Talent agent and male madam David Forest just sent me some new photos of Zeb Atlas and Brent Corrigan’s appearance at last week’s “Cocktails With The Stars” event at Micky’s in West Hollywood! But at the same time, David Forest is NOT happy with my coverage of Zeb Atlas and Brent Corrigan’s appearance at last week’s “Cocktails With The Stars” event at Micky’s in West Hollywood, because I re-printed his press release! Here’s why David Forest is mad.
Email #1:
Your post about our great Cocktails night is just turning into a piss fest. My statement about “Brent whispering to Scotty” was NOT meant to be reposted like you’ve done. It was just a tongue and cheek comment… You’ve turned it into a headline that surely Brent doesn’t need. My fault for ever mentioning it.
Email #2:
If my “report” about Cocktails 8/8 said that Brent whispered something to Scotty B … why would you SHOUT OUT a statement that I never made? I didn’t announce anything. Read what I sent you. You try to entice people into being hateful and rude. Your current posting is NOT accurate. Please remove it and only repost the truth.
OK, David! Consider it done.
Email #3:
Rather than pick out something that YOU felt wasn’t kosher and NOT becoming for Brent’s image … why not focus on the great night that I put together … which is what folks enjoy. Your story about what I whispered to Scotty B was typical of your way of re-arranging facts to create controversy. Positive, complimentary reporting just isn’t part of your agenda, unfortunately.
Is David Forest right? Has The Sword finally gone too far? Should I not re-arrange facts by reprinting, word for word, the press releases I receive? What should I focus on in future blog posts? What do folks really enjoy, in a blog post? Should I just stop blogging, forever?
You love to add fuel to a fire.
You really have nothing to add to the gay adult world. You are just a nasty, overly critical writer that feasts on creating drama. I’m surprised that you continue to do these type of stories. You created a place where haters could post crap about ME and ZEB … and your snide “who is Rocky Houston” was done to question why he got on such a major event. Rocky happens to be a total crowd favorite. Micky’s had been trying to get him back for a few years … after his fabulous appearance with ZEB and CAESAR a few years ago (that I also arranged).
Here are some great pics you can use … if you’re not going to delete the whole thing.
Thanks, David!
I am not happy with the negativity and judgements on this page. On that note I personally hope this leads to a porn of zeb leading a gangbang on Brent ending up with a dick in brents mouth, two in his ass, and holding onto zeb’s pecs for dear life as they fuck his brains out. They are porn stars shut up, create a fantasy, discharge a load, and let them do their job in peace, people.
I hope that Cash Hunter finds his cash… hope that for legit reasons not just a momentary cash flow shortage between escorting and gay porn gigs.
Translation: the most expensive and desperate male prostitutes use Forest as their middle man and pimp.
What a dip shit. LOL!
The best names of all time and highest paid all trust Forest, anyone who picks on him is showing how completely ignorant they are.
Why is Corrigan associating with this idiot? Another smart business decision there Brent.
Yeah… you should stop blogging. All you do is make up fake shit and piss people off. I thought this was a blog, not a daytime TV drama?
Why is this news?
Who is Zeb Atlas? BTW this was a Rocky & Brett show
Who is Chuck Norris?
I think your reporting was fine Zach. It’s your blog and you report the way you see things.
As for Mr. Forest, I would say that “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”
Ahh… someone just emailed me and there is actually a name for the condition: It is called “HGH gut” or “Roid gut” and seem to be an irreversible side effect of continued use of Human Growth Hormone and Steroids. Now that I recall… Eric Rhodes looked similar in some shots. Now I understand…. :(
I just said that.
Ten minutes before.
I love how David sends email after email fully expecting them not to be quoted.
BTW, seriously who is Rocky Houston?
I think he drowned in a bathtub recently …..
I did
Is the steroids or something but Zeb Atlas belly is looking very strange… and not in a sexy way… I guess that the body at some point begins to break down from the abuse… enjoy the last 15 minutes of fame Mr. Atlas while they last.
HGH will do that to ya.
So Brent Corrigan/Sean Paul Lockhart must be having a bad week or so:
1) His new movie Truth is in a fundraising drive & it’s slow going (help the kid out)
2) A whisper is made about his Meet the Stars availability (we all know Madame Forest’s reputation)
3) The Sean-Paul-Lockhart.com website is infected with malware according to a few of his twitfucks (validated)
4) Paypal has frozen a large sum of money due to Brent (timing?) & won’t release it until they can verify it’s not related to adult entertainment (according to Brent Corrigan Facebook page)
No wonder Madame Forest chastised Zach…
Only ones in the photos I recognize are Brent and unfortunately Zeb.
Those pix of zeb just keep getting worse by the shot. YUCK!
David Forest lives to be hurt and talked about.
It was said to Me so only fitting to repeat it…
Had to dot that i and cross that t
Diesel: You can dot all my (i)’s and cross all my (t)’s anytime you want!!!
Lol..Luv it Zack…keep that Wilder Beast heated :-)
“You love to add fuel to a fire.
You really have nothing to add to the gay adult world. You are just a nasty, overly critical writer that feasts on creating drama. NOW PLEASE PROMOTE ME AND MY PICTURES AND OH GOD I NEED THE ATTENTION.”