“Diesel… listen buddy, i can careless about your career. I just speak my mind… and listen… your youtube videos… you look like a retard. Sure [thesword] for some reason, wastes everyones time and posts them… doesn’t mean they are any good. Another example is Reese Rideout. KILL ME NOW! AND please trust me every time i have watched them… i have tried to comment, calling you pathetic… some reason [thesword chooses not to post them. I guess out of utter annoyance i can sound pretty racist… hey fuck it, i blame listening to to much Pantera lately…
But if you really wanna throw low blows, bitch i can throw them… lets be serious… who got upset about Asylum? You did,! when i pulled the plug on our scene and refuse to work with you…Sure i bullshited you and said it was falcons move…but seriously, i told them i couldn’t stand to smell you for that long and that your foul stink is the biggest boner killer. Of course i got my way since you were just scene filler… if anything you should thank me since it seemed like you were the bigger headliner in your scene since Ryan Raz was a newbie twink and pretty much couldn’t overshadow you, like i would have. Ryan, poor kid almost started crying to me how much he didnt wanna work with you…anything for a paycheck sometimes.
But diss you to get press? Come on… the ego on you. If anything i’d talk all the shit about how much i can’t stand Brent Corrigan…why you ask… cuz he isn’t a scene filler… at least he has a fan base to piss off… i was actually so embarrassed when i saw this post here…i don’t wanna be associated with you AT ALL. Oh well…my fault.
And the merger with Raging Stallion… lets be serious… that couldn’t sound better for Falcon. Shit their company is something to be envious of… I think getting to work with Chris Ward will be awesome…. anyways… good luck with Xtube
huggs and kisses,
Erik Rhodes”
[Related: Diesel’s Newest Hater: Erik Rhodes!; Diesel’s response]
well diesel can fuck the shit out of me anyday. And if he wasn’t freshly showered, why couldnt Erik just ask him to take one? I don’t know. I’ve never been a fan of Erik’s. But Diesel? DAMN!
@Derek…..shouldn’t Diesel just take a shower and make sure he doesn’t stink before he shows up for a porn shoot? I mean not everyone appreciates the “funk”. Being clean for your partner is just common courtesy.
@ Jimmy, lying to someone simply to avoid a potential problem isn’t the high road, it’s simply avoiding the issue. I’m not sure what the protocol for pornographic films are, but couldn’t Erik have talked to the producers/directors and made Diesel take a shower?
DIesel always loses based on the sheer fact that he is in his 40s but continues to behave like a teenage girl. He’s like old enough to be my dad. If my dad was on the internet talking at the level Diesel does, I’d crack him in his head.
I’m indifferent to Erik but appears that he tried to be nice by lying to Diesel. Sometimes it seems like the best option. Most decent people don’t wanna tell someone they they are not attracted to them and they smell.
team erik!
You queens need to familiar yourselves w/ spell check. I don’t know which is sadder , two has beens posting publicly about shit no one cares about or posters putting their 2 cents in as if they were moderating a Jets/Bears (NO, not those kind of bears! Calm down) game.
I can’t decide which current Diesel feud is more interesting; Diesel vs Erik or Diesel vs Tre “LeHairRemoval” Xavier. But if the issue is as simple as body odor…case closed. But as usual, Diesel was courting drama. I give Erik credit for originally trying to take the high road rather than getting into a confrontation with Diesel. Diesel may think his stench makes him part of the BDSM community but I have never seen him appear in any legit BDSM studio work.
At least the feud with Erik is with a legitimate porn personality as opposed to Tre who is a legitimate nobody (trying desperately to be somebody.)
I read Eriks blog and Tumblr…..that sounds nothing like him. I’m calling BS. “Hugs and Kisses”…. Really?….yeah right LOL
I go with Diseal. I never knew this guys name, Eric Rhodes, until just now. I’ve seen his face in some really cheesy porn, and I always thought he kinda looked like he had down syndrome with an overdoes of too much steroids. I know it sounds mean and all to say that, but it is really true.
“Scene filler”
What’s that? A scene in the video everyone knows the viewer will FF through?
Too many of those in gay porn. There didn’t used to be.
The problem with Diesel Washington is not because he is black, but more-so because Diesel Washington IS Diesel Washington.
He is a fictitious porn character made up by himself to represent one who has a ” self admitted and purposeful bad smell” which others might find repulsive or stank-like.
He embraces drama where other porn STARS embrace performance.
Diesel Washington can publicly embrace his body-stench all he wants – but when that’s all he does, why would anyone else be the least bit interested in filming it – let alone buying it?
Not a hater here, just some who actually still does buy porn for performance over self-delusion.
WHOA ! Those two are going to have quite the ‘grudge f**k’ scene together (once Diesel takes a bath – HA !). Nice way to bring some attention to yourselves first, fellas.
Being a coward when someone confronts you directly about an issue is simply being a pussy, which seems to me to be Diesel’s point. Whomever is more successful or whatever is besides the point. Also, blaming “utter annoyance” for coming off as racist is a lazy attempt to excuse ignorant, childish behavior without apologizing. When straight people use terms like “faggot” or “dyke” for the same reason, the gay community would be quick to scream homophobia. Erik seems like he needs to grow up, mature a little bit, and deal with issues in a direct manner instead of trying to hurt feelings years after the fact. It makes him look bitter and small.
Erik is being unnecessarily cruel as usual.
When Erik Rhodes pulled a gay porn version of All About Eve – Fucking Matthew Rush in Falcon Studios’ Heaven to Hell I knew he was the next big thing, and he was. Erik has proven his staying power in the industry and earned accolades as a director for one of the GIANT TIME HONORED STUDIOS in this business. At times his blogging is a bit over the top … but so is his life – and I like thousands of other readers – am happy to be an onlooker! Diesel Who?
Team Diesel. Erik obviously did this to draw attention to his poorly written whiny tumblr. Sadly Diesel (as usual) fell into it. I’m not the hugest fan of either but I think Diesel is the more talented performer. Love to see him ream hot bottoms (why is gay porn so much tamer than straight porn when it comes to fucking anyway?). Erik used to be a novelty b/c he was huge and young with roided body and could take dick (with the passion of a half-conscious party bottom) but now that he’s basically 30 his type is pretty dime a doze (interestingly Erik is 10 years younger than Diesel but they look the same age. Must be the drugs) Ahyhoo, stop responding to Erik. I’m not sure why he’s decided to make a resurgence at all since he always talks about how porn has ruined his life. Why not just go away and spare us?
Both of Erik and Diesel qualify as “Has Been’s”.
LOL. This is harder than choose team edward or team jacob.
F%ck it. Im going to go team Erik.
Well that was his comeback…
Eric who are you man?? Really I think all the drugs have rot your brain. I came to you like a man about that whole Asylum mess. And NOW you tell me the truth about Why our scene was canceled. Because of my foul smell?? You mean my Diesel Funk? Sorry bro but your a Falcon pretty boy!!! I’m a player in the BDSM community who worship man smells(pit, balls, butt)guys like me are into real man on man action. I’m not a pretty boy type, with styling gel in their hair, and fake tans, juice heads.
So you couldn’t tell the truth to me directly, and had to blame it on Falcon?? Wow you got no balls at all!!!
Eric Rhodes your a Jersey Shore Reject!! Go get a GTL tat on your ass or something!!
“out of utter annoyance i can sound pretty racist” you mean you can sound IGNORANT!!! Because I have no clue Who are you?? Is that the Coke/Tina/GHB talking?? Your a fucking mess!!
And bringing in Chris Ward, Ryan Raz, Brent Corrigan, Resse Rideout!! I mean could you name drop some more please???
Dude in any case!! You said what you had to say……..
I came to you like a man that day and talked to you one on one, you lied right to my face!! You could have stood your ground and told me directly the problem you had with Me. But u decided to blame Falcon!!
Enjoy your time at Raging Stallions bro, I’m no fan of your work!! I used to think you were a cool guy, str8up and direct……
But u just admitted to lieing directly to my face, when I came to you like a man.
Sad!! at least I can sleep at night knowing that I’m real with people, real with my emotions and honest in how I live my life..