More proof that gay marriage really is a slippery slope. If a man can marry another man, what’s to stop that man from marrying another man who thinks he’s a mermaid? [TLC]
More proof that gay marriage really is a slippery slope. If a man can marry another man, what’s to stop that man from marrying another man who thinks he’s a mermaid? [TLC]
I say if if makes him happy then why not. Everyone has their hobbies. Plus he’s absolutely adorable.
It’s … different. Perfect for the media to exploit in a ‘look, how kooky and crazy people can be!’ kind of way.
Does anyone know the violin music that’s playing?
There’d be a lot more negative comments if he were fat and ugly but he’s cute and fit and his boyfriend is cute and fit, so people are gonna say “whatever makes him happy.” Kinda bullshit. That said, he makes a HOT merman, LOL! On a side note, I do love mermaids, but I always imagined a real mermaid, would be the traditional half human, half fish but instead of one large fin, they’d have two legs with the coloring and scales of a fish, then where’d the feet would be, they’d have two tail fins.
Where’s my fishing pole ? I want to reel him in. Cutie.
Whatever makes him happy its not like he is hurting anyone so if that makes him happy then more power for you go be the best mermaid you can be ;)
I think his partner truly loves him if he’s willing to stick with him despite the mermaid obsession. I think he’s just simply living out a fantasy of being a mythical creature because he has that lake and the material to live it out, and much props to him for being able to hold his breath for four minutes. I do think it’s eccentric and I would never do anything like that, but I have to admit I find this fascinating.