Joseph Sciambra. He’s famous now, thanks to outraged (and lazy) gay bloggers who have made his videos about Satan, demons, and anal sex go viral over the past few days. The videos sound a lot more exciting than they are. If you can get through the one above, you’ve got more patience than me. Sciambra is a much better writer than he is viral video personality. Example:
I just heard Carly Rae Jepsen’s song “Call Me Maybe” on the radio. At first, I thought it was an innocuous and snappy little pop song, but then the lyrics of the chorus section revealed it’s true nature. She sings: “Hey, I just met you, And this is crazy, But here’s my number, So call me, maybe?” First of all, it is never a good idea to give a man you just met your phone number. But her voice sounds so sweet, she makes it all seem so innocent and harmless. But this song is in line with a disturbing trend in pop-music ushered in my Kesha’s “Tick-Tok,” Rihanna’s disgusting “S&M” and the loathsome Katy Perry’s “Waking Up in Vegas” and “Last Friday Night.” These songs celebrate a sort of new young woman: who doesn’t fear getting drunk around men, loosing control, or being sexually promiscuous. It’s the end result of the failed sexual revolution: sleeping around with no consequences and no responsibilities. This careless attitude, if taken seriously by the young and impressionable, sets women up for violence and abuse. It takes women off guard. They end up doing idiotic things like leaving a night-club with a man they hardly know. And for this reason, Jepsen’s music is all the more dangerous. For, it starts with the basic fundamentals of dating rules and survival techniques. Women and particularly girls then acquire a false sense of security. This is sugary teen-pop barely concealing a deadly message.
Hilarious! Here’s his blog, which is great. I’m pretty sure he’s an actor/comedian and is trolling everyone, which makes watching Huff Po, Gawker, Queerty, and Towleroad freak out over him even better. Either way, this is what happens during a slow news week. Sorry.
It’s future Colby Keller! After the treasure island nonsense, he needs something other than condoms to be annoying about… Milking is bad, m’kay?
I think it is Jason Andrews:
That isn’t him. He was in some BDSM videos. I’ve seen him online ages ago. I think a masturbated to him. I wonder if there is a way I can take my masturbation back?
I think it is Dallas Taylor
I think he is Dallas Taylor too. There are other photos where the resemblance is remarcable. There are lots of pics and videos with him, even today, in Internet. He had a long and prolific carrier in porn.
* career *
You guys are not even trying! IT ISN’T HIM! That models eyes are blue, and his is not.
He is a brown eyed ginger/blond. Late nineties, BDSM porn. Bottom. Look over your collections more.
You shouldn’t tease the poor guy! Can’t you see he fell on his head really hard ? That’s why his ideas are are so confusing, LOL…
If somebody on THIS Blog can’t ID Sciambra and his demonic hell-butt from old porn, then nobody can! Perhaps his porn career was an ‘authentic’ religious vision revealed only unto him…or maybe a temporal lobe epilepsy attack? Either way, I think Sciambra ‘believes’ he was in porn…and devil-demons fly out of homo butts…and the earth is 5000 years old. Duh.
He says he won’t share his porn name because the porn was forgettable and is out of print. One thing I can tell you for sure though, if it really exists, it’s going to be found and blasted all over the net in short order.
I made to about 60 seconds then gave up. Why are ex-gays so committed to the cray cray?
Because without the crazy they’d have to admit the whole ‘ex-gay’ thing is a sham.
I always wonder why Jesus Christ would “save” the likes of him. It seems like an utter waste of time and resources. And then I realized, maybe this is Jesus’ way of saving the porn stars Sciambra would have worked with in the future.
The lord works in mysterious ways.
Do people believe that exist such a thing called ” ex-gay “? So they have to admit that there are people who are ” ex-straight “.
He seems to be one of many that had sex with men and did porn – till the point to burst his ass and need a surgery – and bacame penitent but unlike others he put all the guilt in other things to not assume responsibility for what he did ( He uses religion to not be blamed for what he freely decided to do. What a ignorant bigot! ) For many reasons I think porn isn’t a sane activity but play the naïve victim after has been in porn for so many years, as he told us, sounds quite ridiculous.
Probably a porn watcher, but not a “pornstar”. Anything is possible, but he seems less than legit. Might work in a porn store, someplace. Could be a gag.
Checked out his blog his “story” is total bollocks! He did bdsm apparently then next minute he’s in the emergency room coughing up blood, why? Because satan has come for him :o I went to comment but there’s no point reasoning with the insane, I wish I could say this is trolling, but his blog has too many hate filled posts to be a goof to me :s sad
his priest forgot to tell him how faggy argyle is…
He looks really familiar to me. Did he work for Bacchus in some interracial porn? I don’t think he’s trolling at all. I think he’s legit, thus, making this legitimately sad.
LOL. I almost gave up trying to remember who could it be.
Is there anywhere that mentions what his porn name was exactly? I can’t imagine this guy ever being masturbation material.