The idea isn’t a new one to the States either, with the New York Times piece this past fall and developers already clambering to build retirement “resorts” for “Stonewall seniors” in Santa Fe, Boston, and the Bay Area. But so far LGBT-specific nursing facilities are still only in the development and construction phase–two $20+ million dollar facilities in New York and Los Angeles are currently vying for the title of first in the nation. The Mattachine Society didn’t represent a huge demographic after all (the oldest out-loud-and-proud-that-proud founders are just now kicking the bucket) and it seems as though, due to some virus or other, a lot of Boomer-aged gays didn’t make it to their twilight years.
The good news is, whether you decide to get gay married or not, you can rest assured there’ll be a happy hour to cruise in the rec room of your choice and you won’t have to worry about getting gay-bashed while you’re sitting there pissing yourself in your wheelchair. The bad news: It’s going to be even harder the next morning to remember the name of the cum dumpster in bed next to you.
Home Opens for Grey and Gay (The Age)
Equality California Tries to Shotgun Wedding Rights (The Sword)
Aging and Gay, and Facing Prejudice in Twilight (New York Times)
Gay Nursing Home Set to Open in LA (Fox News)
Early Gay Activist Kenneth H. Burns Dies (365gay)