Dustin Zito Gay Sex Tape Porn Video Real World Fratpad Spencer Big Cock

That title is a collection of words that has brought over 7000 visitors in the past 12 hours to a post from last month. Why now? Because last night, MTV finally got around to revealing Dustin Zito’s gay porn past to his roommates, and to viewers. Apparently, there were still thousands of people who didn’t know Zito did gay porn, and now they’re looking for it! So, if you’re one of the people looking for The Real World’s Dustin Zito’s gay sex tape from Fratpad where he appeared as Spencer and showed his huge cock and had gay sex with other Fratmen, look no further! Here are all the links and images you need.

First things first, you can watch all of Dustin Zito’s gay sex videos in full on Fratmen!

Just click here!

And, if you’re wondering how big Dustin/Spencer’s cock is…

it’s a big one!

[UPDATE: See More Of Spencer’s Cock And Gay Sex Photos: The Top Ten Gay Porn Animated Images Of Dustin Zito Having Gay Sex]

While Dustin Zito did have hardcore gay anal sex and got fucked in the butt by his Fratpad co-star David, that video was a pay-per-view, “streaming only” show that is no longer available. I’m sure it’s out there somewhere on the internet though, so try looking for it!

BUT, his blowjob scene with fellow Fratmen Travis is still on the Fratmen site, so click here to watch it! Here are a couple more pictures:

And here’s the fun video from last night’s The Real World, where the dumb roommates find out about Dustin’s gay porn past. Notice that there’s no mention of it being a GAY porn past. LOL! Just fun! Next week’s episode should be great/terrible/who gives a shit. Click here to see Dustin Zito suck cock on Fratmen!

AND: Here’s another fun video of Dustin Zito/Spencer giving a tour of the Fratpad, where he got fucked by David’s big dick and sucked other guys’ dicks all the time!

Don’t forget, you can see it all (plus plenty of other hung studs who are even hotter than Spencer) on Fratmen.com.

UPDATE: The Top Ten Gay Porn Animated Images Of Dustin Zito Having Gay Sex


36 thoughts on “Dustin Zito Gay Sex Tape Porn Video Real World Fratpad Spencer Big Cock”

  1. Dustin is a cutie!
    He has a pretty cock.
    I get the feeling he never stuck his dick in Heather on RR Vegas. He did look like a front, lots of cuddling making out but no intercourse.
    Saw him suck cock in shower w/ eyes wide open. I didnt get the impression that he was thinking of chicks with his eyes closed.
    Pretty hard to think of chicks with a cock in your mouth.lol
    Saw him do everthing w/ that beautiful brunette guy on that black couch was hotttt!
    Go to pornhub, select gay then type in “dustin zito gets fucked”
    He’s def. Bi at the least.

  2. You guys are super retarded; I’ve watched tons of gay porn and been with a lot of guys. He has a huge cock!

    Keep in mind his height; if a cock looks average and the guy is tall, than his cock there for is big also. He is tall (6’2″ I believe) and his cock looks above average, so he has to be at least 8 inches!

  3. Let me just say Dustin likes men. There is no way around that. U don’t laydown n a bed and jack-off and have sex with other men if there are no feelings of some kind of attraction. I remember Daniel always telling his roommates how much he was far from gay and had no attraction to men…and then the cat was let out of the bag, with the porn sites. Man get over it and just b happy 4 who u are. Gay people are not bad folks. I believe u are afraid of rejection, get over it!!!! Follow ur heart man.

    1. How many chicks have hooked up with other chicks before they married guys? Probably half. Humans are naturally curious about sex in all its forms. Chicks have gotten a pass on this for the past ten years but in the future so too will guys. Nobody goes on a first date and talks about their sex history that would be awkward and wrong on alot of levels. Dustin obviously was super into this chick and treated her great. God people stop the double standards and ignorance.

  4. i really think tht ppl should stop talking shit thts just pathetic he was just eighteen and he had noone and no money ………….and making mistakes is all about being human …and i bet yhu ppl would wait till the secret got out at least he was triyng to figure out out a way to tell the room mates its not easy saying “i did gay porn in my past” cuze ull get judged ….i get were dustins coming from ….ILOVEYHU DUSTIN<3

  5. NO ONE can say what they would do in any circumstance until they are placed in that situation. If you say otherwise, it tells me right away that you’re (1) young, (2) immature; a polite word for stupid, (3) haven’t had enough life experiences to know you never know how you would react in any situation until you’re actually in it. As the old saying goes, “Never say Never.” The only thing you can say is, that you’d like to believe that you would do something differently.

    No one was raised in Spencer’s situtation, even those that were similar. He admitted that “he” didn’t feel he had any other option of how to leave his situtation behind and better himself and “he felt” (not you) this was he way out of a bad situtation, and he took it. Good for him! There are times that life gives you little to no options, and this may have been what “He” thought was his only option. Who are we too judge? I’m sure most of us, if not all of us. have something in our past we’re not proud of and who would want that publically displayed on national television for the whole nation to ridicule? Dustin has acknowledged what he’s done and given his reason. Nows the time to stop judging and start showing some empathy. Cut the guy a break.

  6. Any one saying ‘You don;t know his circumstances at the time’..blah blah.. bull. There are PLENTY of people who have a hard time, down and out or whatever that don’t turn to porn. Esp a type of porn that they are ‘not into’. But regardless of his sexuality, the main thing that bothered me was the ignorant ass comments he was making about homosexuals in the sixth episode. He was saying some shit about you develop a paranoia, they may sniff your underwear and you get worried that they are checking you out. WTF!?! Who cares if someone looks at you? And how the fuck are you going to say some dumb ass shit like that given what you have done?

  7. This may or may not be somewhat off-topic, but it’s an interesting observation nonetheless. After perusing several websites in search of Zito’s infamous gay porn videos, I was feeling nauseous from the mind-numbing illiteracy displayed in every “Comments” section and more than a few main blog entries. Spelling and punctuation is atrocious, and I simply cannot discuss the complete absence of even the most basic grammar skills among the many entries I read. Then I happened upon this website, a friendly refuge for an erudite bisexual-living-as-a-lesbian and her beautiful gay son, where the main entry and nearly HALF of the comments are written in the King’s English, nary a misspelling or grammatical mistake to be found. It adds more evidence [ahem] to my growing suspicion that homosexuals (and their friends) are better read, educated, and quite possibly even more intelligent than their heterosexual-and/or-homophopic counterparts.

    As to the topic itself, I first must say to Asenath: I, too, cannot believe I watch “The Real World.” I [tell myself I] watch vapid shows such as this one in order to allow my weary brain a chance to relax and “shut off” for a bit, and I’m sure this is true for you – nay, for anyone who would choose such an interesting if not somewhat obscure Biblical reference for a screen name or, perhaps, has been given such a lovely moniker at birth – as well. As far as Dustin Zito’s sexuality is concerned, I simply must ask, “Who cares? Why are we spending ANY time at all arguing the point, doubting his claim, scrutinizing all his actions and comments made throughout the previous episodes?” Really, Zito was so young when he did the Fratpad show, so-very-obviously damaged, and for that matter still IS very young and damaged, it’s unlikely HE knows precisely where he falls on the Sexual-Orientation-Spectrum. For it is a spectrum, my friends, not an either/or, one-extreme-or-the-other choice so many people believe it to be. Just ask your local human behaviorist, anthropologist, behavioral scientist, or – lacking such local references – me! I’m always happy to give my over-educated opinion any time, day or night.

    I just came to get a look at the goods. Above average in size, I would certainly concur, and a very beautiful specimen. Hell, the entire package is quite beautiful; I would love to photograph him. In a tasteful, artistic way, of course.

    1. If I were Dustin Zito, I’d be creeped out beyond belief that someone like you, a well-into-middle-age-lesbian-mom-of-adult-gay-son was perusing gay male “twink” porn sites so she could check out my “goods”. Shudder.

      I mean, (leaving the sheer elitist, snobbiness dripping from your comment aside) WHY exactly would YOU get off on sizing up the genital proportions of a young man (a gender you don’t have sex with) and need to search out images of him engaged in sex acts with other young men the same age as your own “beautiful” gay son?

      I believe someone has a few issues she should seek professional help for.

  8. hey if he say hes not gay or bi then i beleive him but if he is who cares he had a hard childhood hard growing up i can relate even thoe im a girl ive done things and put things out there that i regret out of teenage confusion we all make mistakes and there are things we all want to take back so dont judge cause no ones better than any one els and no ones perfect hes just comfterble with his body and his sexuality thats alot of courage and maturity as for the heather situation i have nothing against her i as a girl see where shes coming from she dose deserve to know cause face it there on tv people snoop and find durt and and dramma on all the stars or realtiy show stars it was waiting to happen and she deservred to not look stupid and at least be prepaird for it but i also see were hes coming from he wanted her to get to know him before she knew that so she could see he real him before she could judge him on the past i think he realy cares about her and she dosent know what shes got i think they need to talk it over and try to get past it and work through it togeather-ps heather is one of my favorites in the house and the three girls remind me of me and my friends love them all

  9. hey listen leave Dustin alone if everyone was in his shoes at eighteen i knw any one would have did bad past or no past i with Dustin all the way love u Dustin he not wrong who would be i dnt think u should judge anyone till u get to knw him but then with the gurl case stop being a dumb blonde and use Ur head but that’s me but get over it the gays are way better any way and ima gurl so u let me knw…………………………happy face now say sum tin

  10. I think this shit is getting really dramatic…. Like the kid did it because he had nothing, no family and shit like instead of of like talking shot about the kid try to imagine yourself in his place.

  11. ( Fradpad tour ) Spencer”…. and this is my CLOSET -bigger than some people’s apartments ….” ahh dude said a mouthfull ( o that cums later ….)

  12. Funny, everyone say Porn past but not gay porn past? Hmmmm. Hopefully they see the pictures of him in action.

  13. I don’t think it’s so much about sleeping with a guy. Everyone should try it but then sleeping with Woman as kind’ve acceptable way of hiding that you do like Men too. Guys don’t sleep with other guys for money unless they really like Dick. If you are Bi and like both sexes, fine but tell people.
    This guy is a coward.

  14. I love that you keep making it more GAY and more SALACIOUS – “and, where he got fucked by David’s big dick and sucked other guys’ dicks all the time!” Brilliant!

  15. AGAIN…….. you call that “big?” LMAO
    The video of him showing off the Fratpad was a little too much… He seemed like to total tool…

  16. It seems like Heather is his first real girlfriend but that is fine. I am bothered that he still seems to try to deny it. On his twitter he responded “No” when someone tweeted something along the lines “Wait, what? Dustin Zito had sex with a guy”. Since he more or less just retweets other people and won’t fill in any of the blanks, I am beginning to believe this guy is in big time denial about a lot of things.

    1. I honestly don’t know why heather is really freaking out, Zito & her met & knew each other for acouple months & sense they sleep together she thinks Zito should tell her everything? I mean I would be pissed to, no doubt . But then she pulls a bitch move & plays him. She’ll sleep with him then say that’s it I’m done. I can totally understand why Zito is hooking up with cook. Then heather gets mad cuz he’s with a roomate. SO WHAT! why do u care, your not with him anymore. Then she makes out with/ does whatever with nany then says well you hooked up with boys & so he has every right to say well u hooked up with girls. There both wrong in this situation.

  17. I am not one to speculate about performers’ sexualities – I take people at their word, generally. But the way Dustin rushed in & paired up with Heather seemed a little suspect to me. It seemed a little too ‘convenient’.

    I cannot believe I watch this program.

  18. Maybe I have become terribly blasé after watching so much gay porn but a big cock? Meh. A relatively pretty and above-average cock, yes. A big cock? I wouldn’t say that.

        1. you are right! he is fucking hot! and yes, he got a nice but not a huge cock. i would love to spend some time with him!

      1. Moat porn star cocks are faked. Lexington Steele is claimed to be 12, 13, 14, 15, inches. He is neither. His real size is 9.5. Chris Strokes is claimed to be 12 inches. By casting him with small chicks and using trick camera angles they make it look that way Chris Strokes is actualy an average of 6 inches.

        Something to note. The percentage of men in the world with 8 inch cocks is less than 5% those with 9 inches or more are LESS than 1%. Keep that in mind. Dustin Zito is not average. He is above the average human penis size which is 5-6 inches. Stop being so delluded by porn. It has no reflection on the real world and or the cocks in reality.

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