposed, dripping wet, and slightly engorged due to the fact that he gives himself a boner whenever he hears himself speak? I can.
Can you tell the truth about how big Jordan Bach’s big dick really is based on this self-help video about coming out of the closet and admitting that you are in love with big dicks?
How big is Jordan Bach’s dick?
I want to touch, hold, and suck Jordan Bach’s big dick. But, how big is it?
Can you tell how big Jordan Bach’s dick is based on his comp card from his modeling agency?
6’1 and a SIZE 13 SHOE??? I think we might be a little closer to knowing how big Jordan Bach’s dick is. Until then…
He started his Blog in response to this type of inane shit within the Gay media.
Who really cares how big his dick is really? It’s going to belong to one or two or three lucky
guys and that’s probably it. Move on I’d suggest.
I love when 6 foot models with six packs talk about how not to be vain and to accept everyone.
Who cares about his dick size? He’s gorgeous no matter what he’s packing.
And another one in this category — that irritating Davey Wavey!
No matter what dick size it is, he is my dream BF right now. Love him!
Man, he is pretty, but boy is he uncharismatic.
I know this queen and he’s as nasty as they come.
But at least he has a big dick.
its amazing to me that all these self help “come out it will be ok” types only tell how great it will be always giving examples how EVERYONE will rush towards you and love you …i guess i’m the only with family and friends NOT like that….how naive are these guys? i sure as hell never had the feeling that my being gay was a “gift”? more like a curse…
wow, that’s a lot of self-hate!
I don’t care for his dick but I hope he has a nice round bubble butt!
You have to wonder how hard it is to be inspiring when you know you’re about the hottest thing in the world and nobody’s going to turn away from you in revulsion, or treat you like you’re not really all that worth listening to. In my observation, some queens will treat as revealed wisdom any quotidean ramblings of threadbare advice, as long as the lips talking it are kiss-/fuckable. The number of people hanging breathlessly onto (for example) Benjamin Godfre’s dreary rubbish and praising his every babble, willingly referring to themselves as his minions (ugh) competing with each other to be the one who most fulsomely praises his airy nothings, is little short of depressing.
so true.
You are so right! There are some in the gay community that seem to be completely unapologetic about their “lust blinders.” No matter how stupid someone sounds, how much of an ass a person is or even how homophobic they are; some gays seem to believe that they can do no wrong…as long as they are hot. I love hot guys, obviously since I spend so much time on gay porn blogs, but not at the expense of my sanity or logic. There are guys I used to get rock hard watching perform that now, I can’t stand to see any scene with them in it because of s something they said.
AMEN to the “lust blinders”….
AMEN!…and lets not forget that alot of people in his aforementioned position also just give advice to lift their own egos up even further (as in “I know and you dont, so let me help you”). Give it a rest Jordana!
OMG that’s what i was thinking. Looks aren’t everything, but isn’t easier to love yourself when you’re visually perfect. Being attractive gives you the confidence to be secure with yourself and easier to love. I mean he may have some solid advise, and i could be judging a book by it’s pretty cover, but i’d rather take advise from someone with a little more understanding of what it means to be an outsider.
what a tool