On the bright side, he’s playing a character and none of this is real.
Unfortunately, he’s doing a cover of the worst song of the year. Like I said, don’t watch it.
More of Johnny’s videos here. I love him.
On the bright side, he’s playing a character and none of this is real.
Unfortunately, he’s doing a cover of the worst song of the year. Like I said, don’t watch it.
More of Johnny’s videos here. I love him.
My favorite thing is that he pre-recorded the vocals and then lipsyncs – that is DEDICATION to the craft!
like Chris Crocker, he’s upfront with his effeminacy…something all men dread, but the effect is a collective sigh of relief because of it’s comedic effect (did I make sense?). No, I don’t hate him.
The “phat” is an act? Wow, that’s career dedication. And to think DeNiro won an Oscar for eating himself into “phat” for “Raging Bull” when there’s this guy.
You must understand that when you tell someone NOT to do something, it’s the first thing they want to do. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have so many drug addicts.
Still, kinda clever.
…..is it possible to lose respect for a website for even linking to stupid shit like this?