In yet another grounded-sounding and heartfelt post–titled “Breathe Me” after the Sia song they used in the final moments of Six Feet Under– Erik talks about wanting to make his relationship work and how he’d rather kill the haters who would like to destroy it rather than kill himself.
Excuse as we sit here, proud and completely choked up, as we listen to our biggest little boy grow up before our eyes.
I cannot honestly say i feel like I’m slipping away anymore. Granted i did at the beginning of this blog, i was watching my relationship slip away, my sobriety, my mind. Now, as much as everything is still not perfect in my life, i feel like I’m not giving up so easy, instead of letting my life slip through my hands, I’m taking it all for what its worth.
He also admits that the final 6-minute montage of “Six Feet Under”–in which Claire drives away and we see flash forwards to the death of every character, and several see glimpses of the loves of their lives in the moment before death–makes him cry and sob like a little girl (us too, girl, us too), and that he just wants his “love of a lifetime.”
I think our work is done here.
Hopefully the likes of Brent Corrigan and Diesel Washington will continue doing and writing crazy shit so that we still have something to cover in 2009.
Merry Xmas to all…
Erik Rhodes In Love!
Rhodes Visits Mental Ward
Roma and mr. Pam Hunt Cock in the Grabby’s Bathroom (NSFW)
B-Roll Brilliance: Erik Rhodes in ‘Afterparty’
Breathe Me (Erik Rhodes’ Blog)
Watch Erik in Falcon’s Afterparty on NakedSword.