Tiara Sensation, the DIY drag fest on Mondays, and Pink Slip featuring newcomer host Virginia Suicide taking over T-shack’s old slot on Tuesday nights.
Two of our most respected correspondents attended last week’s Sensation, which featured an elaborate Project Runway-themed gathering called Project Runtway, in which contestants, mostly in teams, spent the hours of 10 to midnight constructing a look that could gracefully transition from day, to evening, to walk of shame. Eight contestants competed for the prize, and they were judged by Runtway veterans Tim Gumm (Mr. David), Michael Coors-Lite (Joshua J), and Fauxnique as celebrity guest judge (“Nina couldn’t be here tonight, but I’d like to remind everyone: Please don’t bore Fauxnique.”). The competition was hosted by resident queen Vivienne (pictured at left with Tim and Michael).
At midnight, the contestants all came down the stairs off the stage, doing a runway turn and trying to follow Vivienne’s instruction on the proper walk-of-shame stumble. The walks were followed by a set of performances, featuring a non-competing opening act known as The Disasters (Katrina, 9/11, and Rwanda, pictured below).
Click thumbnails to enlarge.
There was totally a Santa’s workshop vibe in the backroom, and Suppositori Spelling (center) is seen here working feverishly on her garment out front on the bar.