Rafael Alencar is either the greatest hooker of all time or the greatest crazy person of all time. Either way, this is the greatest interview of all time.
Via Rentboy—where Rafael is vying for Best Cock at the upcoming Hookies in NYC)—comes an interview wherein Rafael admits to fucking Catholic priests (not really surprising) and fucking entire families (sort of surprising!). Also, he lost his virginity at the age of 10.
Rafael Alencar on why he escorts:
Haha, are you kidding me? If you knew how much fun it is to be an escort you wouldn’t be asking me that! I can’t see myself doing anything else, at least not right now. I, like everyone else in the world, love sex and money so it’s even better if the two come hand in hand!
Rafael Alencar on fucking priests and families:
I’ve fucked many Catholic priests in my life, many husbands have asked me to have sex with their wives, and many wives have asked me to have sex with their husbands, but only once have I ever had sex with the entire family!
I made my way through the mother, father, their daughter, and two sons – first taking their daughter, then the father followed by the mother, their eldest son, until I finally got to the youngest son who was twenty-four years old. There were quite a lot of people to get through, but me and my dick managed to get to each one in a different room so they never saw one another.
When I finished with them all and met them downstairs in the living room, I was paid for my time and we continued on talking about food and movies as if the last few hours didn’t even happen. It was a little distracting since I knew that they were all still lubed up and didn’t bother cleaning up until after I left. Oh, there was one more member of the family – their dog, but I decided to skip this one.
Rafael Alencar on losing his virginity:
I was ten years old when I first stuck my cock up someone’s ass. We were both virgins then and we fucked without a condom and I shot my huge load inside him. We continued to fuck every day for two years, never using a condom because we didn’t even know what those were. Whenever he couldn’t take my relentless pounding anymore, he would ask me to cum deep inside him. We always had sex before going to bed, and his parents never suspected what went on between us because they saw me as his best friend who always came over to play video games and hang out. Even back then my cock was already bigger than guys our age, but he took it like a champ.
Rafael Alencar on why he got ass implants:
Just kidding, he didn’t talk about that.
Okay… sounds completely fake, but okay…
Can you FUCK me please!!!?
I had a half brother. We where 9 and 6 years old when we began sucking each other’s cocks. Boy it was god. We never stopped having oralsex. Even when we where adults we still did had oralsex. I think that I’ve fell in love with him. We never did analsex, non of us would be bottom, so we continued with oralsex.
My half brother and I had this secret forever, with Peter North porn when having sex.. Unfortunately he was killed, hit by a car. I miss him, our special time with sex, kiss and love. I’ll never forget him.
Is it illegal for children to have sex with each other, when they love it, and are half brothers? I don’t know, because children also needs sex. And if children are having sex with each other, and not with adults I don’t see a problem.
And I think that many boy’s are trying sex with each other. And why not…
how may boys fucked u.
Rafael don’t have IMPLANTS, but i believe he got what they call BIOPLASTIA and is very popular in Brazil. Is silicone liquid and don’t leave any scars because is injectable. You can find info in You Tube.
I dont know about the story about the family(which is really hot) but there is a problem with the story about him losing his virginity is i think just a story because he said he was 10 when he did this but in a older interview Here(http://www.papichulosblog.com/papiinmiamifl/2009/09/rafael-alencar.html) he says he lost his V. to his cleaning lady’s daughter when he was 11. So if he will tell a lie or a story about that one then im going with the family thing is in my eye Bullshit
But Both are hot and would make great parts of future porn video
You’re right. Busted.
I want to believe it. The world is a lot more interesting when shit like this exists.
Even more incredible that Florida wasn’t involved. Amazing.
The story doesn’t mention a location. Could have been Florida.
I m looking forward to meet up with Rafael in the month of June at Bhutan
what strikes me the most is that his dick is 3 shades darker than the rest of his body. beautiful dick.
Have you been with many men of color? Our dicks are usually darker than the rest of us.
True dat…my dick is 4 shades darker than my body’s skin tone.
A family prostitute. Is prostitution now being regulated by HMOs? I might be boringly conventional, but a motherfucker to me is an insult, not hot. By making such claims, is this the kind of johns he wants to attract?
I’m not anybody special. I’m not a part of the industry and have no interest in being so. Someone showed me this latest round of the same questions and opinions that Rafael has been getting for years, the same dull replies to the same old stories. You can believe me or not, it doesn’t matter in the least to me, but I thought instead of hearing from people who have never gotten closer to the man than a television screen, it would be a nice change to hear from an actual friend of his with nothing to gain or lose from telling the truth. He knows the truth, that’s what matters and I’m lucky because I know the guy inside the image and I can tell you that as great as he is as a porn star, he’s an even better human being: unfailingly polite, open-minded, welcoming, sweet, friendly and so smart. So, “Nick,” do with the info what you want. Maybe someday you will have the pleasure of meeting Rafael in person and can find out the truth for yourself.
“Patrick” what actually constitute him being a “STAR”..exactly what epic HOLLYWOOD productions has he been in ..and was actually is his talent that catapulted him to “STAR” status like all the others in porn this title is bestowed upon?
Oh it must be all the people he jets around the globe fucking for his lively hood.
I can’t wait for Hollywood to give him an honorary Oscar @ next’s years Academy Award for a body of exquisite work:-)
It’s okay to refer to other adult performers as “porn stars,” but it’s somehow it’s inappropriate here? Rafael’s career has lasted longer than almost anyone in the genre’s history, he’s routinely a part of every list of “the greatest porn performers,” he is never without constant offers from many studios, and having coffee or dinner with him is the most maddening experience because even in Starbucks, every conversation is interrupted over and over by fans coming to say hello.
The definition of a “star” in the context of gay porn is the same as it is in mainstream Hollywood: talented, long-lasting, awards from everywhere, mass popularity and the ability to guarantee an audience. As someone who is posting on a site devoted to gay porn, it’s obviously something you enjoy or enjoy tearing apart but whether you enjoy or enjoy tearing apart the low hanging fruit or that above it, you know full well that not every porn performer is equal. I have no doubt that you would mount a passionate defense of one of your favorites based on just your personal feelings rather than any fact, not hesitating to argue with anyone commenting negatively on your precious favorites. You are obviously delighted with your vituperative personal opinions, or overjoyed that someone paid attention to them enough to challenge you, but I’m not seeing the part where you have located any facts. You don’t have to believe me, I don’t care at all. I was merely sticking up for a friend, but when Rafael saw this, he cut to the heart of the issue as always: “I bet he’s seen every scene of mine, so I should thank him for helping me pay my bills.”
Just one last point: Rafael does not mix travel and escorting. Where would he be escorting in Central Africa or climbing mountains in Nepal, and how many men do you think are taking escorts on trips like those? If you spend all day exerting that much physical energy, having an escort is rather pointless.
I read this entire thing, and at first i was just looking on the site and I happen to enjoy reading most of the comments. I happen to like Rafael Alencar and that may or may not make me biased in this reply but I happen to believe Patrick, yes i have no proof that you are who you say you are but all of the things these people are saying are either outlandish or simply said out of jealousy or spite or some moral higher ground. I know a few doctors and none of them would say this mans ass is fake.. They would tell you it is the product of working out, eating right and his genes. Yes you can get an ass implant but most do after figuring out that they cannot achieve it on their own.
As far as Patrick, i have seen a few interviews with Rafael and he actually appears to be just as he describes him but maybe its my keen intuition that he is right or my need to believe the good in people.
Also, the guy is allowed to get paid to have sex with anyone and suddenly having sex with an entire family for money is wrong… I have never done so for money but i have had sex with siblings ( not together) does that some how make it better or worse.. I mean really you are all looking at porn isn’t that just as bad in the “moral” grand scheme of things.
Also, most of my boyfriends have been Jewish. Two were not circumcised for one reason or another. Simply saying that someone cannot be Jewish based on the cut of their penis is insane people.. It is the same saying “you cannot be Jewish because you are black.”
Yes it does make it worse, that’s incest and its disgusting. Theres a big fucking difference between watching porn and and fucking your brother you creep.
I love Rafi, but this sentence is a total lie: “Rafael’s career has lasted longer than almost anyone in the genre’s history” — are you crazy? There are guys who started at 18 and who are still going in their 50s.
Who are you, his paid publicist?
I am a personal friend of Rafael’s, having nothing to do with his job (not an escort client) and I can clear up a few things for everyone:
1. The ass is real. I’ve even seen x-rays.
2. Everything else is real too. Rafael is the type of person who can look like he spent 4 hours on his pecs at the gym by only being there five minutes. And no, steroids are not part of that fact. Damn good genetics to. Rafael has never had a piece of pizza. Never a hamburger. The man eats such healthy food, I feel guilty ordering dessert when we are eating (I do, he doesn’t).
3. Rafael is Jewish. So am I and I’ve been to synagogue with him, many times. I dare anyone to know the services word for word as well as Rafael. There are a lot of reasons why a Jewish person is not circumcised.
4. There is a reason Rafael’s career has laster longer than virtually anybody else’s–his popularity. I have been all over the world with him and he is recognized in the most unlikely places: the mountain of Central Asia, dim dreary towns in Eastern Europe and Caribbean islands without Internet access.
5. Another reason he’s lasted so long? He doesn’t get upset with the same comments and questions year after year. He’s been getting the butt implant question since the first picture he took and it doesn’t bother him at all. The potential for controversy and these discussions keep him top of mind and as popular as ever.
Alrighty “Patrick”..thanks for clearing that up..we ALL believe you…whoever is behind this rant..LMFAO
Because who among us hasn’t taken X-rays of their asses to show to their friends before?
My friend looked at my colonoscopy results. Actually — no he didn’t! “Patrick” is HILARIOUS. More fan fiction.
So I did a bit of googling on the ass implants question and it pretty much says there’s a chance you may not notice it if you don’t know what you’re looking for. And I do not believe he has butt implants, but I do believe that he has had ass injections. My results show that silicon injections may be a bit more visible, but fat injections to the ass are not. They are both not easily noticeable. Sorry but I can never be convinced that his ass is real because there is plenty of evidence out there that proves otherwise.
you “correct” wikipedia entires don’t you?
I don’t know what he does, but I correct typos. “Entires” should be “entries.”
Yes, there are “a lot of reasons why a Jewish person is not circumcized” and the first of them is: he’s not Jewish!! Please run this past your rabbi.
Sorry, i have to disagree..
Here in East Europe there are A LOT of Jewish that are not circumcised.
So I believe he’s jewish.
The same way that, most of the people in USA are circumcised but are not Jewish.
And honestly, Is he’s Jewish or not…it’s not gonna make him more famous or rich…
So, it’s a not big deal.
Why does religion matter? I’m paying to watch his dick – not to hear his views on religion.
Okay is it me or does this sound a bit bizarre!? Okay so i thought you started producing sperm sperm cells at the ages of 12 or 13 and i thought that he was a GAY full on and just a porn star. i guess being a porn start you don’t make enough money you gotta fuck a butch of random people. Don’t get me wrong he’s still sexy and has bottomed, but this whole article was just random and bizarre. P.S. that is his real ass!
really? u guys think a family getting fucked together is hot? real or not that is fucking disgusting and so wrong. this guy is totally messed up in the head…
Most professional sex workers are messed up. They live hard, and die early.
The family story was deliciously perverse, but it’s probably bullshit. Hot tho.
I believe the family thing because people are truly freaky. What surprises me is that they didn’t do it in one group orgy because it happens.
It would have been much hotter if he fucked the grandparents and great grandparents too.
You’re joking but it really does happen and if you don’t know anybody that’s experienced it, count yourself among the lucky ones.
Were the “family” members named Mama June, Sugar Bear, and Uncle Poodle?
LOL! you didn’t.
He couldnt at least make the lies somewhat believable??
Not buying ANY of the stories,
What a fucking liar. Shooting loads at age ten? Uh huh sure buddy.
I got the impression that you can shoot a “load” at a very young age, but it is not exactly developed sperm that can be used to reproduce. I do remember playing with myself at a very young age (like 8 or 9) and having a sensation that resembled climaxing.
I shot my first load when I was 11. It was clear though, there was no sperm.
Rubbing against your mattress and dripping seminal fluid is not cumming. He made up that story too. He said he would shoot inside the guy every night. Really? You never slept at home? And if you were fucking that hard someone would have heard it. I think this is probably an abuse story with him as the victim. Porn stars are very tragic.
I’m a escort from East Europe.
It’s funny how americans think that escort create stories…
What this guy said about family and cum very young, it’s something normal here.
I did fuck many times several couples in my life (sometimes including their son)
What’s so not true about this?
I believe in him and I believe if this simple story scare so much the readers:
him and many other escorts would never go beyond this in an interview.
Ohh, if these readers at least knew what an escort is willing to do for money….
ohhh, if they at least knew how crazy are the clients…
They would believe it…right away
Congratulations in your fame and money !
Abel Ljoka
That sounds like a pitch for a buy-sexual masterpiece.
This blog should have a permanent “FICTION” section.
This story would be #1 for all time :-)
If he’s telling true or not about anything here,
Now, I have to say: He ‘s good , hot and successful.
He makes us spend a lot of time here reading and writing about him.
Analyzing each word that he says.,…
And he doesn’t even know us , lol……
Perfect !
Keep the good work and success Rafael .
Yeah, I’m not buying it. The priest thing, sure. The other? Horseshit.
full of shit.
Is this the same wingnut who has a foreskin down to his knees and thinks he’s Jewish??
no, that would be duck-lipped michael lucas; defender of all things racist, fascist & zionist.
Wow – the part about fucking the entire family got me super hard… at work and now I can’t get up from my desk.
The family thing is disgusting. Shameful, really. I don’t know how anyone could find that arousing or funny. Yuck.
I already liked him but he just became soooo much more epic from that family thing
The family thing is so surreal with them knowing that they all got plowed by the same guy. I wish there were more of these crazy escort tales out there. I remember the crazy tale of Erik Rhodes getting gangbaged for money by several black guys for a whole night and then he walked back home with a hole swollen shut and lots of cash in his pocket.
I remember reading that story. It may be in bad taste to say, but I still find that story a bit of a turn on. A shame he never starred in a movie like black balled so we can see a visual idea of what that night could have gone like.
I so want the “paid to fuck entire family” to be true. It’s so deranged, disgusting and hot!!!
Yes this!!!
So he’s bisexual?
Now we know who does escort for Pope!
he’s gonna have a bu$y month this month!!
He has ass implants! Why do you think he doesn’t bottom? Would be so embarassing to see them explode during sex!
So everyone with a big butt has ass implants, right? Where’s the evidence?
Open up your fucking eyes. A blind person could tell he has ass implants.
Everyone whose physiology is different from yours must be fake, right? Anyone with a big dick has had some kind of surgical enhancement, anyone with a huge chest must have implants and everyone over 40 without wrinkled skin has had a face lift. Please. I’ve watched Rafael Alencar’s video from early on and he has always had the kind of butt he has. And it’s not that big at all. You’re probably one of the people who said Beyonce had huge thighs at the Superbowl. SMH.
lol didnt read
Well you’re right about one thing Rafael certainly hasn’t had work done on his face! lol
I feel pity for you that you want to believe so badly that he has never had work on his ass that you have to come on here and keep defending me. You really sound like you’re trying trying hard to convince yourself more rather than creating argument that his ass has never changed.
Like I said before you clearly see that Rafael’s ass was smaller in Kristen Bjorn’s Parashooters and Men Amongst The Ruins. His dick wasn’t as fat either. And I would give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that yes maybe he did work on his ass a bit to get it that fat, but his legs are just as underdeveloped then as they are now.
I’m not as big a fan of his as I once was anymore, but I have to admit he is still a good top. I just can’t get passed how artificial his body looks, mainly his ass and dick. Something is a bit off with his chest, but I’ve seen videos of him working out so yea that definitely looks like he’s put a lot of effort into them.
I’m from Germany and my friend work in a website featuring a lot of porn stars. He said that Rafael Alencar is the actor that gets more reviews (some bad and some good) either people who loves him or who hates him. We all spend hours in the Internet talking about him (how good or how bad he is) because of that he is the one who sells the most. All the other porn stars are less noticiable (with less bad/good reviews) they all sell far way less than Rafael Alencar.
And like every one else here, I spend my time writing about him in this website.
I actually admire him.
Are you so stupid to think that these butts are natural? It is OBVIOUS that you see implants- no white guy has such an ass because it is impossible.
Is it me, or is he insanely hot?
Yes. Insane and hot.
It’s just you.
Hahaha. Kidding; but I guess everything’s subjective. He does nothing for me for some reason…
I used to think the same, but the ass is too weird now. Too much silicone. Oh and Mr. Alencar, great job promoting Brazil as a sex hole.