Don’t F***K With Cats Luka Magnotta Did Gay Porn

While the whole world is gagging over the Netflix series “Don’t F***K With Cats” our reader and friend Chi Chi Larue sent us these images along with a message: “The minute I saw his face on the show I said he’s done gay porn.” A few seconds later with some help from her social media following Chi Chi had the proof.

It’s strange they didn’t even mention it in the documentary.  It turns out you don’t have to look very far to see the proof. The Sword reported about the case at length here, inlcuding his career as a twink porn star. And here he is on

If you’re looking for some psycho fantasy thriller porn, we suggest you click here.

To be honest this whole documentary freaked us the fuck out. What did you think? Sound off in the comments below.



8 thoughts on “Don’t F***K With Cats Luka Magnotta Did Gay Porn”

  1. Why was it necessary to “out” this kid?” He’s not a hypocritical politician. He’s entitled to make a better life for himself and shame on you people!!!!

  2. It is fine line to inform, but not make a sociopath even more infamous. The titillation that the general public gets over “oh he did PORN, and GAY porn at that”, wouldn’t reflect well on the industry nor would it do anything but sensationalize a murderer.

    To complain about it comes across as a little too thirsty.

    1. I don’t think it’s an accusation about gay porn. I think it’s about including all the pertinent facts in a documentary. As long as “society” tries to keep porn a secret (about those who consume it and those in the industry), it will always be looked at negatively, even though most people watch porn of some sort. Those who watch or participate in gay porn are definitely looked down upon more.

  3. This was widely reported in the Canadian media when this all went down, so I’m surprised that it was not mentioned in the documentary. I haven’t seen this documentary yet, but I hope they commemorate his victim Li Jun: he was an international exchange student enjoying independence (including his sexuality) for the first time, when a hook-up went so terribly, terribly wrong…

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