1. He’s Deshabille Chic
The 21-year-old way-too-skinny Parisian is sexy in a way we’d never
see on American TV. The moppy, messy hair, the smirk, the lack of eye-contact … and we get stuck with The Gayken? Seriously, WTF.
2. He’s Louche and Loving It
This self-made video a shirtless Benjamin made of himself lip-syncing (and smoking a self-rolled “cigarette”). Originally uploaded to
DailyMotion (France’s YouTube), it would have done just as well on
3. He Doesn’t Sing Celine!
Part of his charm was listening to his fucked-up English when he sang
songs by Prince, Gnarles Barkley, Fiest, and Justice. On the US
version of American Idol we’re stuck with endless interpretations of
Mariah Carey and Elton John. It’s just not fair.
4. He Doesn’t Care Who Understands Him
You don’t have to speak French to see how marble-mouthed he is in this
interview he did for a bit-part he played in a teenage movie called
“15 Ans Et Demi.” They even had to ad subtitles … in French.
5. He Looks Like A Porn Star
The Iranian Madonna, and Six Other Pretenders to the Throne of Madge