(See the full cover here.)
First off: In case you hadn’t heard, Joe Biden went on on Ellen and not only said, unequivocally, that if he lived in California he’d be voting no on 8, he also dunked Julia Louis-Dreyfus in a completely surreal moment involving Windows Mobile logos.
Secondly: Colin Powell endorsed Obama, and Obama appears to be leaving the campaign trail for several days to fly to Hawaii to visit his ailing 85-year-old grandmother.
Next: The Advocate–which occasionally does worthwhile things though often does terrible things like this–is profiling this year’s swing states and the LGBT concerns therein. If you have like 3 hours to read it all, we’re sure you’ll feel educated.
And lastly: this dorky video for No on 8, modeled on the Mac commercials.
Obama Dildo Gives New Meaning to Saying “Fuck It” to the Election
Sarah Palin Backs Federal Fag Marriage Ban
Election 2008: Our Endorsements
Joe the Plumber: This Election’s Gay Sex Symbol
Snooze Flash: The Advocate Discovers Gay Men Are Vain, Spend Too Much Money
Obama and McCain Smooch: How Progressive (Queerty)
Watch Joe Biden Dunk Elaine On America’s #1 Married-Lesbian Talk Show (Defamer)